I'm retired on a fixed income and even a small donation runs the risk of stretching my budget. I'd like to do something for BCTS; so here's my idea.
By my count there were 24 entries for The Crush Mini contest. All of them were required to be short stories. Each by themselves, not much (word count) if published hardly enough to interest a prospective buyer. But what if they were compiled into an anthology? If each of us who entered the contest would donate their story to the anthology to be published by Doppler Press and gave all the profits to support BCTS. That would be a big enough story to attract buyers and large enough to demand a respectable purchase price.
I'm going on record as saying my story, "The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma" is available. I'm also available to assist in the compilation.
What do you say? How many are with me?
You Have my Permission
You have my permission to use my "Crush" story.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Love, Andrea Lena
that's a fantastic idea
I'm in!
I didn't participate in that contest,
But the idea sounds like a good one. If people are agreeable, I'd say go for it.
This is how
Many contests work for various organizations. You enter and if you win then you get a monetary prize. But your entry is considered to be property of the owners of the contest and may be printed in an anthology of all the entries or just the winning entries. I have (I think) years back entered poetry in certain contests and have pieces in obscure anthologies of poems... I'd suggest a quick consultation with an intellectual properties lawyer to be sure you got the wording right on your contest entry form but I see no problem with the concept.
Not the case here
This was a contest sponsored by Big Closet Top Shelf or one of the members. At any rate, the entries were posted here and readers voted to determine the winner. I'm sure that copyright for the stories, as with all other posting here, remain with the author. For me to include them in an anthology requires permission of the author.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I'm in.
Feel free to use my entry.
I have given Erin all of my stories To use as she sees fit.
I will probably continue to do so, Unfortunately as an author I am not that prolific.
Am I to presume
Am I to presume that means it would be OK to include it in the anthology to benefit BCTS?
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
and yes
As original sponsor of the contest in question
I hereby fully throw my support behind this idea, and of course, my own entry/example can absolutely be part of it as well :)
Melanie E.