TopShelf Blogs

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Can an idea or concept be too dark?

Warning: Wall-O-Text

So, can a story be too dark? You see, I read some stuff from Tigger and some other stories (I don't know why i like 'punishment' stories so much. They usualy make me sad. i guess i'm an emotional masochist) and i thought occured to me.

In stories where a rapist is punished, it's always some random person getting punished by by the victim/victim's family/victim's friends. But I then wondered, 'what if you know the rapist personally'?


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Gender surgery animation

I just spotted this on the Daily Wail website, regarding an animation of the Gender reassignment surgery. Here is the link:

Apparently some men have problem uncrossing their legs after watching.

I wonder if Pixar would do a better animation.Also, who would they get for the voice over.

Love to All

Anne G.


Mother's Child

I've had several inquiries about when the next chapter of Mother's Child will be available.

I'm working on it, but between helping my nephew move into his first home of his own, (Of course everything that could go wrong did. Ahh! the joys of home ownership!), the holidays, and a bad case of writer's block, it's been going slower than I had hoped. I'm shooting for late next week, but don't hold me to that.


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Once again

And again we see this crap in a rag magazine which puts us in the spotlight in a negative way. Why must these fools post such nonsense? Would it make any difference that Charlie got HIV from a heterosexual woman or a monkey or any other living creature; but no, this stuff gets splashed about and again makes our situation all about perversion and sex.

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Good news! Bogus Book withdrawn by Amazon

After complaint registered, the book Eric becomes Evelyn has been withdrawn by Amazon. Either than or the B****** perpetrator has got frightened and withdrawn it before any investigation can be conducted.

This book is the same as Erin becomes Evelyn on this site. They have changed Erin to Eric and taken my name illegally to post it on Amazon.

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From the Guardian

Bettina Rheims best photograph of a transgender sex worker from the 1980s in Paris. Quite an interesting piece especially as it suggests that most of them are now probably dead, presumably from horrible diseases. It struck a chord with me because I transitioned about the same time. Things are so different now.

Oh, and it happens to be my birthday, today.


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Dear Authors and Readers.
I missed something important during my night. Many years ago I asked what we could do to celebrate the third millionth contact to BCTS. And today when I connect I see that we have had more than 50 million contacts. I really want to rise a glass of celebration to all those that keep our loved place on the net. As a pure reader I can just thank all that brings the wonderful stories to us and most of all to the persons that keep the site running for all those years.

Ginnie Gidlund


Someone has stolen my name!

Some utter B****** has stolen my name and has published a book using TANYA ALLAN. If you have bought this book thinking I wrote it... refund it immediately and bad review it. It is called ERIC BECOMES EVELYN and is a rip-off... It is badly written by someone who is using my name to sell it.



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Ahh well, the last lung function test showed me having a 15% drop in airflow, this morning another test, yet a further 3% reduction.

I am able to exhale a maximum of 36% of every breath I inhale in 1 second. Yup, 64% of every breath gets trapped in my lungs according to the doctors. I can exhale the remaining 64%, but that takes another 20 seconds.

at 50, I should be exhaling 90% + of each breath in that first second.

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Charmingly Feminine

as i am sure many of you know, I'm immigrating to the United States. Well part of that process was that I collected my medical records and in it I found records from CAMH, which does gender identity therapy amongst other things. What I was delighted to discover were the notes taken by my psychiatrist and psychologist. THey found me 'charmingly feminine'.

It made me blush and beam in spite of myself, it was such a nice thing to read!

I don't know if this has any discussion value but I was so happy i wanted to share it.

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When people justify the fear

A US Marine murdered a transgendered prostitute in The Philippines, and was found guilty and given 12 years in jail.

But what's heartbreaking for me is the number of people defending and even applauding this 'man's' actions. What they say you'd only think that a 2 dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villain would say.


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Shelly (Shalimar) called me today to say that they did the surgery she spoke of and it was benign. There has been an issue with getting her body to heal that has kept her there for three months. She is not sure when she will be discharged.

She's in St. Vincent Seton Specialty Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. Phone 317-415-8500. I am sure she would appreciate your good wishes, prayers, duas, or what ever it is that you do.

Her number is 516-749-8481

Much peace




Just a quick thank you

Yes thank you to everyone who continues to read my scribbling, writers like to be read and you lot fulfill that need in buckets!

