TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


Going on the Honor System here

So, if you've got a story for the competition and haven't posted it yet, I'm trusting y'all to get 'em in by Midnight (February 5th 2016) your local time zone. With the response we've had I don't see any reason to prolong the due date, especially after the idea being submitted garnered minimal concern.

Also, just a reminder: as of right now the prizes are:

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Crossing unthinkable boundaries

Working on a story, I seem to have crossed an unthinkable boundary. In working out the details of a plot so that human colonists could flee Earth, I roughed in the idea that Israel attacked Iran again, and then the Iranians promptly detonated a nuclear weapon in Al Aqsa Mosque. Most westerners call it the Dome of the Rock. The Iranians had been quietly building the device for many years in preparation for such an event. When we toured Jerusalem, we were taken into tunnels said to honeycomb the area under that mosque.

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Transgender Ballerina - The Times (UK)

I'm not a great one for reading the newspapers, as I find the constant barrage of negativity and bad news tends to tilt the balance of sanity towards deep depression and paranoia. When you realise that actually the world has a lot more good things happening than bad, but the media don't make any money from them.

Read this Transgender Ballerina

Found it hopeful.


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A list as long as my arm

That's what I have, in regards to stories for my mini-contest thing. I've read about half of them, but most of my open browser tabs right now are stories starting with the words "The Crush."

People, you have no idea how much this means to me. So much, in fact, that I'm upping the prize for the winner to a 3 month sub, rather than a one-month. Well, okay, I was probably gonna do that ANYWAY since there's not a non-recurring option for one month any more, but still, the thought counts, right?

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SF weekly update

Dear loyal readers,
Just a quick note to let you all know that I will not be able to update SF this week. Things have been crazy, but I did get some writing in this week, so I hope I'll be ready to post next week. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you. I love you all, and SF will be completed in time.


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For the culture hungry

The Guardian have been running a series of great actors performing vignettes of Shakespeare speeches. My favourite so far Joanna Vanderham doing a speech from Romeo and Juliet or Ayesha Dharker as Titania, probably because I'd loved to have played these parts and I'm more the size of the sugar plum hippo from Fantasia than a faerie queen or a lovesick adolescent. The boys are good too. If the link works, do have a look or a listen, they are brilliant.

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I'm in-- The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma

Well I did it. I finally managed to get a story done in time for a contest entry. I've just posted "The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma" For better or worse, 6,337 words of my attempt at TG romance, written from the GGs point of view. Something new for me.

Hope you all like it.

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UK Petition, TG Women barred from pageant

"Last year I applied and was selected to be a finalist for the Miss Galaxy Contest, 4-7 February 2016. I was so proud to think that we finally live in a society that accepts transgendered women to this extent. But when I emailed to secure my place I mentioned this and was instantly informed I was no longer eligible to compete. They say they hadn’t spotted that I was transgender -- according to their rules you have to be born female to take part in the pageant."

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A time of reflection

I just counted the books that I have published under the TANYA ALLAN banner. I have now fifty books to my name. I am gob-smacked, as I only started publishing in April 2011 after some kind people on this site and on Sapphire's Place encouraged me to do so. I have been writing for a lot longer, but most of those 50 books have been written over the last five years. In the first 12 months (2011-2012) I sold just under 5,000 books. Last year (2014-15) I sold a little over 11,000.

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Advice needed please

I help run a yearly convention. A year and a half ago or so, one of our attendees transitioned MtF. As far as I know, she has had no troubles, other than some wrong name usage (she has been coming to the convention for 10+ years). The wrong name usage dropped from last year to this year. Even my very conservative friends have treated her well, doing their best to use her correct name.

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Extremely ill and slow recovery

The counter thingie says I've been a pest here for slightly over 9 years or 2006. I first published at "Story Site" in 2001, probably after I returned from Kenya, completely shattered. My heart felt little dream of Christianity making the world a better place had been proved to be a vile, machiavellian. fantasy. I'd had shocking glimpses of the underbelly and droppings of the Missionary game. Then in a few weeks the 9/11 thing came, and the world came crashing in for so many of us, worst of all the occupants of the towers.

