Gray is my Favorite Color

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An interesting and worthwhile TedX talk to listen to that says a lot that can be applied not only to her situation, but the situations many of us find ourselves in as well.

Melanie E.


My thoughts...

My first thoughts when I saw the title of this post was, wow that's my favorite color too! Then I clicked on the link and watched the video and saw that the reasons in the video for that being her favorite color is very close to the same reasons it became my favorite color

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Nice thesis. Awful delivery...

My first thought on seing that girl was: "Was the line in the bathroom _that_ long?"
Then she started repeating same sentiment over and over... And I started fast forwarding the video. And if I was in the audience I would have destroyed that presentation with shouts of "Get on with it! What is your point?"
Who let her on the stage to waste so much of valuable tedtalks time on boring idea that world is not black and white?
Anyway, sorry for my rant caused by that presenters rant...
And Pachebel Rant (look it up on YouTube!) is still more entertaining :-)