Writing prompt: A small child somehow ends up in the Greek Underworld, sees Cerberus, cries, "Puppy!" and cuddles the creature.
What does Hades do when he sees this?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Writing prompt: A small child somehow ends up in the Greek Underworld, sees Cerberus, cries, "Puppy!" and cuddles the creature.
What does Hades do when he sees this?
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James Woods...
...Tries running when he hears the word "DOLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" From the ancient titan child bigger than the known world.
Blog posts here are very often ...
... >reading< prompts. "Read my story." "Listen to this music." "Read this great story." "Read this great/scary/anger-making news story."
So I did a small amount of reading (thank you , Wikipedia) on Hades and Cerberus.
What a mess! One head, three, 50, 100. Dog heads, but sometimes snakes. Snakes on "Puppy's" back, or all over, or none.... The maps of the Greek Hell are well, all over the map. Oh, and "side doors" into the afterlife. Charon taking (or not) souls across this river or that river, no wait, it's a lake ...
I missed taking the Mythology courses in high school, but I did see a lot of Edith Hamilton books in the lunchroom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Hamilton.
Maybe the mythology would make more "sense" if every "Account Of The Gods, Their Places and Doings" was prefixed with:
"Hey, gang, grab another cup of wine, settle in around the fire, and listen to this cute bit of nonsense I just made up about the God/desses and their doings. And if you are drunk or dumb enough to believe me, then I have this empty wineskin full of ambrosia to sell you."
Using our terms: "This is fan-fiction, not canon."
But I should not poke fun ... In my own mythology(Buddhism), variations of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avalokite%C5%9Bvara show him/her with 2, many, up to 1,000 arms, sometimes shown with an eye and a tool in each hand, to see and fix the problems of our World.
the myths were not at all static
there was no "cannon" - except maybe "Zeus bangs a mortal chick, who has a kid, and hijinks ensue"
lets see
Sense I see Hades as 1 of the less ass hole like Greek Gods as he only punishes the wicked I think he would either adopt or try to send the kid home and if the parents abused or abandoned the kid I see Hades adopting or trying to find good mortal adoptive parents and then spending the rest of the parents life thing of some sort of really cruel punishment for said parents