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A legend in my own lunchtime?

The above quote is John Lennon.

According to Oscar Wilde, 'The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.' It appears my name has been bandied about on the message boards at the other place, suggesting that I'd effectively created a Bike virus and infected half the authors on BC which makes them write interminable serials like Bike.

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Understanding an Authors Style

I have been working on the Little Boy-Girl Saga for over a year. I use Microsoft Word when I write and I do use the spell check. Plus it will tell me if I need to add or remove words. IF YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY STYLE THEN MY STORIES ARE NOT FOR YOU. That's how I feel when someone doesn't read the saga from the start. I truly work hard on my stories. It hurts me when people don't get my style I give people good reviews if I like a story and if I don't I keep it to myself.

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The Crush tag added to Contests

I just added "2016 February - The Crush Mini-Contest" to the "Contest" list which can be chosen when creating Fiction. This way, it will be easy to look at all the entries and check to see which ones you have read or haven't and vote on them.

Note though that Melanie and I have entries on the list but we aren't eligible for prizes. :)


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My name is TGTrinity, and I'm an author of transgendered erotica. I've posted my stories on a couple of different sites, but it was recently requested by a reader that I post my stories here. I have to say that I love the amount of content on the site, as well as the tools available to authors and readers alike.

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on a breadcake

roll or other baked product at the moment so I've sent four new chapters to the editor - it would've been more except stupid blonde that I am I managed to wipe a full new chapter and it took 3 days to remember everything I'd written - essential as I'd written two more after it!

Potentially then we'll be up into the teens by next weekend so there might be a new part book on Sunday.

Today though there definitely is a new chapter here.


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2016-01 (2) Exams

Well one worry less for the moment. My results for the first semester are 70%, 80% and 80%. So 2 B's and 1 C isn't bad when I didn't study more then 8 hours total ( for 7 tests, 4 homework tasks and 3 exams) for the entire semester. (finishes what they call A-levels in the UK for the rest, years ago so only got the technical courses left).

Thursday it's the first day of the next semester but before that it's back for the retirement commission and work related stuff Tuesday >faceplam<. Here's hoping it will be the last one ...


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Time For A Rewrite!

Because I'm that type of person who prepares for all eventualities, I'm just making a quick post to let everyone know that I'm taking down my story to rewrite it. I wrote it quite a long time ago and just want to start fresh. Besides, I only got one chapter through before I felt that something went wrong in my telling, so it's no big loss I don't think!

I don't know when or if it will be posted, but I'd like to think that I will have something up within the year :p

*Edit* hmm... that is if I can remove it! I may just leave them and change the titles if I cannot */Edit*


New one out! - Marine 2 - A Very Unusual Roman

I do apologise, as this has taken me far longer than I anticipated. I normally research my books, just to ensure that I am reasonably accurate with what's happening, but the research for this one took me to extreme lengths.

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book - MARINE 2 - A very Unusual Roman.

For those experts into Roman history, and specifically the Emperor Trajan's Dacian wars in the years 102 - 106 AD, please note - I have tried to keep it as authentic as I can, but I have taken a little licence to give a rollicking good read!

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A Little Favor, Please

While trying to beat my brain into activity I read the wonderful comments many of you wrote for the novels in the nine volume California Saga series. The stories now on have been selling steadily but slowly; however, the only reviews, two very nice ones by the way, were for "The Heart of the Beholder." I'm hoping that some of you who enjoyed the series would write a few reviews. You certainly don't need to buy the books, but remember to link through this site so that BCTS gets a little bit, if you do.

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Tiring day

A couple of weeks ago my daughter got knocked off her bike by a car. Fortunately she was more shocked than physically hurt but her bike was damaged and as it's her main form of transport, I bought her a new one from a bike shop which she collected last weekend. Unfortunately, it wasn't properly set up and I had to drive up to her place and sort it out for her. I'm not the greatest bike mechanic but at least it was rideable when I'd finished and I'd more or less sorted out the gears.

