TopShelf Blogs

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The Danish Girl

This film by all accounts is very good, with Eddie Redmayne doing us all proud as he plays Lili Elbe in the film of the best selling book. Hopefully, it will help the general public to understand those of us who were wrongly gendered at birth. However, no matter how good it is, I won't be going to see it.

It's too close to home, too painful for me to even glance at. The trailers make me want to wince, not because it's so awful but because it reflects too clearly part of me, or how I used to be. I just cannot watch it.

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Merry Christmas to all

Merry Christmas to all. I just realized I love this place and the people who make it up. I feel more welcome here than just about anywhere I have ever been. This is a beautiful place where all are accepted for who and what they are. The world could learn a lot from this site.

May God bless you all and keep you, and as the old Irish blessing says, may you be a half hour in Paradise before the Devil knows you're dead. Be that the Christian Paradise, Muslim Paradise or whatever Paradise you believe in. If you're agnostic or atheist may you be pleasantly surprised.

In case I don't get to post before then, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!



A Belated Epiphany

I hope this will help some of you work things out.

Earlier I read an article that dealt with the idea of there being another "self" inside us. The author wrote about the fact that some twins are so close that they are almost linked at the hip and so on.

I think the article was on BBC/co/uk, but did I save the link? NO. Sorry.

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Merry Christmas to all

Hi everyone to be totally politically incorrect I'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmas. Stuff the happy holiday theme I was raised in a conservative home and I'm proud of that. It's not rocket science to know that we're living in very troubled times. So no matter what your personal beliefs are I wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Christmas. And also a very prosperous and successful new year.

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Bike rap

I wrote Trish's rap quite spontaneously then had to try and organise some rhythm to it. It's not a medium I enjoy as few of the exponents of it don't possess clear diction and it tends to sound like a series of rhythmic groans. However, I can accept like all presentation forms, it isn't easy to get it to balance in meter and rhyme. I doubt I shall try it again, which might please some of my regular readers, but felt the inclusion of it given the abilities of the character involved was a distinct possibility. However, she is much cleverer than the poor old dear who reports on them.

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Where to Begin Writing?

I'd like to write a couple stories.

Right now I'm struggling with pain and rsi, and busy with work and other hobbies. So it'll probably depend on my health, and my trouble typing.

I've tried typing breaks, which seems to help, a lower desk, which definitely helps, a small tilted keyboard, which seems to help, speech-to-text, which has not helped, and a drawing tablet software, which has not worked with my disabilities. I'm not sure what else to try on that end.

But in the near future I'd like to write:

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A Place By The Sea

I had a particularly bad shift involving yet another transphobic assault, and in my down time the rest of the Ebrahimi story emerged, as linked to in the story comments. Tired, fed up, hormones doing the things they do, I wrote a brutal story in one sitting. Trouble is, all I did was hold a mirror up to the reality of 'welfare' at the moment.

I wept as I typed. Enough said. I cling to my professed faith in family and friends, but then I look at poor Mr Ebrahimi and, well, shit.

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Illinois passes a good law, for once.

Gender Identity Protection (HB 3552/PA 99-0417): Provides that the written directions a person leaves regarding disposition of that person’s remains may include instructions regarding gender identity including, but not limited to, instructions with respect to appearance, chosen name, and gender pronouns, regardless of whether the person has obtained a court-ordered name change, changed the gender marker on any identification document, or undergone any transition-related medical treatment.

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Transgender actor up for Oscar nomination

Mya Taylor, star of the iPhone shot movie Tangerine is being promoted as a potential Oscar nominee.

2015 certainly seems to have been the year of the 'Trans Celebrity'. Ironic, seeing as most of us would rather fade into the background.

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Good news; bad news; good news

Well I got some good news today. I don't have MS. A brain MRI scan came up clean. The bad news is I have virtually no vitamin D in my system (3 ng/ml - minimum needed to not be consider severely deficient is 30-60 ng/ml - depending on who you believe), the lack of which can mimic MS. I am now taking 5000 units of vitamin D a day. Doctor says it will take at least 3 months to get it up to where it needs to be. More bad news - They found that I also have severe multi-layer spinal arthritis, which is causing the weakness in my legs by abrading and compressing the sciatic nerve bundle.

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So, I got hit by a car.

