TopShelf Blogs

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RL - and on becoming a grandparent

Hi all,

my daughter is about to sprog - we believe that the little joyous bundle shall be pink-coloured. So I am likely to be a grandparent in the next couple of weeks.

Which means I shall make a mad dash in the car from Switzerland to the UK soon.
And deal with the little one when I get there.

I have been trying to get the next couple of Julina episodes up and posted, but I am having a little difficulty concentrating on them at the moment.

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give me some ideas!

So, I play a lot of Neverwinter which is heavily based on DND, and I want to turn my character into a short story, but I need some advice. How would a young man get transported to the world of DnD and why? Is it a punishment for maybe some kind of attitude or an accident? I preffer punishment because it lets me kind of turn it around on the person doing the punishing (maybe a disgruntled sibling or mother or something)

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Sometimes, it sucks to be me

I have learned, perhaps too late, that choices have consequences.

For example, a lot of the reason why I am in such pain is because I made poor choices with the food I ate and not doing enough physical activity, leading to me being overweight.

But that's not the worst consequence I'm facing.

See, I chose to get married. i did not choose well, but I chose.

And because I made that choice, and further made the choices that led to my separation, I do not have a special someone in my life, nor will I.

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Re: Thinking out loud - conclusion

Thanks for everyone who commented, I read all your words of wisdom.

I've been thinking about this for some long time and today I enrolled for the first module of my Environmental Science degree, although it doesn't actually start until October. I am now officially an undergraduate (again) and will be for the next six years after which I hope to be able to call myself an ecologist, albeit somewhat poorer financially, I expect to have achieved a long term goal and therefore will have a smug grin on my face for weeks.

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new scam

I was just watching the news and they reported there is a new scam out right now. Here in the States it's tax time. Apparently the scammers are sending out an email that appears to be from officials concerning filing your taxes online. In the email are the usual nasties, malware/viruses, that steal your pertinent information. Please be very careful. Bad guys are out there so what your butts my sisters and brothers. See link below.

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Teaching in Saudi Arabia

In the last week or so, I corresponded with someone who is teaching school in Saudi Arabia, Maths I think. Was that someone here? I had hoped to talk with them further. I worry that accessing BCTS from KSA is very high risk and hope they are OK.

I'm taking a lot of pain meds right now, so my memory is a bit foggy. I want to say this now in case things go badly. I have felt loved and accepted here like never before in my life. NO drama, OK? I'll probably live but I just wanted to make sure I did not leave anything unsaid.


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A Serial Author's Dilemma

I am getting a bit torn about posting my chapters.

I have just finished report cards (I teach) and I have more time to write. I am enjoying the writing process a LOT. It is very cathartic for me.

My dilemma is that I worry about pacing my chapter postings. I have posted two chapters in the same day a few times, and each time the second chapter gets a lot more attention. This makes me worry that some readers are missing entire chapters.


The Decision Has Been Made :)

First of all thanks to everyone who responded to my last blog. It helped me come to a decision on what my next story will be. Of course I plan on doing both but I decided that it might be a little less time consuming to tackle the alien one first partially because it will be a one off more than likely. I've started to write it now, hopefully I'll have the first few chapters done in a couple of days.

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down memorylane

A part of the bagage I carry around where the comments my Ma made and one of her actions since the first time she found out I dressed (think I was about 8 years old at the time but it was going on from age 4 although I didn't life with her at that time). The action was the fact that there where no more hugs or any other comforting physical action. That hurt but it's the comments that screwed my up more. She basically told me I would end up only being good for working the streets in one way or another and she did this for about 7 years every time she caught me.


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In Search Of

I'm trying to find a story I'm pretty sure is a Whateley tale. All I can remember is a class is on the firing range shooting blanks. Then one student's gun makes the sound of a real fired shot. The range instructer stops everything and is headed to check out what happened. The clueless idiot swings the gun around in spite of being told to put the it down and shoots the protagonist.

Sound familiar?


How I Cheered Myself Up

I bloody hate February.

With each day that passes the leafless trees, the bare fields, the unrelenting grey skies and the cold, dark nights imprint themselves more indelibly onto your consciousness, so that by this time of the month it's almost impossible to imagine the world being any other way. The memories of Christmas and New Year that got you through January have faded too much to be of any help, and spring is still too far in the future to be more than wishful thinking.