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It's been a tough go

Two months ago, on November 30th, I completely disconnected with reality as my body fought for life. It started while I was out driving and blacked out. When I finally came through, I was driving in the middle of nowhere and couldn't find my way home. I GPS'd my address in my phone and made it back. I got to my driveway and banged on the door. Felix let me in. I went to bed and blacked out again. The next thing I know the paramedics are leading my outside, naked, to get me into an ambulance. That's the last real memory I have. I remember my delusions vividly but they were not kind.


Crossover Characters

I'm trying to remember the title and author of a story

It is proving difficult as I can't remember which universe it was set could have been in the Julieverse or Whateley universes

part of story I can remember

new state of the art theatre is setup on a campus (link between the above universes and this particular story is Jen Stevens of Bob Arnolds ZAPPED universe if I'm remembering correctly), part of this theatre that Jen helps to set up is that it houses a panic room.


Rodford Edmiston Smith aka Stickmaker

I don't know how many of you are familiar with Stickmaker, but he is a superb writer with a huge body of work. He generally posts his stuff as emails to the Yahoo group, I think.

His main story, MASKS is an immense work, involving very large groups of characters, supers, of course. If you're a fan of these kinds of stories, I urge you to go and read. You won't be disappointed. Of course, his main character(s) is(are) TG.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Well isn't that just PURRfect?!

I don't know if this woman is making fun of us with performance art, or if she
really is a cat at heart, but her trans-species situation seems like what the critics
of transgender people always warned would happen if they allowed us to exist;
and I fear this will be grabbed onto as somehow implicating us as delusional,
with that peculiar logic of transphobes...


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What a compliment

To those who know me, which is few on this site, and those who don't, I want to start by saying I am a nurse of 20 years. That being said, I have just started a new job in the last 2 weeks. As with any new job there are the anxieties and insecurities aplenty. I have always worked in hospital, usually a large one, and am now working in a long term care facility in a new position as a supervisor.

All that aside, I seem to be one of the more senior nurses in this facility and I am finding that for once my years on experience is actually being appreciated.


I have been given an amazing honor today

I received an amazing honor today.

The Rev. Anam Chara, a fantastic author here on Big Closet, name-dropped one of my stories into the latest chapter of his story, having a group of high school students read my work and comment on it.

I am humbled by being selected for such an honor.

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Interference from RL

I've managed a few thousand words of Tammy's tales since I rejoined BCTS earlier this month, but I did have plenty of free time available.

It now looks like I have to spend a few days with my brother who has suffered a major PC failure and can't recover his data from his old hard disc. That means a trip to the far side of London, probably tomorrow.

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Mixed Tape Update

Hey all, Persnickety here, curator of the Mixed Tape collections.

The latest Mixed Tape is still coming along at a snails pace. At this point, an early February release doesn't look likely. As for the new release date, it'll happen when it happens, and it'll happen when we get at least 10 stories. I want to kick of the year with something substantial.

If you would like to be part of the collection, read on. This time around I'd also like to shine a spotlight on some of the longer stories you folks write, if you'd like on that, you'll find more information after the jump.

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In Memorium

Today is the first of three sad anniversaries for NASA. On this day in 1967 a flashfire during routine preflight testing of the Apollo 1 spacecraft took the lives of Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee.

Tomorrow, Jan. 28, is the 30th anniversary of the Challenger shuttle disaster.

And Feb. 1, is the 13th anniversary of the Colombia disaster.


college bound

Can't remember if I read here or some where else. There this teen boy who wanting to get away from his controlling mother. So he applied for a college out there the west coast. His letter from the college came in he was accepted. His name was neutral so could a boy or girls name. When got the information back. He told mother that he was going cross country to go to school. When he get there and set up in his room. His roommate show up it was a female. By that time he had no choice but to share it with her. She found out that he was TG. someone can help me find thank you.

