TopShelf Blogs

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Links in stories

Those who have been following The Transit of Venus know that I like to put links in the text to tempt readers. On the whole these have been popular, even the ones prompted by my weird British sense of humour, but I would like to apologise to readers coming across the links some time after an episode was posted if the link has gone out of date or simply become defunct. My intension has always been to write in such a way that the links are not a necessary part of the story but an ‘extra’ for those interested.

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Finally, it took forever but the result of the assessment November 7, 2014 for getting my srs came in today.
5 page form to fill out and send to the GRC in Montreal.

then they go over the medical information on it and decide if they will do the operation(s) and get back to me with a date.

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A long overdue Battle For Earth update

I know it probably seems as if I've fallen off the face of the Earth (at least the part of it that happens to be on the top shelf of a rather big closet and other places where tg writers lurk), but believe it or not I do have good news for those that actually seem to like to read my demented ramblings. The final parts of Battle For Earth, will get posted in the near future when I have time to get them edited. I admit I did sit on the ending for long periods, but between those periods it went through a number of different and rather extensive revisions.

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Alan Rickman died today.

One of the best British actors has lost his fight with cancer aged 69. He got a BAFTA for his Sheriff of Nottingham against Kevin Costner's Robin Hood, where acted the American off the screen. Most of you will know him as Professor Snape from the Harry Potter films, where he played a brooding dark character to perfection. My own favourite was Truly, madly Deeply, with Juliet Stevenson, which was where I first saw him and fancied him like mad.,_Madly,_Deeply

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Yay! Felicia's on Amazon!

As the title says: Yay! Felicia's Second Life is now up on Amazon!


Darn, I thought publishing an ebook is easy. I have absolutely no idea it would take me over a month. I feel like crying. I'll cry further if it turns out my book is so uninteresting that nobody outside would buy it. Well, here's hoping that FSL will become a success.

Thanks a lot to Eric and my readers here.

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A rough day at work

Well, I had a very rough night at work last night.

It started off with me finding out that I am scheduled for the last week of the month when I had asked for and been signed off on getting vacation for that time, so I was a little ticked off by that.

Then my boss basically accused me of deliberately skipped part of my job, not even considering the possibility that I had simply forgot.

This sent me into a depressive spiral, leaving me feeling worthless and like nothing matters.

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Potential Soup Recipie

I was thinking of making a soup with
Chicken Broth
Diced Cabbage
Maybe Spinnage
Diced Carrots
Green Peas
Lima Beans
Chopped Chicken Breast
And seasonings

hmm, any ideas of what to add or subtract?

Trying to come up with a soup to make one day and have last all weak to cut down on the carry out food bill each weak. Alas typical Bachelor Guy who cant just barley cook some things like eggs, grilled-cheese sandwiches, and other simple things. I can do my own laudry, dishes, and cleaning but never really learned to cook alas.

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The end to Shadow of the Heart.

I am ending Shadow with a extremely short chapter the week. I am doing this so I can get to work on the third book in the Tales Trilogy. Yes Ember and the gang are coming back. I will be taking a short break to write a few chapters before I start posting. So see you in February!

Kat H.

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Extreme anxiety

I am not sure why, but it seems like my social anxiety levels are sky high.

First, I had to fight anxiety off just to go to a store and get help fixing our shower chair, and then today, I was going to go to volunteer at the local food bank (It was something my councilor recommended), but I got so anxious I didn't go.

Sighs ....

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What do ribbons really mean?
They show about a time and place you have been.
They show deeds done.

That is the face they show to others.

They wont ever show the child never coming home.
They wont ever show the child never held again.
They wont show the light leaving some ones eyes.
They wont show the loss of having every thing you had destroyed.
They wont tell of the torment of dreams.
They wont tell of faces coming to you in your sleep.
They wont tell os the sounds and smells that send your mind to a far off place


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Update on Mother's Child

Hi folks. My health has improved. My mind has cleared and is working again, (as well as it ever did) and I've been writing again. Chapter 12 of Mother's Child was sent last night to my editor's, so with any luck at all I should be able to post the next chapter with the next few days. I'm sorry for the delay.


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Arabic and Drupal

Will Drupal take character sets other than western? I can see a "charset=iso-8859-6 - Arabic Alphabet (ISO)", but have no idea how to try it. The project I am working on would have very limited Arabic in it, but not being fluent in HTML or anything else, just don't know if it is worth the effort?

The Character would start out speaking UAE Arabic but when he realized that the other participants in the scene spoke only english switched to english. I think it would add a bit of eye candy and realism to the scene.

It will be some time before I get to that part.