And this year it has an extra sodding day in it!

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Alternatives PLEASE!

1.) If we didn't have BC where would the authors post their stories? There are other sites, but none as welcoming and as author-friendly as BC.

2.) If we didn't have BC where would readers find stories? There are other sites, but none offer the quality of BC. Why? See 1.).

3.) If we didn't have BC where would bloggers post their thoughts? There are other sites, but are bloggers on other sites able to post with confidence that their thoughts will be appreciated and handled with respect.

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Quick Question

Ok first of all, yes I'm still alive and kicking, just been taking the whole writing thing pretty slow as of late. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row with it actually. Which of course brings me to this blog. I thought I'd ask you---the readers---what you wanted. So here's the question:


Please reply if you can, I'm really torn on what to do next :(


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Not as wise as I thought

I am attempting to remember the name of Author and Story
Title has the word 'WISDOM' in it

Story may be in Whateley Universe or Morfs Universe, but definitely a mutation story

Boy on road trip with father/grandfather
He is terminally ill, but unlike most stories he is hiding that he is tg, until mutation kicks in, so when mutation changes her it's the best result.

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Hatch, Match and Dispatch

For Australian readers who missed it, there is a new program 'Hatch, Match and Dispatch' on ABC1 television, on Thursdays at 8pm. It comprises stories from the New South Wales registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and in Episode 2 broadcast on Thursday 18th February, it features a ballet dancer called Julia who is transgender and comes to change her name. It is joyful but painfully sad since her parents won't recognise her any more. Thank goodness she has a dog, and as we know they give unconditional love. If you missed it you can catch it on iview.


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The Nightmare Rider

well as you all know, I've been on semi-hiatus. That break will be ending tomorrow evening. I've been working on my new story The Nightmare Rider. This will be my first venture into the Fantasy, alternate world/universe and supernatural genres. I do hope it will be well received. this won't be about transgender issues or body swapping. It isn't even magical gender change in the usual context. The story has one person playing two protagonist(main character) roles. I'm not really sure about all the tags that will apply until I start posting.

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Testing times indeed

I'm off South in the morning to the town where I spent twenty years of my working, and married, life. I have some great friends there and some happy memories. Both of my children were born there and my daughter will be going with me so she can see her nan. It's also entirely possible her mother will make an appearance.

I no longer have any communication with the ex and am unlikely to see her even if my daughter does. For legal reasons that meeting will be supervised to ensure my daughter's safety.

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Disappearing Authors..

In many ways, it seems like 2008 and 2009 were the years of vanishing authors of multi-part stories.

Scanning through hundreds of stories, I've hit upon many that started off quite interesting, then just ... stopped.

I've already mentioned Toni Trepasso.

Jesse Rabbit wrote Elan Owen - - and then disappeared. The last comments were about having some issues, but hoping to post up more stories, and then nothing.

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One step forward, a Marathon run backward

While in Illinois there is legislation to allow birth certificate changes without surgery, in South Dakota they want to force student TGs to use the bathroom of their biological gender.

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Toni Trepasso

I decided to do some category searches (not as easy as it used to be. I did it by looking up a story with the code I wanted to search by, then clicked on it), and worked my way backwards through the Science Fiction section. Perhaps I should say that I'm still working my way through it.

In any case, I'm in 2007/2008 right now, and went through Toni Trepasso's stories. However, the last active date of posting was from the last of Becoming Antonia from July of 2010.

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One of the first movies on TG issues

Last week I found an interesting movie on rarelust dot com, that I downloaded and watched over the weekend. The movie is called "I want what I want" and was released in 1972.

It is the story of a young man and his struggle of finding his own identity. How his domineering, womanizing, ex-military and abusive father threatens to kill him, but refuses to report his running away to the police for fear of losing face in society. The overcompensating girly-girl, the insecurities and struggles through transition that happened in the late 1960's to very early 1970's.

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"Peaches" Revisited

I believe I read "Peaches" the first time when it was just out. I was likely in the middle of my own very traumatic emergence and likely did not enjoy it as much as I should have.

So, yesterday I downloaded it to my PC Kindle and read it again. It is a lovely and uplifting story and I enjoyed it very much indeed.

