the start of the season

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Just to let everybody know. Today, June 1st, is the start of Hurricane season here in the states. There is speculation that this season may be quite active. So for all along the gulf and east coasts set aside time to ensure you are prepared. If your community is ordered to evacuate; DO SO. Take no chances and never underestimate the storms.


Here in the UK it is apparently the start of summer….

persephone's picture

Today, June 1st, is the start of summer, therefore if your community (a.k.a. parish, village or borough) is ordered to carry an umbrella AND a parasol… DO SO!

Remember.. in the UK (and more especially in Ireland) the only difference between Winter and Summer is that the rain is warmer and your pasty white complexion is undoubtedly going to be marred by the sun occasionally peeking from behind the clouds.


Non sum qualis eram

Summer? What's that?

Here in north east England it's still winter. Bitter northerly winds, temperatures rarely above 50, overcast skies. The only way you can tell it's June is because it doesn't get dark till 10 o'clock.

Apparently this is due to the north Atlantic being warmer than usual and knocking the polar jet stream off course. Trust me to live in the one part of the world where global warming means it's going to get colder.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

Ha, at 11 AM it was 71 F, at

Ha, at 11 AM it was 71 F, at 7 PM it was 48 F. A week ago it was 93 F 4 days later it was rainy and 38 F.
Sound familar ?


Sounds miserable!

D. Eden's picture

Hopefully there are other conditions that make it worth living with the weather! You know, like the lack of Donald Trump.......


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I'll swap you Trump for Boris Johnson

Actually it's great up here. If you ignore the lack of job opportunities, or the fact that a region containing two of the UK's top 20 cities still isn't connected to the national motorway network.

But when the sun deigns to make an appearance, as it did for a full 15 seconds this afternoon, we get a lift you tropical types will never appreciate.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

I suppose you mean...

Durham and Consett then?

{ducks to avoid incoming bottles of Newcastle Brown, empty of course}


A lovely day at Crater Lake, Oregon. Temp in the high 50's F but with a cold wind. Down below, it was in the 80's(F).
{taken with a fisheye lens}

We are overdue here around

We are overdue here around Boston, it's been 25 years since the last one hit and we are getting a bit complacent. Irene and Sandy did damage but nothing compared with the direct hit we are overdue for.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I remember Bob

I was in high school for Hurricane Bob and lived down in Newport, RI at the time.
Now living in the Fenway / Southend line area of Boston, hope it is another 25 years personally.


Strange things happen when a strong El Nino starts to decline, I'm surrounded by ocean, I listen carefully.


Thank god it's Winter here

Here in Fiji, we had a very hot summer and then Cyclone Winston(largest on record, at least in the south pacific) destroyed the northern half of the country. Now that it is winter we can relax to a balmy 80 degrees F most days.


Climate Change?

Here in the OK-TX area I can only remember having to put on my heavy coat twice this past winter. Today before the rain showers rolled in the temp. was 80 degrees F which is 26.66 degrees C.

Weather has been a bit strange. We have had tornados a bit above normal, but the severity has been lower. There were three tornados seen yesterday and video on one station was able to show all three in the same shot. That doesn't happen often.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

thats better than here!

shadowsblade's picture

that's better than here!

In California we get no warning! the whole state suddenly decides to do the 'time warp' and do a little jump to the left!

Watching a 120 pound TV fly across a 15 foot room to the wall is not fun! entertaining yes no!
or having a chunck of sidewalk wobble under your feet, like a wake board

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective


Lived in Key West Florida for many years. Per legend hurricanes are afraid of Key West but that never stopped us from nervously watching their path of destruction as they came up through the Caribbean or west out of the Atlantic toward us.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

We sorta beat the season...

We had Tropical Storm Bonnie over the weekend so we beat the season by a day or two. We haven't had anything really nasty hit us since Hugo back in '89(And that was a doozy, lemme tell ya!).

Our afternoon thunderstorms can sometimes produce near hurricane force winds and conditions so we tend to be a little dismissive of anything that doesn't show promise for becoming a Category 2 or more. Almost certainly not the wisest attitude in the world but there you go.



Happy to be out of Florida

After the 2004 season with 4 Hurricanes passing overhead, I am happy to be in "Tornado-alley" Kansas. There is nothing worst than having 3-4 days warning and then spending 6-7 hours huddling with your children hoping the house does not collapse you. Here, I will likely get no warning and the house will disappear before I start to worry.