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Need help...Who is She?

Hi everyone out there!
Last night i came across a video from tg tales on youtube. The video was about a boy (SAM) changing into a girl then quite a feminine one with the name Nugirls-2, Teen Queen. The original video is Size em up with Lindsay felton. But who is the girl at the End? somebody pleeeeeeeaaaase help. The link is

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Rumours, rumours

Dear all,

I logged into BC today for the first time in six months and I'm sorry I haven't been around - please don't believe any rumours you probably haven't heard. My muse has escaped me, I haven't written a word since last summer and have no sign of doing so in the next few days. The stories will be concluded but I can't give a timescale.

I'll check in a bit more often - I promise.


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is of course here to stay for a while and rather than make plans for my writing we'll just have to see how it pans out.

My biggest problem, having a job and other interests, is time. If the muse is with me it still takes 3-4 hours to write a single Gaby chapter plus any research time which translates to a lot of keyboard time! I managed 4 chapters between Tuesday and today but only wrote on three days due to other stuff so you see the issue. Some days I just need to kick back and veg!

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Dahak Universe

The way the 'upgrade' is done in David Webers Dahak an open door, I think, for a tg related storyline. At least I have seen similar plots around ... So I'm wondering if anyone has seen anything,

More info about the verse at:
Webers bibliography
Mutineers Moon (first book in the series)

PS even some stuff in the later Honorverse stories could be used.

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Hoping against hope.

The powerball jackpot now stands as close enough to one Billion dollars that there almost is no difference.

I have bought my tickets and am sitting waiting for the numbers to be drawn, hoping against hope that one of my tickets will be the ticket that will help me acheive my dream... that being the REAL building of The Home That Love Built, my little universe of stories on the internet.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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My Wife's struggle

Stephie's (my wife's) condition continues to degrade. She was first diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer's disease in 2013. She was put into hospice a year later. Since then, I've been taking care of her at home, and slowly watching her degrade over time.

The periods where she is coherent grow fewer and further between. She no longer recognizes me. She think's I'm our son.

She struggles to say simple things. I would like to think that her mind knows what she's trying to say, but it gets lost in translation to what comes out of her mouth.

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Another Happy, happy.

I caught up with an old schoolfriend on New Year's day. He's known about my transition, but he caught me a bit by surprise when he said that he'd bought my book and enjoyed reading it!

Once I get a chance, I WILL go to see him (he's a bit disabled and in a wheelchair) and sign it for him. He's never actually seen me as Catherine, but he's said, several times, that he has no problem with me becoming Catherine and looks forward to seeing me in person.

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Forum Cleanout

Just an FYI, I spent most the day doing a cleanout of bogus forums. It was a lot of tedious work to delete each one. There is no streamlined way to maintain them.

Thank you to everyone that's been reminding us it needed to get done, and sorry it took us so long to do it (we try and do it every couple months). We're trying to work out a way to stop it from getting so bad in the future, so please bear with us.

N-E-Ways, visit, post, enjoy!

-Piper, Cat, Erin and the BigCloset Band.

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Be thankful you do not live in Peru

I have just read the story about the problems experienced by TS girls in Lima Peru. Here is the link:

I found the story to be so sad to read and yet how brave the girls are to live in such a society where the average life expectancy is 35 years of age.

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Acceptable shoes

My wife has long been the policewoman looking out for fashion no-nos. By that I mean seeing to it that I don't get too feminine for the situation. These could be a simple as seeing to it that I'm dressed masculine enough to be seen with her, to seeing to it that I'm dressed masculine enough to be seen by our friends and family that don't know I'm T.

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I Seem To Remember A Story

... about a gender confused boy who when turning 18 finds a rather domineering girl friend who quickly convinces him he should try being a woman, which she feels he is better suited. Her father is a tattoo artist and her mother is an MD who starts him quickly towards his friend's and his? goal. Did I miss something or is the story just wallowing towards incompletion. I don't remember the name or author. I'd like to catch up. Any ideas out there?


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How not to do transition?

From the Daily Mirror a story from Italy about a transgender woman who has spent over fifty thousand pounds on plastic surgery and looks rather sad to my thinking, especially the lip implants which look ridiculous and she plans on more! I'll stick to buying books. Amazingly, her wife has stayed with her.

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Kasier comes through again.

I went in for cataract surgery on my left eye yesterday. I was instructed to wear a button up shirt for the procedure. So wore my new pull up pants and a blue blouse with a square cut hem and long sleeves. Masculine enough that my wife is OK with me wearing it anywhere. A must because a guy from church was my ride to and from. However, while it may have the cut of a man's shirt, it has no breast pocket, buttons are on the distaff side and it has darts to accommodate my bustline. Inadvertently, i wore a pair of flats rather then my usual penny loafers. More on that in another blog.

