Two disturbing reports, about which I have been unable to check the veracity ...
Someone over in the States is really throwing up a smoke escreen with all this trans bashing.
My cynical half wonders what the hell is going on in the background.
Oklahoma & Kansas
Regarding the Oklahoma laws. Yes, the article is right, as far as it goes. The act is now on the governor's desk, for her to sign or veto. If she does neither (and Gov. Failin is likely to sign it) the act has enough votes to go into effect anyway. But Crazy Mary will probably sign it. We have a huge revenue shortfall and the ACLU has promised to fight it, so the state will have to spend to defend it, taking even more money from some source.
What isn't mentioned is the next bill inline is an antiabortion bill. Any doctor that performs an abortion will lose their medical license in Oklahoma. I believe there are also some criminal charges to go with the license supension. Another waste of taxpayers' money.
Oh, and Oklahoma has signed on to the lawsuit in Colorado that seeks to recriminalize pot. Another waste of money. Just to keep things in perspective, funding for education was slashed by $58 million just to the end of this fiscal year.
As for the other story, as a private school they can do pretty much what they want to do.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Updates and corrections
Got my bills crossed. The bathroom act is still in the legislature, just passed out of the committee with a "pass" recomendation.
The antiabortion bill has been vetoed by the governor. Not because she was opposed to it, but she said it wouldn't survive a court challenge. She wants a better worded bill. That it was poorly worded comes as no surprise. They rammed it through in less than 16hr. They seem to be taking a page from NC's (?) playbook. Get it passed and signed before the opposition can even get organized to fight.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Nutter Religion at its Nuttiest
Perhaps all this bathroom and transgender activity is simply a distraction by the nutters to get their minds off of more important concerns? Fracking is causing lots of quakes, and the fact that they are fracking simply reveals that the oil is running out there, leading to the collapse of employment in that sector.
I came from the very radical fundamentalist Christian sector, and can say that magical thinking is a way of life. Their abuse of trans folk will cause a lot of pain and perhaps even more suicides.
old saying of mine
old saying of mine...from a candy commercial
please keep your 'peanut' religion off my 'chocolate' government
aka keep that nut away from my Constitution...your have your amendment for freedom of religion so shut up!
by way of resse peanut-butter cups candy
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
The law is indeed bassackward
The law is indeed totally at odds with what would seem to be right. The flaw is in subsection D.
D. Providing access to a single-occupancy restroom, athletic changing facility or showers to a student who has submitted a request for a religious accommodation or to a student whose parent or legal guardian has submitted a request for a religious accommodation pursuant to subsection C of this section shall not be an allowable accommodation.
Allowing/requiring those with "strongly held religious beliefs" to use single use restrooms, changing rooms and showers is exactly how it should be handled. I have no problem allowing anyone who objects to changing, relieving themselves or showing with transgendered people to not do so. However they should be required to use other accommodations. Let them change for gym and athletic participation in the coaches office, shower in the coaches shower and relieve themselves in the faculty restroom, as some have suggested transgendered people should.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Unfortunately, this is what happens
when you bundle up all the religious bigots and nutters and send them off in a boat to some new country. Okay, so it took a couple of hundred years...
Actually, that's three to five hundred years. You couldn't take some back, could you? Probably not since you still have enough of your own already. They either want you to agree with them or they want to kill you or both.
Much Love,
Valerie R