Is anyone else seeing visited links intermittently showing properly or not when opening a new webpage on the site? I don't know whether it is my Safari browser or the site that is causing this issue.
I've lost track of another story I wanted to reread too. As I recall the protagonists are long time friends (male and female) that are out of college. He wants a romantic relationship with her and so does she, but she is a lesbian. She is also a brilliant scientist that works on computer VR and medicine that has implications for mind control and changing a person's sex.
The two decide that changing his sex to a female would allow them to have a closer relationship. This is complicated by the government trying to acquire her technology and using her own mind control work to bind them. They have to keep their relationship separate for a time and she goes deep underground to a secret hideout to finish her work. Toward the end of the story it is a race to complete his transformation and escape the government. I believe there were aliens involved in the final escape from evil goverment forces and they end up living on another world.
Does this ring a bell and could anyone point me to the story?
Can you remember a character's name? That should narrow it down enormously.
-- Daphne Xu
I forgot their names
but I do remember some other trivia about the story.
They both spent time in a shared VR environment when he visited when he was male. In VR he presented as a female and they could be intimate since she was not inhibited by his male appearance.
Her hideout was in the deep woods and the vault like doors inside and outside were automatic and would open and close quickly after entering a code. In order to protect the location of her hideout, when he planned to visit her he was transported drugged and unconscious so he could not reveal their location if he was captured and tortured. Her hideout was booby trapped with explosives in case the goverment got close to capturing her technology.
I think her parents were killed when she was young and it turned out that her family was an alien observation team. Her whereabouts were lost after the parents were killed. Her brilliance was due to the advanced intelligence of her alien race. The aliens had been trying to find her and finally located and rescued her and the transformed girlfriend before the govenment caught up with them. Once they were back on her home world the two were consulted about the fate of earth, since it was seen as a corrupted society, and a possible future danger to other worlds in the galaxy.
Links Not Showing Properly
Not sure whether it's the same anomaly you're referencing, but I get a large number of stories -- seldom if ever all of them -- which show "10 comments/10 new comments", for example, often with the new comments number in dark print to show that I've opened it before. When I click on it, it does respond "properly" -- if there are one or two new comments since the last time I was there, it takes me directly to the first of them, which is marked "new"; if none are new, it takes me to the top of the story.
There was a change on the site several months back which altered my link to the site. Instead of going to the home page, it goes to the "stories" page, shown in my Safari browser as " [1] BigCloset TopShelf" . I don't know whether or not the two anomalies are related; I do know that relocating to the home page when I get there (as I almost always do, since I prefer to check the blog entries before the stories) doesn't make a difference.
Found the answers
The link problem is a Safari glitch. Fix:
The story was Arwen's Tears "Anything for Love", but the story is no longer accessable on BC.