Just started re-reading

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Being Christina Chase by Admiral Krunch. If you haven't discovered it yet, do try it, it's a jolly good read and well written. I thoroughly recommend it.



For General Market Publication

It is just one of several stories here that would do well in public.

One of my favorites is "The Gift of The Unicorn".


Thank You, Ang.

Somehow I missed Being Christina the first time around. Thanks to you, I'm reading it now (Ch.9). You are right it is a really good story. Thanks again.


Thank you Angharad

Thanks to your recommendation, I just finished reading Being Christina Chase, which was on hiatus when I joined Big Closet. It was an amazing story! I must admit, as a parent of a lovely German Shepherd, that my favorite character was Boris. Considering what a talent Admiral Krunch displayed with this story, it is disappointing that he has not graced us with another tale.

It's funny

Angharad's picture

but it left me feeling rather down despite it's supposed uplifting end - hey ho - that's life.

I also re read one of my own novel length stories Snafu of which the first 47 chapters are on Sapphire's Place, the last four or five are here at BC. I thought it held together quite well throughout and I will eventually redo it as a book - needs a little bit of tidying up.