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We're back

Piper and I are back from our vacation in Florida. For me this means going from 65°F damp days to 65°F dry days but Piper has been dropped into the deep freeze of New Jersey. :(

We had fun. We're tired and we probably all have colds. I expect to do very little today and maybe not much more than that tomorrow. And Piper still has some personal stuff on her plate to take care of. So, please, continue to cut us some slack. :)


need some insight

okay need some help. You see i have 2 stories on the go. One is almost done and should be ready to post, but the other is giving me issues in the stupidest way possible.

You see it centers around one of my favourite creatures: a naga. A boy angers his girlfriend's grandmother who turns him into a snake. THe girlfriend is horrified and tries to change him back, but she only knows one spell: change-into-girl. So the result is a naga made of two different kinds of magic. This is my excuse as to why he can't simply be changed back.

Now, what's been eating me about this?

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Let it snow

I live about 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia. Over the weekend we had a bit of snow... the local paper claims 31 inches. Needless to say I was snowed in but fortunately never lost electric power. Physically, it was quite tough on me.

In 2000 I had a total right knee replacement. November 2104 I had a spinal laminectromy, and in December I had a total left knee replacement. Fortunately I have a snowblower but still spent 7 hours digging out. Needless to say my new knee wasn't too happy with me. No damage, just ache & fatigue.

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Bridesmaid for a Friend Illustration

Hello Big Closet,

Noticed this site for a while now. While I am more of a fan of the forced fem stuff, I do a have soft spot for regular crossdressing and tg stories. A while a go I did this illustration to Thomas Roberts forgotten "Bridesmaid for a Friend" story about a boy who is asked to be a bridesmaid for his lady friend's wedding. In the story he learns about himself and finds love. Her story is on Fictionmania.

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A very brave young woman

This young woman is trying to make it as a competitive cyclist in Afghanistan not the easiest place to be female let alone one who wants to race bicycles. She's only sixteen but listening to her talking to someone from the BBC, I wish her really well in her life and hobby. She wants to study medicine in Germany.

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The Enhanced: TRI - 38 is now available

There it is, Chapter 38. The epilogue. Thanks for your patience and your readership.
If anyone is interested, I have a glossary of terms and a character list available, just PM me wit an email address and i'll send the doc files to you.
It was a heck of a ride.
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large

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Clarkson shows what a moron he is

He wrote a disparaging piece in the Sunday Times (Murdoch's flagship) about transgender people which Stonewall are making a meal of. Personally, I think I'd rather listen to my cat squawk than that big galoot, who has offended me at least twice in decrying cyclists and now people with gender dysphoria. That's been sorted but now I have Clarksonalgia - I think he's a total pain.

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looking for a story?

I am looking for a story that was on BCTS,

It as about an older couple where the husband is turned into a little girl, the wife then is made younger and basically the mother. their 3 dogs that had died are brought back and turn into dragons which the girl rides. She then travels to the DC universe to gather powers, she gets flight, strength, and I remember that she ended up getting dark sides omega beam as well.

for the life of me i can not remember the title or author. but I remember almost every detail from the story.

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TG Story search -- boy donates bone marrow to girl,...

I'm looking for a TG story I read here about a boy (maybe age 9--13 or so) whose best friend (a girl) is dying of leukemia.

He donates bone marrow, then dresses as a girl in the belief that only if he does so will she recover. Does anyone recognize it and remember the name and author?

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The compleat Book 14 and more

Well here we are, Book 14 in the Gaby saga is complete and now available in a single 300 plus page volume at both Kindle and Lulu sites. The eagle eyed amongst you will note a change of title for the volume, Gaby San didn't sit very well in either language or continuity so it will now be Gaby - The Girl.

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SEE, Anmar, Index question

Hi all,

now we have been stunned by Penny's brilliance, and pleased that there is at least one more chapter to come, I find myself in a very strange situation, in several ways.

However, the one of immediate importance is as follows:

Should I include the names etc etc from #139 in the Index?

If so, should it be in a different section?

It might be a HUGE spoiler to anyone coming late to this series!

Your opinions please as to whether I should update the index with all the names and ranks from #139.

Thanks in advance



What Timezone does this site use?