There aren't many comments posted but I take that as positive - there's no controversy or stuff that upsets people.

Would anyone be interested in a Christmas posting?


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Forced Fem

I've been working on a new story for months. I've pushed and shoved the plot and characters through several massive rewrites. Nothing seems to work. I know it will find its way out of me at some point and the effort is the joy/

Along the line I started to think about forced feminization stories. Is it possible those of us who have struggled with being transgender have tried to put a face on our compulsion through these stories? I know that my feminine compulsion has been the single most consistent driving force in my life. Nothing else comes close to matching it.

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Possible delay in Quoth the Raven

I'm trying to post chapters on Mondays and Thursdays.
At noon tomorrow I'm going to have a total left knee replacement. I'm not worried about it since I had the right knee replaced 15 years ago (the 9th surgery on that knee over 30 years) so I'm not unduly concerned about this surgery. I've lived alone since my wife passed away, but I had the fixed the house for handicap accessibility since she was virtually bedridden for 9 years. So now the house is set up fro easy movement and the refrigerator is well stocked. I expect to be released and home Thursday afternoon.


I am in tears and blown away

by this piece of music. Sometimes I wonder where we as a species are going and if there is any hope for us, or will we fade away like the dinosaurs and other extinct species.

This piece of music made my heart soar and the sheer beauty of it brought me to grateful tears of joy, for if we, as a species, can produce something this beautiful, surely there is hope for us. Turn up the volume and revel in the sheer power of this music.

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Update on Katie in ICU

Felix, Katie's boyfriend, reports that they have the heart arrhythmia under control and the blood tests back so they can start fine-tuning the antibiotics. Katie's blood gases are better but that's after they put her on a breathing tube. Her kidneys are working so that's good. She spiked a temp yesterday and during it tried to get up and leave but they talked her back into bed.

Still very serious condition but the doctors believe they have things in hand and she should be getting better from here on.

Hugs to all and thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts,


Providing Services for Transgender Customers

A document from the UK government about the law as it stands for transgender customers and the requirements of the law to businesses providing services to them such as shops or banks. It's written in very simple language and shows that discrimination direct or otherwise is illegal against a person with a protected characteristic of gender reassignment, viz moi. (And there's me thinking I was just an ordinary woman these days - another illusion shattered).

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Accidentally stumbled upon this interesting article...

I was randomly browsing news articles and stumbled upon something that is still in early stages but was rather interesting in that they are looking into the possibilities of doing this. However finding a donor will most likely be very hard but it is still rather promising.

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Katie Leone in the ICU

Katie was taken to the hospital last night with labored breathing, elevated heart rate and a high fever. She has bronchitis, pneumonia and even more alarming, septicemia (blood poisoning). I talked to her about an hour ago and she said she is likely to be in the hospiital for some time.

I'm sure she would appreciate the prayers and good thoughts of the community here at BigCloset where she has been a member for more than twelve years. She has promised to keep me posted and I also talked to her boyfriend. I'll blog an update now and then.

Hugs to all,


placing your books in bookstores

There may be an inside track for authors who wish to be published.
It won't be easy to get there and your story telling has to appeal to those as an intended target
Publishers Weekly
Chinese online retail giant Dangdang to open 1000 bookstores in 3 years | CRI

For those who already understand the ins and outs of publishing in paper format it will tough enough getting a foot in the door. Others who have only published via the web such as Amazon and like, a steep learning curve will be required.

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Marriage Licences

I have been trying to find my marriage licence for quite some time now. This is a required document for me to file for divorce and for me to legally change my name in the State of Massachusetts. Well, today I finally found my one and only copy of my Report and Certificate of Marriage USFK Form 164, (USFK REG 600-240).

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As I Age


1. I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice.

2. Sometimes I roll my eyes out loud.

3. I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.

4. My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance of idiots that needs work.

5. The biggest lie I tell myself is "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

6. When I was a child I thought nap time was punishment. Now it's like a mini-vacation.

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Happy Thanksgiving to All

Yes, it is a US holiday, though a few other countries celebrate something similar on other dates but I think it is kind of a universal theme. We all need to take a moment out now and then to be thankful for what we have.

