Somehow it's already May, the year is flashing by!
I must once again apologise for not posting the start of Book 19, i've either not had the file or not had internet access. I thought i'd have the latter today but instead I ended up on a family outing and ended up at the Great Central Railway instead of a computer. It was an okay day I guess - except for dropping my camera and damaging it - a bit of brute force has got it working again thankfully, the thought of being without a camera doesn't compute even!
So where does that leave posting? Well I have the file on a pen drive ready to upload, chapter one will most definately go up on Wednesday!
In other news:-
Well my trip to Germany was most enjoyable, I sampled the new season Spargel, currywurst, Grustwurst and a pizza or two! I added a couple of windmills to the collection and spent best part of Tuesday in the Deutche Technical Museum. All my transport links were at least on time, the flight back to the UK was even 30 minutes early landing! I'l try to remember to post some pics on Wednesday.
Of course since I got back the weather has been quite horrid until this afternoon when the sunshine has appeared.
It might be a UK Bank Holiday tomorrow but being self employed it's no holiday for me, i'll be bent over the keyboard pounding out the new Gaby, hopefully you'll see the fruits of my endeavours before the end of the month.
So that's it for today, I haven't disappeared, never fear, more Gabyis on its way.
Deutsche Technical Museum
Hi that the Technical Museum in Munchen? I spent literally three days there in the 80's..the best museum I have ever visited..even better than the Manchester Science Museum.. OK so no tour of the drains but it was brilliant.. The only thing that drew me away was the prospect of a tour down the Romantishe Strasse...Augsburg Wurzburg..Rothemburg and my absolute favourite Dinklesbuhl...aah I must go back some day..
Hope to see more of Gaby soon
Lucy. Xxxx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
Not the one in Munchen - i've so far failed to visit that on my several visits to the city. No this one is in central Berlin. Of course I have been to the twin technical museums at Speyer and Sinsheim - two full days with a days rest/travel between on my German Wheels tour - I visited Porsche, Museum, Audi, the 2 wheel museum, the DB museum in Nurnberg, the Maybach collection, Zeppelin Museum near Frankfurt and a couple of model railways besides on that trip! Some places on that trip have already appeared in Gaby, others may occur in the future.
As for the Romantische Strasse, I cycled the full length in 2004 and have revisited various bits since - I was in Rothenburg and Dinkelsbuhl last September for example and Nordlingen in October. There truly are some delightful places down the route, I couldn't possibly pick one out over the others, their charms are so individual. One day I might ride it all again, perhaps with the GC.
Thanks for following my tales
Madeline Anafrid Bell
After the last chapter
I think the cliff is starting to crumble beneath me.