Here is a little writing prompt for anybody who wants it:
I walked up to the door, and knocked. A young man answered, and he asked, "Can I help you."
I replied "I'm here to kill you."
There was a pause, and then the young man opened the door, saying "Well, you better come in, then."
There you go, folks, have fun!
Here is a little writing
Here is a little writing prompt for anybody who wants it:
I walked up to the door, and knocked. A young man answered, and he asked, "Can I help you."
I replied "I'm here to kill you."
There was a pause, and then the young man opened the door, saying "Well, you better come in, then."
"I'm from MI5's relocation department. We need to make a mess of your house. Make it look like a struggle has taken place. I'm afraid I will need some of your blood. We have to make it look convincing."
"Why would they think I'm dead?"
"When we are ready I will fire three shots. Within minutes a police car and an ambulance will arrive. They will remove two bodies that will be recorded as D.O.A. "
"When we are sure the ambulance is not being followed they will drop us off and I will take you to your new flat and your new life."
"So you want me to get disguised now."
"Yes, do you want to be a blond or a redhead?"
"What! I'm not going to be disuised as a woman."
"Yes you are. Didn't anyone explain how good these Russian agents are? Most of the time we disguise double agents as men they are found and killed within a few years. That's why we started disguising them a woman. Not had one fatality since."
"How long do you expect me to live as a woman?"
"That depends. How long do you want to live?"
The young man stared into the open case. He took in the two lifelike wigs. He saw the skirt, blouse and heeled shoes. He also saw what looked like a girdle or a corset. The the women pulled out a pair of dark blue knickers and a bra.
"Right. Let's get started then Susan."
The young man realised his life was about to change in ways he would never had dreamed of. He put his hands over his face.
"Oh, my god I don't believe I have to do this."
"Sorry, but it's the only way."
If she could see his face under his hands she would have seen his broad smile. One of the reasons he had became an agent was the hope he could disguise himself as a woman to spy on someone. He had never had the opportunity in his short career. Now it was going to be 24/7. This was a dream come true.
that's fantastic !
love it!
I seem to be in an optimistic
I seem to be in an optimistic phase with my stories now. Got all the femdom stuff out of my system. The recent sissy stuff didn't go down to well here, but I struggle to write it. I did it as request form someone on another site.
That one come to me within seconds of reading the intro. God knows how Mary Ann Peters writes hundreds? I go for weeks without an idea.
Too late!
Robert Heinlein, science fiction author, (Starship Troopers, etc.) wrote many short stories.
The central character in one 'short' invented a machine that accurately predicted the date and time of a person's death. Of course, he badly damaged the life insurance industry, and made a lot of enemies. He also found no one could be 'saved' from their predicted time of death.
One night, he had a totally excellent meal with a very good wine. As he finished, some men came to his door ...
Prompts are everywhere and anything.
One poor Lady was completely 'stalled' until, perhaps in desperation, the 'Writing Leader' said:
"OK, write about the brick in the upper south-east corner of a building in our town's business district." Pages and pages and pages later ...
I forget how we started, but my Mom and I spent many minutes interviewing me in my pretend role of Janitor/Custodian of the Lyric Opera Company of Chicago. Only bit I remember is complaining about how hard it was to get fake blood out of the costumes ...
That's nothing compared to
clearing out all the left-over notes littering the stage after a performance. Especially the high ones can be very difficult to get rid of.
Scissors Lift
Don't you just use a scissor's lift to get up there?
Michelle B