I'm thankful for the community we have here that stepped up and met our goals for the month with gifts. I'll update the Hatbox box later.

I'm thankful for lots of other things, too. I hope everyone has a lovely day. :)



Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my sisters (and brothers) here at BCTS. I pray that you all have many things to be thankful for. I know I do.

I have a loving wife of 48 years who, though she sometimes struggles with it, accepts me as I am. I have two daughters who know and still love me. I have two grandchildren who delight me. I have a job that meets my needs and I have no long term debt.

Life is good and God has surely blessed me.

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Different kind of thanks.

Everyone has been saying thanks for family et al for Thanksgiving I'd rather give an atypical thank you here.

Part of my heritage is Irish/Celtic and I was never a big fan of the popularized aspects of Irish culture. That being said, Maggie Finson writing about Fey and the Sidhe by extension makes me truly proud to have such interesting folklore as part of my ancestry.
So thank you Mags for writing about Fey and the Faerie by extension. Additionally, I hope you are doing well my friend.

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Seasonal care

Once again the seasons have changed. For me its now getting cold, for others its been that way. I do wish that all my brothers and sisters are taking care to protect themselves from the elements. Dress appropriately for the weather(you don't have to sacrifice style and taste to do so) and make very sure that you're also taking measures internally. Drink plenty of fluids, one can dehydrate quickly in winter just as well as summer. Teas, coffees, hot chocolates are nice but don't forget juices. Vitamin C and potassium are vital. slips and falls are frequent so Vitamin D is also important.

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Problem with Chrystal Hall Whateley Academy site

Hi all,

I've been trying to get caught up on the Whateley Academy line of stories (not a trivial task) and, when I reached "To Be Merry and Escape From It All - Part 4" I received "The requested URL /merry7.htmlpart4 was not found on this server." I didn't find a link for someone to contact in case of problems on the Chrystal Hall site but I saw something there that seemed to indicate that I should post this problem here. If I'm missing something on the correct way to do this please let me know who I should contact.


Gaby San - part 2 now on Kindle!

Well as the title suggests I did get the second part finished and you should be able to access it on Kindle later today! I will sort out a paper version and Lulu download for next week.

Also today you can read the next part of Book 12, chapter 22 or 502 if you want to be pedantic!

There being no rest for the wicked i'll push straight on with the next arc of book 14!

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Audio BCTS stories?

I'm a regular radio, podcast and audiobook listener and my mind wandered to who I would choose to read Angharad's 'Easy As Falling Off A Bike' - British of course with maybe a slight regional accent - suggestions welcome.

Why stop there though? I remember one BC link to a short TG themed audio story but imagine readers know others which I'd like to hear about. In the meantime if anyone wants a challenge how about posting a-reading-a-day from the beginning of Bike?

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"The Redhead and the PM" now available on

I've published The Redhead and the PM on I hope Anglophiles and the fans of A California Saga take a look at this one. It does not have a huge amount of TG content; however, Musetta Gigliotti O'Donnell has important roles. Kleenex is recommended in several chapters. If you've read it in the past and enjoyed it, please leave a review on Amazon.


Book Cover.jpg

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Not Again!

Fraid so. As we draw near to the next completed century with Bike ie 2800, I feel a need to ask the readership if they'd like me to continue writing regular episodes as usual, or not. This is assuming Auntie Erin is happy for me to fill up her servers as before. Remember, Bike is only available at BC - that's Big Closet not British Cycling, so take advantage of its exclusivity, get involved and write a comment (but keep them clean).

In other words, let me know what you think, assuming you can after reading Bike.


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Eight Years In A Quandary (And How They Grew)

Yes, it's true: I'm eight years old today, as far as any of you know.

My first post, in fact, was sent in by telegraph, back when the world-wide-web barely stretched past Pittsburgh. Every website was still all black-and-white, and all the pictures were cut from linoleum blocks.

Oh, but those were the days!

Anyway, it's been amazing to be here with all of you. I'm sorry I don't have all the time I had eight years ago, when I could spend hours a day reading and writing and exchanging notes.

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The warehouse I work out of sells excess pallets to a Hispanic gentleman. I have often helped him load. The pallets tend to get tippy as they come off the dock plate and I helped steady them. About half way through the loading process, he asked, "What's your name?" I answered, "Pat." He then asked, "Patricia?" Since it was work where I try to maintain a male persona, I corrected, "Patrick." He smiled and nodded and went back to work.