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Every grain of sand counts

There are so many who have added to the awareness of the differences in life and in lives. I can't begin to count the ones who added to the intellectual pool of knowledge. Of course that includes Erin and all those who keep BCTS up and running. I must include those hundreds, thousands of authors and readers who add to the data stream. I wish everyone to know each and everyone counts in the life stream and yes, each and everyone makes a difference.

Anyway, I didn't ask Patty if I could repost but if she is looking for someone to take over, maybe she won't mind.


I have come to hate being alone

I went to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies today, and it was an excellent movie. At turns action-packed, romantic, and actually a lot of humor.

But I believe it will be the last film I see in the theater.

Its not just the expense, or the urge to buy snacks both costly and bad for me, but the experience - I found I hated being alone watching the movie.

Story of my life, really - not really good at people skills, yet I have come to hate being alone ...

Ah, well. At most, only 30 -40 years of loneliness to go ...

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So tired

I started back work last Monday. I have a paper route that pays like my last but is less papers and no apartments. So I can recoup the money I lost while in the hospital. The problem is, I'm always tired. It is getting to me. I can't do anything. Felix loads my car for me because I can't stand to wait for the truck. I got like a half hour that I can stay on my feet, so waiting for an undetermined truck time is not a good idea.

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Illinois is trying

It's a start.

...transgender and intersex people in Illinois could correct their birth certificate if they receive a declaration by a physician stating they have "undergone treatment that is clinically appropriate for that individual for the purpose of gender transition, based on contemporary medical standards, or that the individual has an intersex condition,"

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Bunny kisses for Valentine's

Well, I may not have found a snuggle partner this Valentine's, but apparently, my dog did - in the form of a rabbit in the next door neighbor's yard.

The two of them approached the fence cautiously, then the rabbit gave a quick sniffy kiss on my dog's nose through the fence, and hopped away.

My dog was clearly smitten, not wanting to come back in, and stayed as close to the fence as possible, waiting for her new friend to come back over - which she did, gave my dog another sniff-kiss, and hopped away again.

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Crossdressing RPG

Found this game from Steam. It's called "High School Romance". a familiar situation where a boy gets into a fancy school not realizing that it's a all girls school. there are several endings that you can experience. It's about $10 to buy.

I'm going to see if I can find it somewhere for free. I may not be easy but I'm still cheap. lol
This does look pretty good. Here is a link for a youtube video about it.

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Happy Valentine's!!!

I want to be first in wishing all the writers and readers here a happy valentine's day. Some have romance, some wish for it, some write for it and some read of it. I've made friends here and love them with all my heart. Hugs and kisses for all that want, double for those that need. My regards to those you hold dear.


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Sorry, been out tonight.

We dashed out after watching Wales beat Scotland in Cardiff, brilliant try by George North. To where, I hear you ask. Here's where.
I've been on my annual pilgrimage to Poole to listen to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra do their concert of film music on the theme of Heroes and Aliens. Wonderful stuff which I enjoyed despite suffering a recurrence of a UTI. I'm seeing the doctor on Monday, so if necessary, he can always shoot me. Consequently, I don't have time to write Bike tonight.

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Compliment or a pick up?


Ok, I was sitting with a friend watching a k-drama (see blog 1) when I was hit with a craving for ice cream. I asked my friend if she wanted to go out for some. It being a balmy 16 degrees Fahrenheit she looked at me like I was crazy. She does this quite often but to be fair I look at her in the same way quite often.

I, personally, think she just didn't want to get out of her pjs. She said no but I could bring her back a hot fudge sundae. I had splurged for lunch (Chinese) so I might as well buy dessert too.

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Holy background change Batman!

I keep the BCTS main page, as well as my own tracking page, open at all times, and routinely refresh them throughout the day to check for content. I keep the site's scaling slightly smaller than my monitor, though, so along each edge of the screen there's about an inch of the site's default background color.

Imagine my surprise today when I refreshed, and that went from a very very soft, creamy pink to a much darker maroon with dots!

After recovering from the surprise, I think I like this better though. It mellows the site's appearance a little bit. Good choice, elves!


Strange dream

I had the strangest dream last night.

I dreamed that I was in Elementary school, and learned that a disease was going to turn me into a girl.

Even though I wanted to be a girl, i was scared in the dream, mostly because I was worried about the pain of the transformation.

Then, the time came, and I didn't transform, and I was devastated.

Ah, well.

