Good news; bad news; good news

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Well I got some good news today. I don't have MS. A brain MRI scan came up clean. The bad news is I have virtually no vitamin D in my system (3 ng/ml - minimum needed to not be consider severely deficient is 30-60 ng/ml - depending on who you believe), the lack of which can mimic MS. I am now taking 5000 units of vitamin D a day. Doctor says it will take at least 3 months to get it up to where it needs to be. More bad news - They found that I also have severe multi-layer spinal arthritis, which is causing the weakness in my legs by abrading and compressing the sciatic nerve bundle. I may have to have surgery to relieve it, don't know for sure.

Other Good news - my muse decided to come back from vacation. Chapter 12 of Mother's Child is coming along nicely, I hope to get it to my editors in the next few days. Yaaah!!!



Sorry to hear that

Angharad's picture

as a fellow back sufferer, mine is damaged at the radicals which is above the pelvis, you have my sympathy. At least you should start to feel better when the vit D levels rise.


Vitamin d...

I have the same problem with vitamin may want start drinking a glass of orange juice. My doctor told me that the acid in oj helps the vitamin d to absorb better.

I for one used to eat a lot

I for one used to eat a lot of fruit and drink a lot of orange juice.

Then I found out I have fructose and sorbitol mal, which are extremely common. Excess fructose and sometimes sucrose could trigger digestive trouble, which I mistook for irritable bowel syndromes, migraines, which I lost track of with all my other triggers, and tryptophan and serotonin deficiencies. Any sorbitol, mannitol, or other alcohols would trigger extreme intestinal pain.

It's not a panacea, and for many people it's a poison.

Before surgery

BarbieLee's picture

You might try gelatin everyday. Mix a bag of jello in a steaming cup of hot water. Let it set to congeal or sip it while it is still liquid. Homeopathic treatments are long range and take time. Give it a month taking it everyday before making a judgement on whether your body feels better than the month before. Try a hair and nail supplement to ad the cushion cartilage back into your body.

Our modern society is killing us. Darn near everything we eat from the grocery store is over processed and possibly turned into brew and reconstituted back into something eye appealing. There is little nutritional value in any of it our body was designed to work with no matter what the packaging claims on the label.

Life is meant to be lived not worn until it is worn out

disclaimer for FDA. I am NOT a medical doctor and my post in no way constitutes medical advice for the individual. The post is sharing of information and is not to be taken as medical advice.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Well, you do have a diagnosis

Well, you do have a diagnosis, and you do have a treatment. So from here out things should get better, even if they don't get all the way back.


I have a very low Vitamin D level also, so I know how it feels. At age 69 most of us have some Arthritis. My Doctor actually wrote me off work when I was just over 55 years old. I took his advice and my employer said I had mental issues, so they were able to avoid giving me a generous disability retirement. It's alright, I do OK.

They like to work you until you are in a wheelchair or bed ridden. It happens to lots of us. If your employment is physically demanding, it tears your body apart. I decided that I would avoid the total destruction of my body if I could.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.



You are right about that. I started having endrocrine problems several years ago, was judged by my doctor to be disabled, but when I filed for disability they found stuff in my personnel file to make a reason they say predates my medical problems to let me go. No pension, no insurance, no nothing. I'm still fighting it as most of the stuff they are relying on is made up, but my lawyer says we have maybe a 20% chance of winning. Good thing he's my bro-in-law or he would have thrown it over by now.

Severe Vitamin D deficiency causes your nervous system to short circuit much like MS among a host of other problems.


Getting old is not for the faint of heart! Corporations suck!