Well, I was on my way to the local cycling shop to meet up with my group, supposed to be my first night pulling the pack, or at least attempting to. I'm riding past the local elementary school and my necklace falls off. (Bear in mind the clasp is perfectly functional and not broken) so I double back and spot it in the middle of the exit for the school parking lot. I lay my bike down, pick up my necklace and walk back to my bike. I put it on tuck it under my jersey and go on my way. So I was on the main road and she was exiting the parking lot of the school.


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Should I be worried?

The first chapter of "Mercy" has more kudos than anything i have ever written, by a lot. But each successive chapter has dropped in the number of kudos.

Should I be worried?

Has the story's quality dropped?

Are people frustrated with how long it has been taking me to publish pretty short chapters?

Is the pace not working?

If you kudoed on the first chapter, but havent since, I'd be curious as to why ...

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Great News

Well my muse returned and so you can look out for the next arc of Gaby Book 14 on Kindle later today!

I've also got an electronic version of part 2 for you on Lulu, part 3 will be available there as soon as I can manage it!

Oh and of course there is a new chapter of Book 12 posted here.

So I send you all Seasons Greetings and urge you to look out for a Gabyfest over the 'Twixtmas' period!


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Not exactly a new story, but it's there:

Sea Changes

A mutant story with animal/human hybrids/Chimerae and beaucoup other stuff. It will be published as a Kindle title and made a part of the BC online store, as soon as I can figure out exactly how to maintain the formatting and a few other technical details involving the limited HTML functionality inherent in the stupid Kindle format.


Five years of SEE

I just had a look at "My Stories" and I notice that there is activity all along the line back as far as Chapter 1. So, people are still re-reading it! I admire your stamina.

I also noticed the date I posted the first chapter, 22nd December 2010. Wow, a whole five years! I swear I never intended for it to take this long!

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Selling ebook in Amazon for non-US citizen

Hi all,

Perhaps many of you know that I've been readying Felicia's Second Life for publishing on Amazon. What everyone doesn't know is that I'm wracking my brain trying to understood this whole withstanding tax thing.

It stated there that Amazon will withhold 30% withholding tax for non-US citizens. To overcome this, I need to give my income tax number. The problem is I don't have a tax income number because my income never reach the taxable rate.

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inexpensive ladies appearel

I was on Youtube listening to Unchained Melody by Righteous Bros when this annoying ad kept running so being the person who NEVER clicks on links. I was drawn to the 60s styles and yes I clicked. Personally this is what class was then. There wasn't a quickstop on every corner and most everyone I knew worked. There were no IPads, computers, or any other of those talent wasting idle time things. TV was still fairly new and cable TV was too. Anything more than fifty miles from the TV stations was iffy at best of times.


PTSD and dreams

In the last little while, I've read two very different stories where a character who is struggling with PTSD gets help from a dream.

That has got me thinking, could there be something to this idea? Could a dream really help someone like me heal?

And if so, does anybody know a dream walker who could come to my aid?

Because honestly, right now I'm just trying to hold on until I see someone about the PTSD on Dec. 22 ...

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Large 0Day Joomla Exploit

Just an FYI to anybody out there. There is a large remote code execution exploit that affects all versions of Joomla since 1.5 that has been in the wild for about 3 days now. There are hotfixes/patches for old/outdated/non-supported versions of joomla, and a proper update for the latest version.

More detail here:


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Sorry to worry some of you

As some of you may have known, I have been having a tough time these past two months, and the Christmas season isn't buoying my spirits the way it used too. I am grateful for the kind messages I have received here and on Facebook and I will do my best not to vanish for so long again. that being said, I will post another part of The Enhanced: TRI either later today or tomorrow.
Best wishes,
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large


Computer to give away

I have an original Microsoft Surface Pro to give away. Caution - the battery will not take any charge and is EXTREMELY difficult to replace so it's only usable when plugged in. Includes power supply and type cover (keyboard). Seems to work perfectly except for the dead battery. First to PM me with a name and address in the US gets it.



Christmas Tune Acronym Quiz 2015

So we're approaching that time of year again, so it's time to roll out my annual tradition - the Christmas Tunes Acronym Quiz!

This year, I've compiled over 200 tunes to decipher, including a handful of instrumentals in addition to the usual mixture of songs, carols and novelty / parodies. There's also an "Add Your Own!" tab in case your favourites aren't represented in the list (already filled with a handful of songs I discovered which didn't make the 200).

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Looking for a story

Looking for a story in which the father buys gifts for his son exactly the same as he buys for her daughter as punishment or something...
I love a story which is unfortunately incomplete with the name Mrs. Cavendish by Paula Hanson on fictionmania. Does anybody know where is the complete version or stories with a theme like that?

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My Writing and win10

I've been working to complete a story that I started years ago and trying to fight off the relentless win10 boogieman. With so many open projects, I don't want to allow that onto my desktop while not knowing how to use win10.

So, I have an aged Toshiba laptop that has been running the upgrade since 9:00PM last night. It is 9:33 AM and it seems to have finished.

What have I done?


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I Love Me Gifts

Guys & gals, now is the time for shopping 'in the store' instead of online for those I love me gifts. Some of you guys might feel out of place picking up a ladies watch, earrings, panties etc. I promise this time of year the cashiers won't raise an eyebrow nor think twice about what intimate women's things a guy might be checking out with. Bras? Pretty personal so if you can keep from looking like the 'deer in the headlights' as you check out and it is what you want..., Go for it.


Of missing muse, markets and all that.

Here we are, 12 days before Christmas, the extreme weather is about and my muse has taken a stroll - it may be gone sometime! Well I hope not but what it'll come up with is anyone's guess.

I might not have been to the German markets this year but I've visited a few around the country instead, Birmingham, York, Lincoln, Leeds and of course Sheffield. I've managed to acquire some gluhwein mugs for the collection, eaten a variety of German goodies, drunk oodles of gluhwein, bought a few prezzies as well as some treats for home!

All in all I'm feeling quite festive.

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Delays in Mother's Child

I've had a rough week. I woke up Monday feeling poorly. Later that day, I fell down the steps to my apartment twice. My knees just turned to jello. My legs have been so weak that I couldn't stand up from a chair without using my arms. I'm stumbling on level ground. My mind feels like I'm drugged. My hands are shaking such that I can barely write this.

Yesterday, I saw the doctor who wants to test me for MS. I am going in for a brain MRI the 27th. Some Christmas present, eh!

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Comment size limit?

This afternoon I notice that a comment I was posting on "Jenny's Story, Ch 6" was having the last paragraph cut off. Is this a temporary issue or is there a space limitation on comment sizes?

If so, a size limitation on comments seems reasonable, I just did not know about it. How about PM's, will they be limited also?


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My secret weapon against PTSD? Humor.

I found a possible helper for when I struggling with bad memories - humor.

After a conversation on bulling here on Facebook, I went to work and started struggling with PTSD. Fortunately, I had help - a very funny book that made me giggle several times reading it.

So by half-way through the night, I was starting to feel better.

Anybody else have something that helps them get through PTSD moments?

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Looking for a story

Can anyone help please , I'm looking for a story about a young boy who has to stay with friends while his parents fly to a sick parent . The boy has an accident whilst playing in the yard when an elderly neighbour drives into the yard and pins him under the car , the story then revolves around the hospital and the wait for the parents to return which is delayed by 9/11 . I can't remember who it is by or the title just that it is a good read , thanks in anticipation .

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Meltdown Update

Sorry it's so late but real life and being diagnosed with diabetes in this past year and all the resultant changes to life have kind of occupied most of my time for the last while. I had a bout of pneumonia a while back whose infection contributed to pushing my sugars to 29 (normal for most people is between 5 and 8) and my A1C hemoglobin to 16.9 ( normal apparently is under 7). Let alone still doing all of the travel I was before as well as work and looking after my elderly parents who have both had health issues this past year.

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Another Update

While I wait for my creative juices to get flowing again on some of the tales I've left hanging---there is quite a few now, I've decided to dip my toe in the hero ink. I am currently developing a superhero story which will lead into a universe for others to write in as well. Right now I'm only in the early stages of the first story but I hope to get it all done and running soon.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't fallen off the face of the planet or something lol.

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A Holiday Gift

Dear readers, as a Christmas gift, of sorts, to the fans here and as a way of apologizing to all for being such a turd bucket from time to time when commenting here on TS/BC, I have discounted the price of all Kindle books written by myself and Persephone.

The new price, across the board is 3.99 USD per book, which represents a saving on many of the books of up to fifty percent. They are still not prefect. They are, however, good stories that are unique and far ranging.

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Corporal Punishment.

I've been reading some stuff on the net, stories and opinion pieces and my mind drifted back to what sometimes pops up here. So please, let me ask a question.

Would you spank a child?

Beyond that we see petticoat punishment being used around here in stories. But if you ran into something like this would you support it? Would you yourself use it?

My personal opinions.

No. For both.

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News on Nick B

I need to tell you about Nick B.

