Read Angela's story about the big juicy Football player and the effeminate boy. Gosh, I hope they get themselves sorted.
Somehow the story hooked me into one of those teary mindsets, you know, the ones you could break out of if you wanted to. It's only about 1:30 AM here and I think I just want to wallow in my misery for a while. Yeah, just be a sloppy, weepy, pathetic old tranny that most just wish you would just shut up or die.
So here I sit here listening to ELO, and reading "The Princess Trap", drinking weak beer and wishing that someone would break in and hold me until I run out of tears. Many of us share the same or similar pain, so I'm not unique. You know the one where you always wanted to be a girl, and then one day they caught you, and despite the fact that the family were straight up Jesus freaks and promised to love one another, you were deemed bound for Hell. All those who were supposed to help you just stood around like killers at a slaughterhouse, you know the ones.
I fear the Mental Health freaks the most. They unlawfully kidnapped me and confined me illegally, and shot me full of mind altering drugs, and looking back I wish they'd killed me, but dammit they didn't. Looking back, I wish they'd just shot me. All I needed was someone to hold me until my tears dried. All the churchy folk did was condemn me to hell.
It's been a calm Christmas and New Year Season. A friend had me over for Christmas Brunch. My own absent family at least didn't hatefully text me like last year.
I'm sorry, I know that there are others here who are just as shattered, or more than I am. Thanks for letting me piteously whine. No suicide or other attention grabbing acting out. Promise. No one is going to show up and crush me in an embrace. Cathy, please don't be pissed off that I didn't wake you at 5:00 AM.
Guess I'll finish my beer, eat some crackers and read my book until it is too late for it to make sense to go to bed after I shut all the electronics down.
Bless you all.
Gwen Brown
Couple of stories that may help
Know you are down and out on the "jesus freaks" and the mental health wackos. So straight up, hon, I am one of those you could possibly think of as a freak. I am also one of you. I'm also one of those with a whole lot of those funny letters before and after the name if I wished to be open and obnoxious. But hell, let's be truthful here, who cares! Right?
Let's dig in. Stay with me, Sweety. Holidays, birthdays, and special rememberence of those good things is a bitch for those like us. I like to think all of us are God's special children. I mean, look at us, we are less than one percent of the population. Who else did He give a double dose of boy-girl to? Because of that special gift we are as a general rule smarter than them "common people". Both sides of our mind is running full time in overdrive. The guys have half a brain running the ship. Girls have the opposite side giving life guidance. Means we're gifted. Right? CRAP! It means we over think everything and our emotions are in a constant state of tipping the edge.
We need emotional comfort and nurturing data and the world hands us Hell in a wheelbarrow. The boy-girl gets caught up in a meat grinder by society when it is the very last thing they need.
I'm going to call it here as there is truly no stopping point and never will be until that final breath for this mortal body. Believe me when I tell you, I love you and all the others who have been caught up in the gender blender. God isn't the only one who thinks you're special.
Jennifer Sue is one of those special writers who has no problem of inserting God and Faith into her stories even though it is taboo for most writers. I would like for you to let the world take a hike while you indulge yourself in a few of her stories.
Hugs Doll, hang tuff
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl