I have received numerous messages asking about the lack of updates to my stories especially, Project: Super Soldier. I do appreciate the concern and I am actually fine and have no intention of leaving any of those stories unfinished. I’m having way too much fun writing them to do that!
What has happened is that work got very busy which left me without as much time in the evenings to write. Then a few weeks ago upper management decided to move us to a 4 day 10 hour work week over the summer. They say it will save money but I think someone just wanted a summer filled with 3 day weekends… LOL.
While all those 3 days weeks sound great, getting up in the middle of the night, yes they extended our hours to earlier hours to save on running the air conditioning. So the extra day off that sounded so great is now used to do the house work that did not get done during the week and to prepare all the meals I want for the following week into homemade ready meals that can be microwaved, since I am too tired to try to cook during the week.
All this leaves me with only a handful of hours each weekend that I can actually sit down in front of my computer and actually work on progressing one of the stories.
The next part of Project: Super Soldier is very close to being completed, hopefully with what amounts to a 4 day holiday weekend for me, barring any interruptions, I can complete the section and get it posted. While it does include the anticipated fight with the football team it is by no means the conclusion of Kat’s story or future stories about her and the project.
For those that have also enjoyed ‘Kelly’s story, A Whateley Tale’ and ‘For Better or Worse’, they have not been abandoned either and will continue right where they left off once I have time to work on them.
And special thanks to Shadowsblades and Branek, two very good friends that have kept me grounded and focused during the temporary insanity that work has become.
Look for New Job
Your management is whacked.
The increase in errors in the two additional hours alone makes their cost saving idea stupid.
Further, most people's biological clock makes early hours a very bad idea. There are tons of studies on this. School district have been arguing this point for years.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It just happens...
Funny that you should mention how school districts have been arguing about this... since I do work for one.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Some people are early birds and lots aren't
I am an early bird. I am up by 05:30 every day. I do my best work by 09:00 but by 15:00 I'm done for the day. Seeing 22:00 is a really late night for me.
One of my closest friends finds it really difficult to get out of bed before 08:00.
I was always up early as a child. To say that all teenagers need to stay in bed to later is IMHO totally wrong. Not all of them stay up past midnight facebooking/gaming/whatever
Its all in what your body becomes accustomed to
The guys I work with sometimes joke that I have a hidden cot at the office since I am almost always the first one there. I'm accustomed to going to be between 10 and 11 at night and getting up between 5 and 6 in the morning. (Alarm was always set for 5:30 but usually up and have coffee going before it goes off)
I'm also the type that is accustomed to sit and gather my mind together, watch the weather, read some posts here on BC, etc. normally still in PJs while I have my first cup of coffee and maybe a 2nd cup before I begin to start moving.
Been doing this for so many years it's second nature. While I will get used to the new hours and possibly learn to love the schedule, by the time my body acclimatizes to it we will will go back to a 5 day week since it is only "summer hours" :(
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.