TopShelf Blogs

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A Little Help Please - The Heart of the Beholder

I know there were a number of my readers who enjoyed The Heart of the Beholder. If some of you would be so kind as to write review on Amazon, I would really appreciate it. Remember, the better the sales, the more money BCTS gets. Here's the link:



Sci-fi book with mild TO element

I just finished a book called "Figment" by Marco Guarda. It's a pretty fair piece of science fiction in its own right. Icing on the cake for me was mild TG element. Not so much cross-dressing, per se as feminine emotional reactions and actions as a result on implanted woman's memories. Good book.

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Football Girl ...

Burly footballers are left reeling by rival's incredible skills on the pitch - when 'he' removes wig and make-up to reveal she's a woman

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Does this remind anyone of a couple of the stories on BCTS?



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A Lost Tail

I have lost a tale. Or a tail. Either I am more confused than I thought I was, or I make up fantastic stories during the rest of my 3 - 4 hours of sleep left me after enduring the regular nightmares I have to put up with every night, These nightmares are things that were caused by my being at age two caught up in a horrible war - we lived then in the east end of London, and before we were evacuated because the house we lived in had a bomb fall on it and it fell to bits and I had to be dug free from the wreckage.

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Reform Jews approve far-reaching transgender resolution

Reform Jews approve far-reaching transgender resolution

Reform Judaism movement in US approves far-reaching resolution supporting transgender rights
November 5, 2015 11:37 PM

By Mike Schneider / Associated Press

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Rise in numbers of children seeking gender identity advice

The number of children gender identity problems referred to the Tavistock Clinic in London is increasing. Interestingly, more girls than boys. It's also thought the wider availability of information and the effect of celebrity changers might be responsible for this phenomenon.

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Chapter 2 of Welcome to Windy City is mostly complete...

... but damn, it need revision. Lots of revision, as it turns out. Chapter 2, Scene 1 is more-or-less done. Scene 2 is cut completely - I may or may not restore it, but I think it is superfluous. Currently editing Scene 3, but with relatively fewer critique, finding and fixing the problematic part is more difficult. Same with the rest of the writing.

I think it is prudent to have more test readers, so.. anyone is up to it?

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The Heart of the Beholder

I'll be asking Erin to unpublish "The Heart of the Beholder" in a week or two, as I will be publishing it on Amazon Kindle under the name I was born with. It was the first piece of fiction I ever wrote. I have always felt it was worth publishing mainstream; however, it did need a lot of work. Holly Hart was the first to tackle the horrid proofing I did in those days. I'm a bit better now. I'll leave it up to give the readers a chance to copy it if they desire.

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thought of another thing about me I like

It was a little hard to come up with a third thing I like about me, but since I managed, I will continue my list;

I like that I believe I have made a small difference for tans people with my lecture, and with my openness online.

I think by sharing my story, my struggles, I have helped a few people understand what it means to be trans, and encouraged them to be compassionate to those who have this struggle.

It may be only a tiny ripple in the pond, but who knows where that ripple will spread to, and that's not nothing.

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Found My Dream ...

It used to break my heart that I am not a popular writer here, and last night sorting through some old papers I happened upon the results of an old MAPPS test I took back in 2003 after I had become disabled from falling down a manhole that I was working in.

In reading the results of the test, it became clear that I have realized my dream, and am doing exactly what I am suited for. Briefly the results said that I am gifted in literary, and communication. Later the results say that I am an educator that loves to explain and teach.

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another thing about me I like

Since yesterday I talked about something I liked about me, I'd like to continue the trend.

One thing I like about me is my imagination.

Now, for most of my life, it was hard, having as active an imagination as I do, but now that I have (mostly) channeled that into stories - stories that people have read and liked - I am grateful for the gift.

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Prop 1 in Houston Failed it looks like.

There was a Proposition on the Houston City Ballots today. It was called Proposition 1. It was a Equal Rights Ordinance. It basically would have made discriminations of any type. for Ethnicity, Age, Gender, Sexuality, Gender Identity, Genetics, etc...

The thing that really got to me is that they played those same your little girls will not be safe from Male Pedophiles in the bathroom TV Adds.

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ha, I am looking for a story ...

The story starts in the 1960's and involves a long "lady" who runs away from home and finds life .... She meets a detective and his wife who run a motel and she becomes a detective/military ... Jump, emt ..... and eventually becomes an officer in the Airforce.

Any help?

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10 year plan

Okay, I'm going to be retired ( if I finally receive the paperwork ... ), so what am I going to do with the rest of my life??

As long as I have the pets, ..., well not mutch. Same with the house and the renovations.

