I know I promised many of you who have written that a new chapter Mother's Child was due out imminently. I'm sorry to say it's still not up!!!!! But it is nearly finished, and with veiled threat of tar and feathers being casually tossed around I am determined that it will be up, on or before next Monday.
I apologize most profoundly for the delays. I was suffering from an acute case of writer's block, I have been traveling around the country interviewing for TA jobs at two major universities, a favorite aunt just died (the selfish old battleax left her fortune to her children, and after all the heartfelt Christmas cards and Birthday calls I slaved over. Oh, well, there's no accounting for some people's taste or lack thereof), plus it's been so long I had to go back and reread the last couple of chapters to refreesh my mind on what's going in our reluctant heroine's life.
I am determined to get it out ASAP! Please put away the tar and feather's, and for heaven's sake stop sharpening that guillotine blade. Really! Is that necessary!
I like a feather duster better.
gblade sharp