He's had a bit of a mishap with a circular saw, which came very close to taking his thumb off. He's perfectly alright now, but he's been told in no uncertain terms not to do anything to a) keep his thumb safe and free from infection and b) to allow it to heal properly.

So all wood working is out (which is what got him in this pickle in the first place), as sadly is washing up, making the bed and his favourite pastime of cooking.

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Warning signals

in the aftermath of my meltdown, I have been able to work backwards and see the warning signs - in the week leading up to the attack, I had been dealing with a situation that had eroded my confidence and increased both my anxiety and depression.

Then I fell, breaking a towel bar in the process, went to work, and managed to last until I started having serious pain in my arm before I totally lost it.

Maybe knowing how this started can help me short circuit the next meltdown ...

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Had Surgery today

I just got home from surgery on my left leg that I broke last year , this is surgery number 4 . I had screws that needed to come out before they broke as it is it was causing a lot of pain by moving in the bone causing a hole to form.
I am OK but back to using a walker for awhile at least I am not in a wheelchair .

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a quick update

RL has delayed my writing a bit this last few days - that and a vagrant muse, so the expected third arc of the new book may be delayed by a few days.

The good news is that I have plenty of writing time scheduled over the holiday period so with a bit of luck part 4 shouldn't! Be delayed by any significant amount!


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The Wrong Side of the Bed

I ran into another unfinished story. Thought I was being careful and checked the date on the last chapter without looking at the end. Posted three years ago so it has to be a completed storyline. Negatory there Blue Leader, the author never tied the tail on it. A beautiful unique story, all warm and fuzzy. Excellent writing is a saving grace. But unless it was a teaser to get us to by the book my disappointment takes top tier.


Holly Woodlawn, star of Warhol's films dies.

Holly Woodlawn has died aged 69. She was the subject of Lou Reed's Walk on the Wildside. I recall seeing her years ago in one of his films and can't say I remember much about it, but then avant-garde, is not a term I'd use to describe myself.

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Thrill of Shopping with a Woman

So many stories on BC of shopping for women's things after the body switch, I thought a few graphics might be in order. Suck it up guys, you know that perfect little black dress is for YOU and we want to look drop dead gorgeously sexy in it. It isn't easy finding the perfect one. And the heels must accent not deflect the image we desire. And the earrings...., Okay, you get the idea. After a certain age dropping on a tee shirt and jean shorts is no longer an option to looking sexy. So we cover and leave enough to the imagination to set their minds on fire.


I guess we've seen the last of The Enhanced TRI.

It's been a couple of months since Moongoddess' last posting and I hope she's all right. I know what it's like to write oneself into a corner, or to have real life jump up and smack one in the face, limiting or even stopping a creative process.

Even though I know the story is complete (it's on Amazon and Kindle) My very limited financial resources prohibit me from ordering it on Amazon, and I don't have Kindle access so I'm gonna have to hope that: A. Moongoddess gets through whatever it is that's keeping her from communicating, and B. She can finish posting the story here.

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Trying to keep my problems to myself

Well I'd hoped to,not write a blog about myself such as this.I pretty much keep my problems to myself but I think I owe the community an explanation as to why I haven't been writing as of late. I called it laziness but in reality I just haven't had the stamina to write. That being said I want to thank everyone for their kind words in the comment section of my stories. The reason for this loss of energy is congestive heart failure, I have it pretty bad. Tomorrow morning I will be admitted to the advanced cardiac clinic at Kaiser Hospital in Santa Clara, CA.


Misconceptions Reign

As some of you are aware, I have posted "A California Saga" on A good friend who worked for me in the Air Force more than thirty years ago has read all the stories (not from this site) and was quite complimentary. I guess she was one of my Beta Readers that included my daughter, wife's best friend, sister, and all you wonderful readers here at BCTS. The Saga now has it's own spot on Facebook where she was kind enough to write a very nice review. She is right of center as far as her religious leanings are. Here are her comments: "A stunning achievement!

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A new handle and things

Well I'm a bit early with my New Year resolutions and it's only a few weeks ...

The angers and insecurity I had when I changed my username is still there but one of the things I'm trying is to see things more positive so a handle based on a vengeful red masked female demon was a bit to negative.

Torekka69 still keeps with the japanese / asian theme. Torekka's meaning is the simpler part of my new handle. A translation would be wanderer / rover / traveler. As in the fact that we all travel to live with it's up's and downs. Preferably up.