So I go 2 track. One I find a job in the private sector that pays enough to keep the house and finish all the renovation. Then I''ll stay put overhere for probably the rest of my life.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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one thing about me I like

One thing about me I'm happy with is the fact that I refuse to live in a bubble.

I have friends who have different viewpoints on religion, politics, and just about everything else. I read and listen to news sources from both the left and the right.

I think its a healthy thing, to be able to consider different views on things. Sometimes, I've even changed my mind or at least thought "that was a good point".

I'm not saying this to brag. Anybody can do this, if they want to.

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2602 Chapters Ago

I saw today that someone had left a new comment on Episode 173 of EAFOAB, so, out of curiosity, I called up the whole string of comments and found a very lively, witty, and erudite exchange about discussions and quotations from such luminaries as Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, et al... and even Elvis.

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Rsi and Reading

I'm struggling with severe bilateral ulnar nerve pain, which has been getting worse lately.

Using the computer does worsen the pain in my good arm, but it can't explain all the pain in either arm. I've done a bunch of ergonomic fixes such as a vertical mouse, a lower table for a desk, etc. I'm typing with my good arm, but also using break-scheduling software. I've tried dictation, but it trips over every word from a to ergonomics, it screws up spacing, punctuation, etc. and it requires me to delete the results and type everything anyway.

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Congratulations to the Kansas City Royals!

The Kansas City Royals have won the World Series 4-1. They came back to beat the New York Mets in the 12th inning of game 5, 7-2, after the Mets had a 2-0 lead for 8 innings. Hats off to the New York Mets for playing a hard-fought series. They were a class act.

On a side note, the Chiefs won in London! Good day for KC sports.

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Gayageum lessons.

I don't live in the immediate vicinity of L.A. or San Fran but I was wondering if anyone knew of general availability of finding a musical teacher in the U.S. to help teach me the Gayageum. It's a Korean zither and I've really wanted to learn it ever since hearing it's potential on "Heartstrings".

I would like to learn on the full string but they're quite expensive for me now so I'm looking at the basic model for now.

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Sorry been watching James Bond

James and I saved the world again from the nasty people who do nasty things to other folk. Well he did most of the saving, I was watching his back, then in gratitude he runs off with a younger woman at the end of it! Honestly, men!

The stunts are amazing, everything is over the top, so I can recommend it and it has the lovely Daniel Craig - what more could you want? Just some popcorn or sweeties...

Oh yeah, no time to write Bike - I knew there was something else...

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Transgender murders rise in 2015

I found this on the Guardian website which I must have missed earlier, might have been on holiday. If the conclusions are correct, then it's a frightening prospect especially for transgender people from black or other ethnic minorities. I have blogged about it before but it's still happening and needs to be brought to public awareness. Thanks to the Guardian for that.


Jeannie loved Halloween

Eleven years ago, Jeannie died on the day before Halloween, the holiday she loved for its morbid humor.

Last year at this time, I got out of town and went to New Jersey to be with other friends and try not to notice the loneliness.

This year, I knew I would be alone. I've been depressed since I got back from New Jersey in June, having decided then that I would not run away again.

I have been very ineffective in getting things done the last few months. This afternoon, I re-read my blogs and poems from that awful time and I cried. I cried again for Jeannie.


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I need some advice for the next Atalanta book

I am working on the third book now and in this one I left open the possibility of Atalanta taking the Theater class. I can "see" some fun in her as well as myself learning the stage and plays. But I'm ignorant about the whole production angle, the plays, and even the costumes.I don't know enough to ask what I don't know. But one of the questions are what plays are used in high school and which of those could contribute to any sort of mayhem?

Because with her something unexpected always happens.

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Thank You

To everyone who has supported Gaby by buying the latest volume - you've made the Wunderkind a winner again - she's number 1 in kids sport books ahead of literally dozens of horsey novels!

So thank you again, the next arc is under way which will be much more adventuresome than the first bit!. I hope you're enjoying it, it's quite a challenge writing in three languages!


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Hatbox Fund Still $500 Short For Month

Updated 10/30: The monthly Hatbox fund is short $560 actually. Most October bills are paid but money for staff is a bit lacking. If you can help, it would be very much appreciated.

You can send us a One-Time Gift or Subscribe or even send a check or money order to:

Janglewood LLC
602 Higgins Ave
Suite 1 #283
Brielle, NJ 08730


Work want's to know.

We are at the time of year at my job where we can enroll or change our health plans and such. This year they are including a online questionnaire that's supposed to be from the feds. it's supposed to give someone a chance to freely and discretely list any and all disabilities so they know where to send resource's. there is also going to be a part where people can list any sexual and gender identities. it's supposed to be confidential and voluntary. I have spoken with a woman that I work with who is a lesbian. I've only told her that I'm bi.