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Rambling About Gods and Dinosaurs

I believe that we, as in all of us human beings that find ourselves clinging to this mote of dust that is hurtling through the universe, try to lock everyone up into nice neat little boxes that make us comfortable. I am, personally, a bit OCD and I have a tendency to place my dishes into exactly the right place on the shelf, and fold my laundry just so, and do a billion things a day in a very specific way.

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Reading Gaby and....

Wow, so as I mentioned before I've been reading Gaby books in my spare time pretty much nonstop since I came across them a couple weeks ago. I'm not really a very emotional person, but try as I might I'm not Vulcan. My whole life I've always considered emotional expression kind of pathetic, I mean that's even what the word means, Pathos from Greek. I try hard to hide emotions most of the time. My wife is the opposite. I'm sure some of that is biological, but I'm also quite sure that I'm just acting as I've been trained and expected to act as a male.

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A sense of 'what the heck'???

I have two stories being written//edited that are a bit more macabre than my normal fare.
Ok, so on is where the hero/heroine is being stalked and the other is where they are involved with solving the crimes.
The latter one I strted writing in 2013 and is at least 6 parts. The former is something I wrote on a recent flight from Dubai to London.

Then I pick up a book called 'Deja Dead' that features Temperance "Bones" Brennan.

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I think I have something special happening

I dont usually push my own stories, but I think I might be on to something special with my latest story "Mercy".

See, if there is a theme that runs through a lot of my work, it's about what happens after a person has been damaged.

I've explored ideas of healing, of looking for justice, and the power of forgiveness vs the allure of vengeance.

But in my latest, I think I have really hit the jackpot in terms of making the case for Mercy as the best choice.

Or at least that's my hope. Only the readers will decide if I am succeeding.

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First time!

Hi all!

First time blog so be gentle...unless you like it rough than I'm ok with that too.

I've recently become a fan of Koean tv better known as K-dramas due to Netflix. They are listed as tv series but they are what we would consider mini series. Most are the very clean type that could be shown during family hour in the U.S. I want to mention a few I thought you maybe interested in.

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Thank you all.

I would like to offer a heart felt thank you, I've been for the most part lurking in the shadows, and I've finally worked up enough courage to post something kin to a welcoming post. First allow me to thank all the wonderful authors out there who share there pieces of creativity. You guys are beyond amazing and have awaken in me a need and a want. You have also given me ideas and indirectly you guys have made me a better writer. And that's about it right now, I'm to shy to say anything about myself. And to quote a popular anime, one I can not name, I will conclude this bog by saying.


Angel O'Hare story

Going through my portable hard drive to clear some of the rubbish we tend to accumulate and found a chapter of a story that Angel asked me to edit for her.
The problem now is what to do with the story, do I just delete it or is there somewhere or someone that is holding Angel's stories.
It seems a shame just to delete the chapter and I do remember her telling me that her stories were being held by somebody

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How I Fell in Love With Gaby

So the other day I was searching amazon for a new book to read. I entered the search term cycling and scrolled down the list. I really enjoying cycling biographies and have read most of them. As I scrolled down the list I came across a book cover with a really cute Anime girl, it just seemed so out of place, I thought what could this book have to do with cycling. Well the description really offered no clues but I was curious. I'm not a huge anime fan, I like the really good stuff, Studio Ghibli, some of the better series, I'd just finished watching SteinsGate.

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The MASKS series now being posted.

The series is fully written and complete up chapter 17... however, I neglected to let Stickmaker know about not posting more than one story part per day or so, so the multiple posts today are my fault, not his. Since I was the one who asked him to post here, it was my responsibility to let him know of the unwritten rules here. Mea Culpa.

I hope you all are enjoying the series.

Catherine Linda Michel

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My wife's visitor

...a faceless man, in a long dark coat. He stole silently into where she was sleeping, and carried her away.

It's not like we didn't know this day was coming. There is no recovery from the dementia, no going back to being the vibrant woman that she was when she was healthy. I'm slowly coming to terms with it.

I had a friend comment that he couldn't imagine what I was going through. I replied with this:

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Ever Read Your Own Stories?

A story I was working on (Remember "Houston we have a problem"?) just flamed out and fell into the ocean. It is clear that I have different "writing voices", but I have a difficult time controlling that. I don't know what I am going to do with it now.

