The news

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Blog About: 

I don't know if anyone else is familiar with it. but I watch a weekly news show called Gay USA hosted by Andy Humm and Ann Northrop. It discusses all the latest major event is national and international LGBT news. I find it informative, maybe others will as well. here's the link.


Political agendas

It's confusing to me, and I even have some gay and some lesbian friends, but the whole GBLT PAC Plan confuses me, even boggling my mind to the point of complete discomfiture. The little box that muggle culture tried to confine me to didn't work, and it astonished me to find the same with them. After a long while of complete discombobulation, it is now clear to me that I am a eunuch, and perhaps not human to boot. It suits me to masquerade as a human female however. Right. Carry on there.

Khadijah Gwen