Hi, everyone!
I'm sure you've heard of me missing my self-imposed deadline for one of my stories a couple of times, now.
Juggling writing in the BigCloset with my family responsibilities and my responsibilities at work is extremely difficult, so I'm going to change my posting schedule a bit and, hopefully, I'll be able to manage.
Here's my new schedule:
o Monday, 8PM Eastern - Danny
o Tuesday, 8PM Eastern - Shepherd Moon 2: Homeworld
o Wednesday, 8PM Eastern - Drew Nance Book 2: The Hidden Staircase
o Thursday, 8PM Eastern - Danny
o Friday, 8PM Eastern - randomly alternating between Witching Hour , The Library: Rewrite , President's Day, Anime Girl and The New Human
Wish me luck!!!
Just a personal suggestion.
Just a personal suggestion.
Pull at least two of those from specific update days and times. Just post them as you have time and the inclination. If you're that busy in real life, spend most of your non-work time with family. It'll help you more than stories will help us.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Writing Schedule
Unless you are a prodigious writer and can push out 100 words per minute that do not require editing or correction, where do you have time in your life for real-life activities?
I applaud your commitment to your readers but as stated above, your family should take precedence above us. There are a number of other authors that I look forward to anything they write, but I have to wait, on bated breath, for a posting.
Having a schedule for posting a couple of your top stories is quite acceptable and the others can be posted as life allows.
On an aside note: I was nearly to the end of The Library: Rewrite part one before I realised that this posting wasn't a revised or re-edited version of an earlier published story. Silly me.
Keep up the good work but not at the expense of your family and real life obligations...
Robyn B
Thanks, Troy and Robyn!
Thank you, Troy and Robyn, for your concern.
Actually, my writing really does help with my family life.
Do you know what a baby sling is? It's one of those papoose things that are like pouches or slings so you can keep your baby with you and still keep your hands free. Well, Mo and I like to keep baby Gia in one so that we can have her safe and close yet keep our hands free so we can do stuff.
So that means I can keep on typing and keep Gia right with me while I write without her getting underfoot. I only take her out of her papoose when she or I start to get too warm, or she becomes fussy, and I put her in a playpen which we keep beside the couch (we have those biiig 6 x 6 x 3 feet things that have netting instead of bars so she can see out and we can see her) with her bah bah and her favorite stuffed rabbit Weebee and her other plushies, and she's good for several hours there. And thank god she's potty trained now - saves on the diapers and the ewww! factor.
Guess what I'm saying is that, when I write, Mo and Gia are usually with me. I don't really need to hide my writing from Mo, as others here have to, as she knows my background already (how can she not heehee).
Guess I'm not the type that needs quiet alone-time to write - just so long as no one directly wants my attention, I'm fine to write (which is just the opposite when I'm working at the office lol).
Anyway, what I'm saying is that my writing doesn't stop me from being with family. What takes away time from writing are work and family responsibilities, and by family responsibilities, I mean chores, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, baby bath time, etc. You know - all the boring, tedious stuff.
I guess the reason I am so committed to posting on time is that many readers actually take offense when one doesn't continue a story (some apparently think writers can write on command) - they want their stories when they want it, darn it! lol
And of course, there are those who are positively livid if a story is left incomplete (you have no right not to write, gosh darn it!!!).
I guess I was thinking about these very, ummm, excitable friends of ours when I posted this. I just wanted to avoid the abuse. I mentioned this same thing to Gabi, T, Sam, Lulu and a few other people via PM and email, but let me say I appreciate your considerateness very much.
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Frankly - I think at this
Frankly - I think at this point, those .. excitable people need to be reported to the admins. We've lost several authors over the years to their abusive behaviour.
The most I've ever asked an author is 1) are they still around, and 2) do they intend to continue writing. With #1 being more important than #2. I've never lost track of the fact that what is posted for my enjoyment is something I don't pay for directly, and comes at a cost for the writer. For me, it's a bit more upsetting when a story ends due to death (Anisidora, eg.) than the author lost the desire to write it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Losing friends
Hey, Troy.
I haven't lost any of my favorite writers to these... excitable people yet. I think. And when I say "lost," I don't mean that they die - they just go away because of frustration with these "excitable" people and don't continue posting anymore.
