Not me but the title of the new Gaby chapter!
Click here to have a read.
All being well there will be more Wunderkind on Sunday.
In other news - I've started penning some more Trixiebell Heartswoon this week - Zak's adventures continue and I've no idea where they'll eventually lead. I will most likely do extra bits between writing more Gaby, the plan is to have the next Gaby volume out later this month.
I've recovered from the weekends exertions but a trip to the Podiatrist has left me with (hopefully temporary) sore toes! Good job I wasn't planning any long hikes in the next few days.
Missed Trixiebell
Well, really I miss any of Mads' characters when they sit it out for a while, Trix is a favourite though.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Oh, Maddie -
Thank you for new Trixiebelle!
Our Trixie has some fans!
Madeline Anafrid Bell