A couple of interesting things this last weekend.

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First at church: Increasingly I've adopted many practices that I perceive ad feminine. One of them is sitting to do my business in the bathroom, which means that I always use the stall in public restrooms. At church, where I've been attending since long before I came out to anyone but my wife, this last Sunday I needed to use the restroom before service. In the stall, there was a new roll of TP and the left over small portion of the previous roll on top of it. So I used the part roll to wipe in front. I'm sure that I flushed. The toilet there sometimes is easily backed up, so I make it a habit to watch it flush just to make sure.

After service, I went in again. I found the toilet unflushed with a only urine and a small amount of TP like I had used. What's more, that leftover roll of TP had obviously been dropped, and unrolled quite a bit then re-rolled sloppily. The most reliable estimate of transgender MAB is about 5% or 1 in 20. That means, if you know 100 men, odds are 5 of them are really trans. Last Sunday, there were about 50 to 60 men in church, so odds are 2 to 3 were actually trans. I was one, and with the evidence I found in the stall, apparently the other (or one of the other two) used the restroom in the same fashion I did.

Second at Safeway: Some time ago I noted in my blog titled, "Code for the bathroom" on on Mon, 2018/06/18, that a female employee at Safeway had seen me attempting to open the restroom (while dressed in skirt) and freely supplied the code needed to open the door.

OK, with that bit of history. At church I dress butch enough that the folks there can convince themselves I'm an average male. We stopped by to so some grocery shopping after church. The cashier was that same female employee noted above. Then, the next day, Monday, I went to my electrolysis appointment and then stopped by the same Safeway to pick up a card for my grandson's high school graduation. For my electrolysis, I dress femme to the max. It so happened that the checkout line I got in was that same cashier.

When it was my turn, as she rang up the card, she said, "You forgot." Indicating that she recognized me from yesterday's shopping and either, she saw me as butch female on Sunday, or as trans on Monday an not at all bothered by it. Not sure which I prefer, but I lean toward the latter.