But this brings to mind those people that have been close to you that you've actually lost. I have been here over nine years now (I'm coming up to my tenth year, actually ) and I've accumulated a few friends here. And if you stay in a place long enough, you inevitably see some friends pass away. For me, these friends included Annette MacGregor, Holly Hart, Beth Williams and Angel O'Hare. Also Bob Arnold - he wasn't really a friend, but I've had exchanges of email and PMs with him, and he was very nice to me, and, of course, I liked his stories.
They were some of the best of my internet friends. Many will say that the internet divides us, because people never need to interact face-to-face anymore. Though that is true, the internet also allows us to meet people that one would never have met otherwise. And I am grateful to have found these friends before they passed away. Be well, my dears, wherever you are.
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Anime Girl
Has the first chapter of this been posted yet? I can't find it. But I like the title.
You do write a lot of good stories.
And I'm sorry to hear about the demands for more stories. That really sucks. As much as I want new chapters NOW I prefer to wait 6 or 12 months and then let the author know that I still remember the story and am hoping new chapters come out some day. You know. Let them know that I really appreciate their efforts and that I thought their story was SO good that I haven't forgotten it. One story I particularly like has been coming out with one chapter every 2 years lately. I can wait.
As for incomplete stories, I have VERY strong views on that. I'd much rather have the opportunity to read an incomplete story and be left frustrated than to have never had the chance to enjoy it at all.
Thank you for all of your stories Bobbi.
Actually, it's new, but so are...
Actually, Willow, Anime Girl is new. And so is President's Day and The New Human, and they will be alternating randomly with The Library: Rewrite and Witching Hour.
You might ask, why am I adding three more stories to the five I already have going? Am I not putting too much pressure on myself? Well, actually, this would give me a sort of breather. Let me explain -
Previously, with The Library: Rewrite and Witching Hour, because I alternate between the two, it gives me two weeks before each new chapter for each story is due.
With five stories, assuming that I regularly post one chapter for each, that gives me a minimum of five weeks in between each new chapter for a story. But the fact that I'll be randomly alternating between the five means I can take my time to post a chapter for a story. So long as I have one new chapter from any of the five up per week, I'm golden.
I can even let a story lie fallow for months, so long as I'm posting a chapter from one or two of the others. And as others have experienced, it's always good to refresh a story in one's mind by leaving it fallow for a while, and it's actually even better to alternate stuff in your head coz it sort of exercises one's imagination before tackling a story where you're stuck - it's one of those tricks to get rid of Writer's Block that seems to work for me (I am told this doesn't work for some, though).
Which is sooo much better than the current situation.
The guys at the office will recognize this kind of thing - it's part of the patented Bobbie C style of time management. lol. All it needs now is the initials JLCA at the bottom of the report heehee.
I is smart, are I not? Mweheheheheh.
Then again, I still need to churn out two Danny chapters, one Shepherd Moon chapter and one Drew chapter per week... oh, well...
Anyway, I guess I wanted to put a lie in the claims of those... excitable people that have said I was not worth the electrons that light up my monitor because all I do is put up incomplete stories, or that I have too few stories up.
Anyway, thank you for your words, my dear.
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Have any of us mentioned lately that you are awesome?
Just in case.... You're awesome.
Yes, I am
Yes! I am awesome! And I am humble, as well!! Mwahahahahahahah!
Lol. just jokin... mweheheheheh...
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I'm sure your awesomeness and
I'm sure your awesomeness and humility have been recorded in your Permanent File ;-)
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Quotes, Kris!
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"I never met a man I didn't like"
"Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly."
"There's a sucker born every minute."
"We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
"Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly."
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Hey, Troy.
I wasn't really asking Kris for quotes. It's just an inside joke between us.
It was in reference to an old chatroom that we used to visit regularly, and where everyone would post quotations and would forget to put the quotation marks. And since I was my usual pedantic me, I'd go and say "quotes!"
And ever since, she and several other people that were in that same chatroom the same time would say "quotes!" to me in some random comment here in Topshelf.
It's nothing, really - just a reminder of good times with friends.
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I figured it was something
I figured it was something like that, but it was still an open line :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.