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At the risk of being redundant, MOONGODDESS!

I've grown more and more concerned about you. Please let us know that you are okay? If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to message me. You can even call me on skype at Cathy_t_. If you've tried to do that under a different or male name, I don't accept skype messages from males unless I know them from some other venue.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Keep Carla in Prayers Please

Please keep Carla Ann, my editor and closest friend in your prayers. I have been swamped with real life this week and was getting worried I hadn't heard from her... Yesterday she texted me and told me she had a stroke about a week ago not long after she must have just written me. She's an amazing friend and I hope she bounces back quickly from this!

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Hollywood is making a bad TG story

so...hollywood has decided to make a TG movie...

"The script, written by Hill from a story by Denis Hamill, centers on an ace assassin who is double-crossed by gangsters and falls into the hands of rogue surgeon known as "The Doctor," who turns him into a woman. The hitman (now a hitwoman) sets out for revenge, aided by a nurse named Johnnie, who also has secrets."


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El Goonish Shive pointing out a rarely used GB sub-trope


Today Dan Shive posted a comic on his EGS:NP section that was very funny, and was a scene, dealing with the gender bending genre that is rarely mentioned, let along discussed.

The comic can be found here:

I found that comic to be hilarious.

The scene dealt with that two gender benders, in their female forms, not having any body hair, with the natural girl being clearly jealous for them not having to shave their legs, among other things.

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Shakes My Doubting Head

It happened again!

After a very busy RL phase when I have had limited access to a computer, I am once more back into my regular routine.

So far, I have posted up to #55 of my 'background' tale to Penny's S E E.

I have the next three episodes in varying stages of completion, and Penny and I have been in touch about the tie-ins between these and her tale.

This made me re-read #55 to add some stuff into my #56.

Despite at lease five read throughs before posting it, and other pairs of eyes too, I today spotted two minor typos in #55.

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Community Game Project - Update

Ok an Update to the Community Game Project

We'll be using RPG Maker MV from now on soo we can post HTML

The game's will be released to till we get a better domain name :)

We will be using DropBox as your Form of Editing for Collab Editing.

To join in you must own a Legit Copy of RPG Maker MV. If you do please leave me a PM about getting added to the Project's DropBox.

You don't need RPG Maker MV to help write Dialog/Story.

Our Current game is Called Quest.


an unusual experience

Every once in a while, the things I want to talk about in this blog are hard for me to actually get out.

Sometimes, its because they are from a dark place, sometimes, they are embarrassing, and sometimes, I just dont feel like I have the words.

Today's blog is a little of all of the above, but let me try anyway.

I was laying on my couch, watching tv, when a commercial for a product to help men get an erection came on. It was one of those where an older couple is doing stuff together, then they begin to PDA, and the announcer tells how good the med is.

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Yesterday didn't go like I thought it would

Well, yesterday didnt go like I thought it would.

I couldnt get my physical, because I need to get bloodwork done first. But on the other hand, I got mugged by a couple of big friendly dogs, got an apology from Sharon for her part in what went wrong in our marriage, and I got to cheer on my daughter at her job.

So, not bad.

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T-man at my local Safeway.

I've suspected for some time that there was trans-person working at my local Safeway. The individual has always looked very androgynous. I guess the age to be about mid to late twenties. If this person was male, the lower age would be my guess. Even more confusing was that early on the name seemed to be Holly, but later, it became apparent that the name was Hollister, which I took to be a male name.

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Germaine Greer's boyfriend Mary?

Reading ‘Genius at Play: The curious mind of John Horton Conway' I note two things:- when young he was nicknamed Mary by a teacher (it wasn't a wanted nickname and by second school he was called Prof) and among his many girlfriends one suggested by his sister was a well known Australian lady. Ms Greer did not confirm or deny the story to Conway's biographer but in the light of recent publicity I thought it more than a little ironic.

Conway is a mathematician and someone I'm coming to think of as the mathematical Beatle.

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Something I Didn't Know (About Syd Barrett)

My favourite hit single of all time is probably Pink Floyd's 'See Emily Play', written by Syd Barrett.

The song is named after Emily Young, at one time a close friend of Syd's. Speaking on the recent BBC documentary 'Psychedelic Britannia', she offered the opinion that the girl described in the lyrics was Syd himself. Given that so many of his other compositions are rooted in memories of his childhood, it seems possible that Syd may have been expressing more than just his feminine side.

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The Last of My Family

I just got a call this afternoon that the last of my immediate family is dying.
My sister fell out of bed in the care facility, broke her ribs and is in extreme pain. When they went to change her clothing, they found she was bleeding out internally.
Its just a matter of time now. Waiting for the Dr. to arrive and give her some potent pain meds. She is unable to swallow or talk now.

