Waterdog's blog

What are we doing wrong (if anything)


I follow a few stories on archiveofourown.org. They needed some money for servers and some kind of legal issues. Their goal was $130,000. In a little over a week they have raised almost $100,000. Why does Erin have to work so hard to raise the pittance we need here each month. Are we doing something wrong?

She shouldn't have to work so hard, if they can raise that kind of money in a week.


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Economic/morality Censorship


Is anyone here having problems with Amazon or BN removing/prohiting their work. Amazon just refused to publish a very vanilla short story, I tried to publish. They said my work did not fit their guidelines or represent the image their company wants to present. (By the way it had nothing to do with monsters. It was about young man's psychological journey to the person, he felt she was meant to be.) It contained only musings/mild daydreams about sexual situations-no graphic descriptions. They referred me to the following article for an explanation of their position.

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Mother's Child Chapter 13

I am finally posting Chapter 13 of Mother's Child. Family issues, illnesses, surgeries, work and a death in the family all helped to delay it.

Finally I got ready to publish this chapter a month or two ago and it had been so long, what with being ill and all since I had started it; I went back to the beginning and re-read everything from chapter 1. I discovered this chapter reallllly stank. I threw almost all of this chapter out and started over.

Here I hope is a worthy chapter. Enjoy, and let me know if you see problems and I will try to fix them.


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Mother's Child


I know I've disappointed my readers with this extended delay in my story (Mother's Child), but this has been a difficult year for me. I was sick for so long, then as I was recovering, my wife became very ill. She recovered then my father was diagnosed with stage 3 small cell leukemia about three months ago. He died two weeks ago. I haven't had much heart for anything since then, but I am recovering mentally and hope to finish the current chapter this week.

I appreciate everyone's patience.


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So sorry that it has taken sooooo! long to get the next chapter of Mother's Child out.

I know I promised many of you who have written that a new chapter Mother's Child was due out imminently. I'm sorry to say it's still not up!!!!! But it is nearly finished, and with veiled threat of tar and feathers being casually tossed around I am determined that it will be up, on or before next Monday.

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Does anyone have any idea how many people frequent this site? Just curious.


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Discriminatory attitudes

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I don't understand!

I don't understand why people feel the need to tell others how to live their lives. When you get right down to it that is what North Carolina DC 9 and similar laws are really about. I have a hard enough time trying to live my own life by my own ethical standards to spend time trying to tell someone else how to live theirs.

I don't understand hate. I've tried to hate various people and ideas, but it is too much work. It is much easier to love and tolerate, and I'm lazy.

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Mother's Child


Just an update

Still working on the next chapter, one handed typing still slowing me down, but I know where the chapter is going and hopefully I will get the cast off my hand next week. Still hoping to get it to the editors very soon.


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Mother's Child Chapter 13 delays

Work on Mother's Child is proceeding slowly, unfortunately. I had surgery on my hand last week to stop progressive degeneration of the median nerve. This problem has for some months caused a near total loss of sensation in that hand and (contradictorily) excruciating pain in the thumb and forefinger. It has been getting progressively worse, and the orthopedic surgeon opined that I risked near total loss of use of this hand without the surgery, but this surgery has left me as a one-handed hunt-and-pick typist at best for the time being.

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Mother's Child


The next chapter of Mother's Child will be posted sometime tomorrow. I'm incorporating my editors' comments tonight, then one more look through it to make sure it's completely done and I will post it.


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Update on Mother's Child

Hi folks. My health has improved. My mind has cleared and is working again, (as well as it ever did) and I've been writing again. Chapter 12 of Mother's Child was sent last night to my editor's, so with any luck at all I should be able to post the next chapter with the next few days. I'm sorry for the delay.


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Merry Christmas to all


Merry Christmas to all. I just realized I love this place and the people who make it up. I feel more welcome here than just about anywhere I have ever been. This is a beautiful place where all are accepted for who and what they are. The world could learn a lot from this site.

May God bless you all and keep you, and as the old Irish blessing says, may you be a half hour in Paradise before the Devil knows you're dead. Be that the Christian Paradise, Muslim Paradise or whatever Paradise you believe in. If you're agnostic or atheist may you be pleasantly surprised.

In case I don't get to post before then, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


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Good news; bad news; good news

Well I got some good news today. I don't have MS. A brain MRI scan came up clean. The bad news is I have virtually no vitamin D in my system (3 ng/ml - minimum needed to not be consider severely deficient is 30-60 ng/ml - depending on who you believe), the lack of which can mimic MS. I am now taking 5000 units of vitamin D a day. Doctor says it will take at least 3 months to get it up to where it needs to be. More bad news - They found that I also have severe multi-layer spinal arthritis, which is causing the weakness in my legs by abrading and compressing the sciatic nerve bundle.

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Looking for a story


I was looking for a story written in Elrod's Operation Rescue universe about an abortion protester who joins the rescue program. I don't think the story was written by Elrod but was reviewed and sanctioned by him (at least according to the author).

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Delays in Mother's Child

I've had a rough week. I woke up Monday feeling poorly. Later that day, I fell down the steps to my apartment twice. My knees just turned to jello. My legs have been so weak that I couldn't stand up from a chair without using my arms. I'm stumbling on level ground. My mind feels like I'm drugged. My hands are shaking such that I can barely write this.

Yesterday, I saw the doctor who wants to test me for MS. I am going in for a brain MRI the 27th. Some Christmas present, eh!

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Mother's Child

I've had several inquiries about when the next chapter of Mother's Child will be available.

I'm working on it, but between helping my nephew move into his first home of his own, (Of course everything that could go wrong did. Ahh! the joys of home ownership!), the holidays, and a bad case of writer's block, it's been going slower than I had hoped. I'm shooting for late next week, but don't hold me to that.


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Mother's Child

As much as it pains me to say this, I fear that future chapters of Mother's Child will be coming far less frequently or even regularly. When I started posting I was seven chapters ahead, having started writing this tale in January. Between the necessary re-edits, changes in story lines as things developed and other life issues, I have now caught up with myself. Chapter 10 only exists as a rough draft still in the process of re-writes, and future chapters are only concepts.

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Sexual Assignment of Intersex Babies in the Early 1950's

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Does anyone know anything about the medical techniques used to assign sex to intersex babies in the early 1950's? I have more than a passing interest in this.

First let me get a few facts out in the open. I have never really felt like I was a woman in a man's body, but there have been a number of psychological, sexual, and health anomalies in my life. Here are just a few of them.

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Need help with my posting

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I am having a problem posting pictures and tables in my stories. I've tried cut and paste, I've tried all the buttons above the posting window, nothing seems to work. I would appreciate any help I can get.


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Trouble posting my first story chapter

I just posted the first chapter of a novel length story I am writing, but didn't get things exactly right. 1) How do I make my name show up as author instead of "New Author"? 2) How do I select multiple topics in the header categories (where it is allowed)? 3) I posted in an epub format, but what format should I use so that the story is actually visible without having to download the file. 4) How do I link chapters?

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Looking for another story


Looking for a story about a disease attacking high school age teen boys transforming them to women, of course. Principle character undergoes change but nearly bleeds to death due to complication. Saved by doctor specializing in the disease.

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Looking for a story

I am looking for a story I read a couple of years ago. I'm not sure whether it was here or on FM. The story was about an alien invasion. Men (and women?) were taken aboard the alien ship and converted mentally and physically by a plant in a chamber making them very compliant, however, not all were made incapable of mentally resisting. A revolt is eventually made on the mothership. That's about all I can remember. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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