Just a quickie - again squared!

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Well I might not be in a position to post new Gaby but I can still do this!

It's been some weird weather in GOC (aka Yorkshire) strong winds, sunshine of both the solar radiation and H2O precipitation types. That certainly made for an interesting day for me, riding if you recall, a 100mile event in the Dales. The good news is that I survived, less good is that i'm exhausted after slogging into a headwind on some of the toughest legs of the course. As one of the 'highlights' is riding up to Ribblehead viaduct - it might only be @ 250m of climbing but with rain and a headwind - not fun!

So yes, 100miles, 160km, 2241m of ascent and something like 6 hours 15 mins of effort. Yep i'm pooped.

I had intended to write tomorrow, I might have to take a rain check on that if the brain isn't running so well!

There will be new Gaby on Wednesday so look out for that and all the latest news


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