here is a little writing prompt: Two police entered the bus station. One seemed too young, an impression mostly given by the fact his uniform is too large for him. The other had grey hair and wrinkles, but carried himself with confidence and strength. The younger officer opens a locker, and strains to pull out a duffel bag. The older officer unzips the bag, revealing it is stuffed with cash. The younger man swallows, and says, "We're gonna get killed for this, arent we?" The older man replies, "Probably."
The Aesop or moral of the story might be, "Don't confuse temptation with opportunity."
-- Daphne Xu
Sounds like....
Sounds like....
the start of a plot of a Hollywood buddy comedy...
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
I may need that for Nanowrimo :P
Love the thought of where this could go. I've been bouncing ideas around for Nanowrimo... I may borrow this :D