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Serious SF/F which explores gender???

If you have a recommendation about great speculative fiction which explores gender in some way, please send the recommendation to the Tiptree Award jury. They’re reading now for works first published (as a book -- or possibly an e-book) in 2015 only.

James Tiptree, Jr., as you may or may not know, was a woman.

Wikipedia Entry:

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Transgender Woman found Dead in Male Prison

It seems the British legal system while on one hand protective of transgender people shoots itself in the foot by two recent cases of people who've lived their entire adult lives as female being sent to male prisons because they hadn't reregistered as legally female. In the first case a voluble protest by activists caused the woman to be sent to a female prison, in the second it turned to tragedy and the woman concerned seems to have carried out her threat and taken her own life. I suspect guidelines might change now that it's too late for poor Vicky Thompson.

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The Enhanced TRI and Moongoddess

First of all, I hope Moongoddess is okay. Secondly, will there be any more of The Enhanced TRI posted? The story is so good, but I'm more worried about Moongoddess than I am about the story.

Here's hoping all is okay with her.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Looking for an Editor

Well, I'm looking for an editor to help me out before I start posting my current project to the site. I'm keeping the project under wraps for right now, since I want to have enough written to post on a more consistent basis. But, I need an editor to help me out. Is there anyone out there willing to help me out?

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Gender Swapping Dinosaur Musical

So I was researching some music for a friends radio show the other day and I came across something interesting and I thought I would share what I found. So first some background. The show has a feature called The Musical Moment where he plays a song from a film or a musical. In my research this week I came across a show called Triassic Parq. Basically it's the story of Jurassic Park but told from the point of view of the Dinosaurs. However there is a little bit more to it than that. This is a description of the plot from the show's Wikipedia page

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A little help, perhaps a prayer?

OK, no drama here, no one gets excited. OK?

Probably like many of you, the events of the last couple weeks have made sadness seem ... common? With my Middle Eastern background, it feels impossible to hate. It is painful to be unable to resolve this. Yes, I know, life's a bitch and then you die, right?

Like most of us, there will be no partner to share the remainder of my life, and the doctor recently told me that I am likely to live another 32 years. What the hell? I so wanted to be a wife.

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Hatbox Still Needs Money

{updated again}

Hate to be that blunt about it, but there it is. We need about $1300 (yes, this changed again) by the end of this week, and we have about $300 in the bank.

It's just that time of month.

Here's the link to the subscription page:

Or if you want to send a one time gift:


Makeup Can Make a Moviestar

I have no idea how many of these makeup transformations I have seen over the years. Some of them really do tug at the belief it could be possible. Always enjoy looking at the power of makeup when it is applied with the touch of those who understand how to use it. Kinda reminds me of the old Glamor Photo ads. "If we can't make you beautiful, no one can." I wish everyone could experience a makeover if only once in their life to see with their own eyes what they can be.


No SKYPE without makeup !

So I left a skype message for one of my friends in old soggy this morning and when I looked at the screen the fowl image reflected there nearly caused me an episode of PTSD. Alas, said image was me !

To my UK friend, I promise not to get on skype again without spending suitable amount of time concealing the fact that I look like one of the ghostly Valkyrie. Good heavens, I even frightened myself. So, it's come to this has it? It's a wonder that I didn't char one of the undersea cables.

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Got a call from a friend yesterday

I got a phone call from one of the ladies at my church yesterday.

I've missed the last couple of weeks, and since the last time she saw me I was in a lot of pain and struggling with flashbacks, she was very worried about me.

So I made her a promise, that should I start to feel like harming myself, I would call her first.

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Link Gets Pretty

Ok so I've seen numerous female Link pictures and stories for years now. It seems to be one of the big staples with a lot of TG artists. He's not the only one who gets gender flipped actually---loads do. However he seems to be the first to get it done to him officially.

Yep, Link is now a girl...sorta lol.

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Dreams... Strange dreams and leg cramps...

So I had that dream yesterday...
I was a relative of a deceased wealthy someone. Then I had strange things happen to my calves... But reason for this will be obvious in several lines...
Next I tried to help to investigate that death... And there was an interesting plot with murder of the vitness disguised as the death of the one of the "bad guys" at the hands of the one of the "bad guys" (who was female and my ex in that dream)...