A little while ago (minutes) I posted a comment to my story 'The Black Cab'. The time of the post was logged as 2016/01/24 - 7:07am
Yet it was 2016-01-24 06:47:00 (or thereabouts).

I know of some parts of the world that use the odd half hour as a TX offset (India is UTC+05:30) but this seems to be a case of clock drift.

If there a reason for the drift?

While I am on the subject of times, when does the 'day' start for the Hit counter? If there some mythical Timezone used for this? Perhaps the Sargasso Sea TZ?

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How can people be so cruel?

We were visiting my husband's family in London. We decided to use public transport due to the fact that he hates to drive in London and I'm still not happy about driving on the wrong side of the road lol. It was while we were on the tube (subway) and Benjamin our youngest woke up. I was hoping to get to my in laws first we were about twenty minutes away. This meant that I had to discretely as possible breast feed him on the tube train. I was doing this pretty well until some guy started to object to it and he made me feel so bad and dirty about doing something natural.


bad day at work last night

You know how I've been saying I'm in pain and wish I could get a break from work?

Well, I should be a bit more careful in my wishes.

I got a serious dressing down from my boss last night, giving me the impression I'm on thin ice in terms of continuing to work there, and to say the least I'm pretty depressed about it.

You add pain and PTSD to my depression, and its not a good situation at the moment.

hugs and prayers appreciated.

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2016-01 Exams, bikes and stuff

Well my exams are over and now I'm just waiting on the points. Think I got everything but I won't know before the 29th.

Head 's cleared up a bit which is good and I spend Tuesday with my brother-in-law at the motor show in Brussels which also helped. And no, I didn't buy anything although I liked some of the light motorcycles a lot, BMW G310R anyone ;)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Shannara series

I know this is going to bump my other blog off but this is more important.

The new Series "Shannara" is OK but I think there are several authors here who could have written it better. It's a very loose combination of "Lord of the Rings" and Bailey's "15ft of Steel".

The thing is wound too tight for me and too much tension but the actors seem good.


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Stories to Read When You Have a Migraine?

I have a really nasty migraine right now. I have chronic migraines, and I don't know what to read. I can't do any serious work or exercise like this.

Personally, when I'm in pain, I like something which gives me hope. I like when characters I can relate to come through things all right. Of course, different people have different personalities, motivations, and neurotypes. I am autistic, and sometimes have trouble relating to characters at the opposite end of the allistic spectrum.

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Please: Hatbox Funds Needed

Update: I just put one of our bills for about $200 on my credit card because there is not enough in the PayPal account to cover it. This is how after sixteen years I am about $16,000 in debt. $1000 a year isn't bad, huh? :)

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has given and please, if you can send us something this month, we would appreciate it. There is lots of work going on here to keep the site functioning into the future that no one really sees. Good things are happening behind the curtain. :)



Cate McGregor named Queensland "Australian of the Year"

Something I never anticipated would happen in my lifetime. Each year on Australia Day, January 26th, an 'Australian of the Year' is chosen from the eight State and Territory nominees. This year, Group Captain Cate McGregor, the highest ranking trans military officer in the world has been named the Queensland State "Australian of the Year".


Instant pictures to caratures

I haven't used the program so you are on your own. I thought it might be a help to those who need graphics in their stories?

Cartoonize your picture!

Turn any picture into a custom cartoon
Your new handmade cartoon is just 3 clicks away!

As always, buyer beware. Again, I haven't done a review on the program or what they offer.


100 kudos for a story

Thanks to all of you, who have read and liked Womanly Chapter 1. I am glad that you like this story and I am very grateful for this landmark. This is my first story to hit a hundred. I have developed as a writer and I am sure I have a lot more improving to do. Thank you for putting up with my stories and hopefully they entertain you.

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The Transit of Venus. Please help to chart her course

Book 2 of The Transit of Venus is drawing to a close and it seems that for many readers it signals the end of those subjects that draw them to BC. For those that are interested in the sailing, history and adventures I will be continuing but am unsure whether to post it 1-2,000 words at a time as I have been or when I complete the book. There is a danger that without the routine of posting to encourage me Book 3 might take a very long time.