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Transgendered Media Personalities

A transgender media personality, like Caitlyn Jenner, is both a good thing and a bad thing for all trans folks.

1) it is great, they raise public awareness in a way that most can't.

2) it is terrible, the money they have gets them surgeries most cannot afford, which leaves us feeling even more depressed and critical about our own appearance.

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Looking for a story

I can't remember the name of it or the characters. I remember a couple lives across the way from an older woman who turns out to be a witch. She feeds the man herbal tea that over time mutates his soul so it resembles her body and no longer fits his own. Eventually he feels extremely broken down and she uses a kiss or mouth to mouth to swap their souls.

Familiar to anyone? I have been trying all sorts of search variations here and FM and striking out.



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Prayers Needed - Update

At the finish of the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade this morning a car traveling at high speed crashed through a crowd of parade watchers. Three confirmed dead, eight critical, seven serious, and seven 'walking wounded'. The driver was a 25 yr old women and is in custody on a charge of Driving Under the Influence. Not an OSU student, a local resident.



A Heads Up

I've finished writing the first part of Gaby Book 14 and as has become habit it will be available via Kindle and Lulu from Sunday, yes the 25th of October!

Overall i'm running a little behind schedule but not so much I can't catch up! The next segment should be @ 3 weeks away so after a long wait there will be a quick succession of Gabyness for the fans, I hope it's worth waiting for!

The completed book is still due over Christmas / New Year and with a following wind I might have the next Nena out about the same time - it's 2/3rds written already.

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The ball drop myth

Ok, time after time I see stories with the protagonist whose "balls haven't dropped yet" and that either say outright, or strongly imply that they do so at puberty.

As someone born male, this always bugged me. Because I clearly recall mine being there as far back as second or third grade. Let's just say it involved a stupid dare, ok?

So I finally did some digging on medical sites.

Guess what? They normally "drop" sometime before *birth*.

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Almost 9 years

So, sitting here watching "Back To The Future". It's late at night and looking at my account it'll be 9 years soon. I was one of those poor bastards that had PTSD and a dozen other things so bad that the Docs would later say they doubted I would live. 7 hospitalizations later, I finally started to get better, but I won't say how except to mention that shrinks and medications were a waste of time for me. It took something else.

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Making Chicken flap sauce

I came home unexpectedly to my apartment in Cardiff to find my flat-mate Lexa cooking. The crazy thing is her mode of dressing to cook is nothing unusual, Lexa cooking however?? Now that is unusual.
I crept up behind her and asked if she was making 'Chicken Flap sauce' She nearly wet her knickers cos' she wasn't expecting me!


Lexa cooking.jpg

She's a crazy kid but she makes a mean sauce.

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State of me 2

Well, it's been a while. Not all downs but certainly not all ups but I was starting to mis this place.

Spend that year and a half doing some od jobs (intern here, personal assistant there,.. ) but HR said that the didn't see a permanent fix so I'll be retired now without any possible way to avoid it.

Well, the paperwork is on it's merry way but I couldn't stay still at home. So I'm doing a 2 year course for network technician. Doing well there (better then expected with a lot of teenagers in a class -> kind of community college).

And here I am again,


Annoying Windows 10 ads are back....

I know some of you internet gurus did it before, but in the last couple of days I've downloaded some 'new' updates (from MS) for Windows 7, and once again they've snuck in those annoying ads for Windows 10 - which I have absolutely no intention of 'upgrading' to. Can anyone ID the offending updates so I can go and delete them?


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A warm surprise

So, I have sort of lowered my shields a bit in public and public media and am pleasantly surprised to find out that many of the "Muggles" I know have TG and GBLT friends and seem to be on friendly terms.

Perhaps the world is getting better for T and Intersex folk? My references to it in public media are and shall remain very oblique. I do hope that does not upset too many of you. I never told you that I was a brave activist and nothing I ever learned in life taught me to be foolishly brave.

Perhaps the days of pain and rejection are becoming fewer? One can only hope so.

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Please challenge me

I'm really annoyed today for lots of different reasons, and I can't really concentrate on work or the stories already in progress.

So to get my head in order, I'm asking for some challenges and ideas.
If you can please give me one or more of the following:
1) a really strange plot hook, 1 to 2 sentences.
2) three or more things, settings, locations, characters, etc, that don't seem to fit together.
3) a single sentence, the stranger the better, that has to be properly used in the story.

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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream - New story release at Crystal Hall

Ok... first thing. Go find a box of tissues. Bring them to wherever you plan to read. I'll wait.

Tissues ready? Good. You're going to need them. I certainly did, when I first read this in drafts and again while editing.


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