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I need some names!

I am working on the next chapter of "Mercy", and I'm getting stuck on one thing.

I need some names.

I need a good name for the species that Faith draws her powers from.

I need two names for two different groups within that species.

and I need a good name for her antagonist.

Any suggestions ?

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A productive day

Well, I have had a productive day.

I got my laundry done, I have replacements coming for my health care card and my social insurance card coming, I got money out to pay for my share of the rent, I got a refill on my meds, and I treated myself to some cheese bread.

And now I'm working on the next chapter of "Mercy"

Not a bad day ...

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A Happy New Year to all, and some S E E info.

Hi all,

I have been away for a couple of weeks and have now returned home (bliss - my own mattress again!).

What that means is that I have only this morning had time to update the Index entries for Penny's latest.

But those tasks are now done, so out there publicly the information is at the latest state.

Internally, I need to update the copyright year ranges etc etc etc etc

And to complete my next two episodes.

Happy New Year to you all.



Cliffhangers and writing

Going back over my Transit of Venus I've read comments about my frequently leaving cliffhangers. I've read similar comments about other people's posts and it made me question whether some of our writing on BC is structured differently to the classic, magically produced for the audience, completed novel. The term cliffhanger comes I think from serials that left a bit of bait to encourage the audience to return for the next episode.

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Gender-Specific Teleportation

I know that in the Starforce Trilogy, and in Spinrad's "Void Captain's Tale," space travel depends on gender-specific teleportation abilities. Usually female-only.

I wonder what people think of using the idea in stories.

I was planning to use the idea, with modifications, in some space opera stories, because it dodges the physical objections to faster-than-light travel, and it complicates the gender politics of the societies involved. I figure it could involve a drug and/or cybernetic implants that help people do this, but make some people too dysphoric to do this.

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Crossdresser bottom

It is embarrassing to admit that I have not figured this out, and the one opportunity to get it right, I ignored.

You see, I have no BUTT. And, that is exacerbated by childhood scoliosis that left my lower back with no "Lordosis" whatsoever. I did purchase a padded butt/hip panty but it was far too tight, and now I can not even get into it at all !

It was one of those Made in China, size L things. For those who have noticed, this year is starting off as the year of the bigggg butt. In fact, no butt is a dead give away. :(


this was the year that was

Here is my take on 2015:

This was the year where old, tired governments got replaced by parties with younger leaders and more optimistic outlooks

But it was also the year a reality show host became the leading nominee for President of the U.S.

It was a year that a black man was still in the White house

but it also was a year where a lot of unarmed black men got shot by police.

It was a year in which the Pope asked capitalists to take more care of the less fortunate

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Writing "The Bridge."

This is the first piece of original writing I've felt able to do since putting up "The Bridge." If you haven't read it this piece will make more sense if you stop now and do so.

This article may be sprawling, it may be rambling, or it may be short and rambling. I expect rambling, regardless of the size. There won't be any pretty pictures for this unless someone comes along and adds one. I don't think I can find a graphic that demonstrates how I feel now or how I felt when I wrote that story that won't trivialiase or make trite my feelings.


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112 . . . _ _ _ . . . (2)

Well reading "The ties that bind" and, to put it blunt, pissed me of. so that I needed to shake it of. Not, to be to the point, that I hate it or that am angry at it. Just me being f****d as usual and letting my brain do her stuff >faceplam<

One reason I like reading and some tv-show /movies / anime , and that's forgetting music, is that my brain gives it an extra twist. My Mom used to say that when I watched a show, I was 'IN' the televionset instead of on the couch/floor where my body was. (was fun with the original Star Wars but hell with horormovies ).

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Replacing a published story

The talk of Gor, and Gorean stories ignited an exploration of my own stories that are similar. I found one that was written back in 2007 when I was even nuttier than I am now and while reading it, found serious sentence structure issues. I have copied and pasted it back to Word for a tune up and plan to replace it at BCTS later today.

My plan is to cut and paste it above the existing story and then cut the old out of the bottom. This feels laborious, and knowing the level of my own "skills" feel there is an easier way. Any suggestions?


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112 . . . _ _ _ . . .

I really don't need to start 2016 of with throwing things like mug around and boxing at walls ... Need to get calm and back down from being angry /frustrated/... Heck don't know if I'll be able to take my exams in 2 weeks like this which adding stress to the equation. Work, or shoud is say notwork, isn't helping either.