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The Family Girl #074: The Girl Who Had FFS, and The Bunny


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #74: The Girl Who Had FFS, and the Bunny:
Goodbye, Anne and Angel

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl

Blogs, click on this link:

I very infrequently visit the site anymore. There are many reasons why. But more than anything, it’s probably because I am not the same person I was before that relied on the site for more than just wanting to read stories. It is, perhaps, because of who I am and how I changed.

But more about that later, I think.

The reason I am posting this time is because I read Aunt Andrea’s New Year’s blogpost about Annette MacGregor. And that Aunt Andrea found her name in the “In Memoriam” box…

I looked, and, yes, her name, as well as Angel O’Hare’s name was there…

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had my vacation cancelled

Well, got a frustrating situation going on. See, way back at the beginning of December, I booked the last week of January off, got that approved by my supervisor, and gave the sheet to the personal office.

And yet, my name is on the schedule for that week.

I talked to the store manager and my supervisor about this, and they asked me about pushing my time off because they are expecting a new maintenance person to be starting around that time, and they would prefer they not have to go solo right away, but rather have someone to show them the ropes.

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My first ever 1-star review

I am depressed...

I started the day with my first ever 1-star review on Felicia's Second Life. Here's what the reviewer said:

[blockquote]Couldn't get past 40% of the preview By H on January 16, 2016
This may appeal to anime fans, but only if you don't mind the typos, the grammatical mistakes, the bad editing and the cliche dialog. Not sure why anyone would pay money for this. [/blockquote]

40%? Like WTF? You haven't even finished the prologue!

He didn't even buy the damned book.


The Danish Girl - the story of Lili Elbe, an early recipient of SRS.

I've been reading about the new film 'The Danish Girl' which tells the story of Lili Elbe, one of the first known recipients of gender reassignment surgery in the early years of the twentieth century. It seems that Eddie Redmayne who won an Oscar last year for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking does an amazing job as Lili, and the pictures so far released seem to bear this out. I'm sure there are some people who will say why could Hollywood not have engaged a genuine transgender actor for the role, but perhaps that is a step too far for them at present.

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does this kind of story exist?

so, i've seen a lot of stories that focus on a protagonist doing something wrong (either real or perceived) and being punished by being made into a girl and liking it along the way and so on and so forth.

What I'm curious is are their any stories where the new girl's identity takes on a life of its own and those orchestrating this punishment quickly discover they don't like the person she's becoming?

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Taking Movies to Palarand

So when Gary returns to Anmar he'll have an unspecified number of SDHC cards. Now, most of these won't be of immediate use but you can be sure that a specification of the interface will be available - and all those chips will act as a sure incentive to find out what's on them.

You can take it for granted that among the contents will be movies. An average movie can be from 1Gb to 5Gb depending on length and bitrate so a single chip will hold many. So, what exactly might he have taken?

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trying to fight off rage

I am really angry, and trying to keep a lid on it.

See, a couple of days ago, our provincial government brought down some recommendations for school boards dealing with LGBT kids, but not everybody was pleased.

The bishop of Calgary fired off on the recommendations, especially those that were supposed to help make trans kids safer in schools.

So when I read what he said, I started to get angry.

I wanted to fire back, to find out his email address and fill his inbox with every bit of rage i could.

But that's not the person I want to be.

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Story Hunt

Looking for a story about a teen boy that has refused to cut his hair. He ends up making a deal with his mom that if he can properly take care of his hair and keep it off his collar for the month/summer she will let him get a scooter he wants badly. This of course means he starts learning how to do updos from his mother's hair stylist. He is spotted by a couple of girls from school and it goes on from there.


Twilight vs Bike

Watching Twilight 2 for about the 4th time to keep the daemons at bay tonight when I was struck at the similarities between it and Bike. Simon and Cathy are saying the same things to each other as Bella and Edward.

Promise I'll behave, so no chewing me out, unless someone wants to spank me.

Everything is so dark and sad now taking these bloody Antibiotics. Too sick to even be snotty. 5 days left ...

FUCK !!!

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