New Girl in Town

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Blog About: 

Dear friends.

Thank you for welcoming me into the community here.

Heather has been a secret part of me for a long time, even when she didn't have a name or when I tried out several names.

You know similar stories. Buy. Dress. Hide. Shame. Purge. Then start again at some point a while later.

I will admit to a sex addiction but I never wanted this persona to be about that. It gets too intertwined. Been doing ok with the addiction part but it's too easy to slip back in.

Trying to keep Heather as my feminine side and not a fetish even if I have to keep actual dressing in the background.





littlerocksilver's picture

Glad you're here. Enjoy your stay.



Alecia Snowfall's picture

welcome Heather. things take time, nothing happens overnight. Just do your best everyday, set daily goals if you have to and enjoy the small victories towards the larger war. Welcome and best of luck.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Welcome, Heather.

Angharad's picture

I hope you find some peace from your visits here and feel able to develop the Heather side of you as a more rounded person. Good luck with your efforts.