Been a while since I felt like a timebom with a lit fuse. Don't even know what I'm doing or even why I'm writing this post. Heck my laptop almost went flying. And that's because of a damn story I started reading today.

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happy new year, and a little treat for you all

Happy new year, everybody. I hope 2016 turns out to be an amazing fantastic year for you all.,

And just because you've all been good, here is a little treat:

"So what do you want to do tonight, Dottie?"

"Same thing we do every night, Jaci - try to convince people we're not girly girls!"

(Music plays)

"Oh they're Jaci and the Dot.

Jaci and the Dot.

One is a smartie, the other might have a thought.

They're really girly girls,

who give their skirts a twirl

They're Jaci, Jaci and the Dot Dot Dot ...."

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Gor: I don't get it

I don't get it. You see, I have stumbled across stories from it here on this website and elsewhere, and i've done some research into it. What I've learned is that it seems to be an extremely sexist, hyper male power/sex fantasy where females seem to be nothing more than worthless abuse toys. I...I just don't get it. If someone can help me try and understand this I'd be grateful because I don't understand why anyone would find this attractive or would want to be part of it.


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Update about my year's hiatus

At first I had writers block for several months, not being able write much I didn't hate. Afterwards I got absorbed in my own life and my old laptop died. This was bad because I had my story outline and research there, and of course it wasn't backed up. However, I have gotten back into writing and am happy with how chapter 3 is coming. Although I won't be able to write chapter 4+ until I can redo my research, trying to keep it somewhat historically accurate with names and all that.


Echoes took me back in time

Echoes by Sarah Lynn Morgan is as much a travel back in time as it is a fascinating life switch story. She had all the furnishings and nuances of history correct as far as I know. When Charlotte was at the dance, the young soldier asked if her "card" was filled for the dances. Young ladies of prominence had their evenings arranged with who they would social with and yes dance with beforehand. Thus the card and if it had some empty time for opportunity of a gentleman to ask the ladies hand for a dance.


I'm sorry

This is an apology for my latest story.

I'm sorry its so dark.

Its just that the stress of losing my wallet, the stress of watching my mom get a lung infection and be unable to take antibiotics for either it or the hole they dug in her head to get out the cancer because they make her sick, the stress of my friend Jaci having no money and no food in her house and me not being able to help, the stress of knowing I'm going to have postpone any chance at SRS for the foreseeable, the stress of my PTSD, my depression, and my gender issues ...

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I lost my wallet

Well, I have learned that no matter how bad things get, I can always make them worse with a little not thinking.

I managed to lose my wallet Monday, and spent yesterday hitting catch-22 after catch-22 trying to get replacements for my driver's licence, so I cant go to work tonight.

I know this too will pass, but darn it, I really didn't need to make things more difficult right now.

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Emerging from my burrow

Yes, I know. It's been a long time, and about that I will only say, depression is an evil affliction, lifting for a few days to a few weeks of blessed lucidity, only to return with renewed vigor. Much like the party guest who lingers well into the wee hours--the more you want him to leave, the more determined he is to stay.

Fortunately, in my lucid periods I did have a large backlog of ideas, so expect them to start appearing in future Mixed Tapes, if Hutcho will be so kind as to accept them.

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Story Character Research

In doing research for a story character, I am building a little boy, the heir of an Arab family, who was kidnapped from the UAE at age 4 and brought to the US, castrated, and raised as a girl slave by criminals. Her nanny, also kidnapped, but from Saudia, has raised her, teaching her Arabic, and the things expected of a woman. The child is very bright. This is still developing.

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A setback leads to tears

Well, I have gotten a setback in terms of getting SRS.

I was supposed to go to Arizona for a consult in January, but as I have not gotten notice that my plane ride will be covered by the Alberta government, I cant go.

I knew this was coming, its not a shock, really. And I've been trying to tell myself that it doesn't matter. It's not what's between my legs that makes me a woman.

Turns out I didn't believe me.

i sobbed on the phone with Jaci and another friend for five to ten minutes over this disappointment.

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Looking for a story

Hi everyone. I'm looking for a story. I can't remember if I saw it on here, or the old Chrystal's Story Site, or even in Fictionmania.
What I do remember about it, there was a boy who was transgendered, and he got involved with this girl and her friends, and they made some sort of movie or something using Barbie Dolls.

If anyone remembers that story, can you please tell me the title.



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Stupid Woman

I got read today, and it is my own damned fault. Most of the time when I am out in public I wear dress like a Muslim woman to include head scarf. I know it is so distracting that most don't think about my being trans.

Today I went in search of a dentist without Hijab and got rumbled. When you have something that works you should stick with it.