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Best laid plans

And all that!

4 more chapters of the new Gaby book are in the can this week but that leaves me three short of completing the second arc and putting it out. With nothing really standing in my way this coming week I should manage to have it ready for next weekend for the impatient amongst you.

That's pretty good for me, only a week later than planned!

Of course tomorrow you can look forward to reading another chapter from book 12, chapter twenty.


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What's In an Efin Name?

The other day I was thinking about the pseudonym one of the BC authors has adopted when I ran across this website.

The site is all about online financial planing. "e" fin "plan".

Not "EF" in "plan."

Given how conservative most financial planners are, it's highly unlikely they have any idea how their name looks to many.


A Love So Bold

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

I am so thankful that I have finally gone back through the edit's and FINISHED with A Love So Bold. It is amazing to me that my editor JP has read through my book not once...not twice, but three times. I myself have probably been through it at least six times since I have written it. It is officially done and I am slowly posting it here online. Each time I post it, I re-read it again just to be certain that it is flowing smoothly. This story is a true labor of love and has gobbled up much of my free time.

Many here would probably agree that unless you write, a person can't really fathom how much of an author's soul goes into a much it becomes an extension of yourself. This story was that way with me. I'm just happy and thankful that it has turned out as well as it did. I appreciate everyone who has read and commented on it, hopefully you will continue and enjoy it to the end. If anything, I hope it helps people forget about their daily troubles if for only a little while.

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May we all bow our heads in a minute of silence for all those in Paris who died today in the Terrorist attacks

Hi everyone
I believe we should all give a minute of silence in support for all those who died in the Paris, France terrorist attacks today.
It was a horrific attack on the people of that lovely City and I am sure was an attack upon all those who desire to live peaceful lives around this world.
Take care all and PEACE in your lives always.
Janice Lynn


Writing short stories

I love short stories, reading them and writing them. They have a very varied spectrum in terms of type and genre, as much as any other form of writing or story. They might describe an entire event, or the impact on just one individual. They can reflect just a moment in time from a lifetime of events, which is my favourite sort to write. They don't have a build up just an event, or an encounter and they're over - gone; leaving us to work out what happened before and after, which may or may not be what the writer intended.

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Utah Judge, in Shift, Lets Lesbian Couple Keep Foster Child

A Utah judge on Friday reversed, at least temporarily, his order that a foster child be taken away from a lesbian couple because of their sexual orientation, but he continued to question the placement of children with same-sex parents.

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Thank You

For just having been posted for a few days the responses to "The Heart of the Beholder" and "The Narragansett Fork" on Amazon have been very encouraging. "The Narragansett Fork" could use reader response, if someone would be so kind. The story is one of my favorites because it introduces Fanny and Musetta. I'll be posting "Musetta's Waltz" soon.


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I am bringing Half-Term break up to date

Well as some of you may have noticed I am bringing Alex and Chris & my Gaby fanfiction up to date. Some of these were put on Maddy’s site which appears to be down. So I thought I better bring the stories on this site up to date. I will be trying to post daily until I go into hospital. If there is a gap then it will be most likely I have had surgery on my arm and shoulder. Sharphawlad

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Little Girl-Boy

I've been thinking about the Little Boy-Girl Saga. And it came to me by way of a friend. She said to make the main story better bring in a girl that wants to be a boy. So I did and came up with a story i hope you will love. Little Girl-Boy it's about a girl named Ashley and the problems she had to deal with. losing her dad days before she born then losing her mom at five years old with no family that would want her.


Am I accident prone

Back in July like thousands of others I attended the Great Yorkshire Show. On this day my knee decided to play up and gave way. I was propelled forward landing on my left shoulder. When I got home I took some pain killers. Several weeks later as I was still in considerable pain in my left shoulder and could barely lift my left arm I went to the doctors.

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Too scandalous to keep secret

So, I will admit that this story might be outside the scope of normal practice, but since I am still red faced and hot with embarrassment, I thought some might enjoy my temporary discomfiture.

So, last night I put a "certain movie" into my Blu Ray player and had watched it about half way when suddenly it was muted by Cinava, an anti piracy company.


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