Today I read part of one of my first stories that was I published on Storysite first and then migrated it over to BCTS later. I now remember that Crystal was not that impressed with my writing at first, and I think she did some pretty heavy editing on both "MS Frankenstein" and "Desert Princess" though I don't know for sure.

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The Family Girl #075: An Announcement - Something is Coming Up!


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #75: An Announcement:
Something Coming Up!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl

Blogs, click on this link:

I’m putting up an announcement.

And that announcement is: after over a three-year absence from writing stories here in BCTS, I’m finally putting up another one. Yayyy!

Ummm… yayyy?

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Looking for a book

Hi folks

I am looking for a book that I read over 10 years ago. It's about a realm ruled by immortal princes, the Faeren (Elves), I think, (pied piper may have been one of this race). At the moment its divided because some of them have been banished here (or a Medieval Earth) for rebelling against the King who is the twin brother to the rebel lord. They hunt a white deer that is also immortal across this realm and ours for sport. Anyway the two brothers fall for the heroine of the story. Eventually one of them (the good one) takes her back to his realm as his queen.

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OMG: RE The Crush

119 kudos; I've never gotten over 100 kudos before. Here on a whim, I broke off from my other efforts to try something new and whipped out a story with no research, mostly just coming off the top of my head. I didn't really have any time to edit it beyond running spell checker over it at the end. And for that I break 100 kudos.

Who'd have thunk it? The best I'd done before was 90. I suppose though that beings it was a contest entry I garnered a few more readers than I might have otherwise.

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Fighting Depression again (or still?)

I don’t talk about myself much, guess I’m not very comfortable with it. I am willing to talk to anybody, be it a crowd or one on one, but writing about me feels weird. I post on my blog about twice / thrice a year, complete with pictures, if anyone is interested.

I’ve been unemployed almost 6 months, longer off and on again. Unemployment is long gone, and savings are draining steadily. I have my son (nephew actually, but the relationship is that of parent adult). If not for him I would be in real trouble.

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In Too Deep - My Series

I know that a lot of people have struggled with my first few installments in my serial. I messed up the posting and overwrote the first three installments. As a result, comments that were supposed to be placed on ch 1-5 ended up on ch 6 and comments and kudos for 6 ended up being on ch 7.

I'm not sure, but I think this means that people that never read the beginning are not necessarily finding ch 1-5 as easily.

If you like the series, and have previously posted a comment or kudos, please go back and make sure they are in the correct location.

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Has the Whatley website closed?

I recently began reading the Whatley Academy stories on the site. Somehow I missed the universe when it came out and have read the first dozen stories. I'd like to read the rest.

Unfortunately since Friday I've been unable to access the site getting WEBPAGE CAN NOT BE FOUND.

Does anyone know if the site is down?

Does anyone know an alternate site!

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Question RE Marrage

My wife and I Did divorce last April. We parted as Friends. Her mother has Alzheimer's and is in Canada. If you love them let them go. I let her go, and we ARE friends.

My Question is this

We Married in the Presbyterian faith, in Canada, MY faith, and divorced 25 years later in the Indian River County Court House, "faith". I did not go to a Church for the divorce. I did NOT NEED to seek approval for this from my religious faction.

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Job title: writer

Well that looks like the plan for now at least. Of course my publishing doesn't just run to Gaby et al, Scaramouch also have a range of travelogues and photo books, shortly these will be joined by some other non fiction titles.

To kick start this new career the first part of Gaby - Friends - the 15th Gaby book is available today! As usual the Kindle version lags a little, it should be available sometime this evening but here are the LULU links for paper and pdf;

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I'm working on a story set in Victorian England

and which depending upon its length could mean the odd forfeit of Bike, depends upon time available and research required. It looks as if it could be a longish short story or novelette in length. Hopefully it will be a bit of an adventure cum whodunit with I hope my characteristic humour. I can reveal the title, Spring Heeled Jack. but that's all.

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Requiem For A Hero

On Thursday, February 4th, 2016, my childhood hero died.

Edgar Dean Mitchell was a hotshot test pilot, so good they actually altered the cockpits of aircraft to have him fly them because he was too large to fit otherwise.

He was the 6th man to walk on our moon.

He was the best of us.

Any family would be proud to claim him and I can.

I met him once. I was 12 and he was however old... It was a family reunion at an Episcopal campground on a lake, somewhere around Joplin.

I was in awe, so tongue-tied I could barely speak.