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Some Updates

My muse is resting at the moment, but she might kick in next year. I have a lot on my mind right now. I'm trying to find a professional agent for "A California Saga". I've been going through those listed on the "Predators and Editors" web site and have found several that look acceptable. I started at M's and am through the R's at this point, I'm contacting only those that work through email. I've sent queries to around a dozen so far.

I have a glimmer of an idea for a story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Not even close to putting anything in print.

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I remember : "The Beauty Parlor &The Machine"!

I remember trips to the "beauty parlor" with my Mom, but I was only a boy, at least that is what everyone saw. *sigh*

This started out as a reply to Dottie's story "The Machine", but it kept growing.

Note: Not Fiction, yet sort of a a story, but it just might spur a story later on.

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Being weird

Well maybe it's because I'm not sleeping right (as in regulary and enough houres). But I got my eyes tearing up almost constantly at the moment. Crying at one moment, wishing for things an being jealous at another and laughing at reference and music at again another.

Well, not really new for this time of the year but it's a bit extreem this winter.

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Muse News!

And so it came to pass - A writing fest!

Yep, the muse is back and it being Christmastide I've tapped out a short Chrimbo tale - well it started out short but its ended up with three parts, each edited on Boxing Day by Angharad! Its a bit of a Marmite but if you do enjoy it please hit the kudo button! Parts 2 and three will be posted very soon.

You get the usual chapter of Gaby too so there's something for er, someone.

I've put my own Christmas Day disaster (dead cooker) behind me, guess I'll be using the microwave a lot for a few weeks!

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Wow, I knew that BC was larger than the British Isle, but not that much larger.

944,735 km2 (364,764 sq mi) is the area for BC.
315,159 km2 (121,684 sq mi) is the area for The British Isles, basically 1/3 the area.

BC's population density is 4.76/km2 (12.3/sq mi) while the density for the UK is 216 /km2 (559 /sq mi), 50 times as much.

They can't be having much room to breathe there.


Merry Christmas

I would like to wish all on Big Closet a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Happy New Years...

I should have time to post some chapters of my stories in 2016. Sorry but I had writers block, real life issues and computer problems the past year...


Just a quick update

Well it's been a more interesting day than i'd planned but certainly not the worst.

So from the top, I did have stuff to unwrap that I didn't buy including from my offspring.

I did have my Christmas lunch - that's where things went a bit awry! I lost my power and heat just after starting to cook so I ended up cooking on a tiny camping stove! When the electrician got here he quickly identified the problem - my cooker is no more - oh joy, at least the freezer and microwave are still running.

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merry ******* Xmas

Seems I'm really back to the me of 20 years ago. The only difference is the fact I'm not having my gender issues which is good (post-op for 11 years now) although I'm still having body issues.

The bad? Well, my weirdness factor is going trough the roof. Can't seem to 'read' any situation. back to being afraid to walk out of the door (and no it's not agorafobia) and my mistrust due to not being able to 'read' thse situation I mentioned earlier is back t it peak. Not even going to start at the rest.

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Working out the kinks.

I've been giving a lot of careful thought to one of my major issues. It's my sexuality. I consider myself to be very conflictidly bisexual. I have a strong desire to be with a woman. I also have strong desires to be with a man. However, I am not really attracted to men much at all. While at the same time I am very attracted to women. Therein lies the bulk of my issue. Every time I see a woman I'm attracted to I feel my desire to be with a man. Every time I think about dating a man my desire to be with women comes back.

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I want to wish everyone a sacred and blessed and healthy and peaceful laden holiday season. Of course I wish this for all at any time of the year, but it seems even more appropriate during these tumultuous times. I've also had a few inquiries about my usual 'Seasonal Fluff' fluff. It will, unfortunately, be tastefully late. More later.

Blessings to All...




Seasonal Greetings

To all my readers and everyone else for that matter - from Gabyland.

It's cold and wet here - others have it wetter, I wish them well, not a good day if you live in the Eden valley.

We've had the traditional Christmas tragedies, thankfully with fewer casualties than in recent years - it's almost as though it's dictated that a car/bus/truck will kill/maim innocents as an Xmas gift.

Today for me will be quiet and solitary - lunch will be cooked, radio listened to and then i'll crack on with some writing, the results of which you should see in the next few days.

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Just had preop assesment

Well I have just had pre op assessment. So it will not be long now before I have surgery on my left shoulder. I have been told it will be done with keyhole surgery. Screws are to be attached to my shoulder and then the ligament fastened to them. I am also to have some bone trimmed away at the same time. All this to be done under a shoulder block rather than a general anaesthetic.

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