Since childhood i am fascinated with long hair. A thick curtain of long, loose, flowing, silky waist length hair. My heart aches with those little things that can be done in open and in public(as taken for granted by some beautiful creation of God). The cute tuck of hair behind the ear, the slight head movement to get the hair out of face or the full head toss over the back. The casual beautiful head and wrist combo movement to toss the silky mass back over the shoulder. The gathering of hair in one hand to put on a necklace or lean down to blow a candle. And a mild hairstyling with sides of front pulled and clipped at the back with the rest of tresses cascading down the back. Had i got it bad or what? Who else is playing the same envy game? which is just a wish that cannot be fulfilled.
You definitely got it bad... ;)
While I can understand your fascination with long hair, I also know first hand the downside of sporting and caring for such tresses.
Such hair can be really a bother, as it takes much longer to properly shampoo or dry. Also most of the time, it's in the way. You mntioned candles - imagine, one wrong move, an unattentious turn and your hair is up in flames. What do you do for sports, swimming, scuba, or worse, cycling?
What about being outside in windy conditions?
Last but not least there are the hairdressers who often gush over how nice and strong the hair is, but being asked about ideas for easy to do styles or different colours... oh dear, they behave like one is out of its mind!
At least one hairdresser took her time to really explain to me, why I should not dye my hair.
Here I am, being stuck with my long hair, which I really like, but most often envy the people with short hair who are able to easily change their style or their colour.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
That's when you lop half of
That's when you lop half of it off, and shrug your shoulders when someone freaks out over it. Then you're all but forced to go get a new style. :P
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Every time you brush your hair it looks like you will be bald by the next week :-)
You were too busy to vacuum floors? Next day it looks like you were shedding hairs over everything for years :-)
But... It looks and feels so good... But I had to chop my hair off as I need to find a job and below the shoulders curls on a person who is supposed to be a man is not very helpful in this...
Depends on your professional
Depends on your professional area, I guess... I present as male at work, work in IT, and have below the shoulder length hair (not enough to be called waist length, so not sure how to call it). Other than jokingly being called Rapunzel, or some occasional jabs at appearance - haven't got any problems.
Also - I can only second everything that was said, be it the need to care, or that it causes troubles with being active. (Or sometimes with the job - ever got your hair tangled in a CPU cooling fan? I did. It is a mess.)
Yep the practical life
Yep the practical life catches up. But its an itch that cannot be scratched. By the way of all the technological world i have surfed Sanwei is my ideal for her lovely tresses. How does she manage that? i wonder...
I wish It could have been possible....
Long Hair Thing
My late partner and I both loved long hair. Her hair was long enough to sit on when I met her. My hair wasn't that long but at her urging I let mine grow. It was nice that we had each other so we could care for each others hair. As has already been said, long hair can be difficult to maintain. We were both in the long straight natural category, our hair was never colored or permed. But you can do a lot with braids, the styling possibilities are numerous.
After my partner was killed I went a little obsessive about my hair. My hair was way down my back when I had to have a tumor removed from the right side of my brain awhile back. I could have had just the surgical area shaved and kept the rest long, but I decided it would look strange as that area would never get as long as the rest so I had it all cut off and donated it. It was prime quality, and I was told I donated 2 1/2 times as much as the usual donation.
FYI: most hair is self-limiting, reaching a certain length and not getting any longer. So no matter how hard you try once the limit is reached that's that.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sorry to hear about your loss
Sorry to hear about your loss. I can't have long hair; i think too coward to let it grow. But i liked the video on YouTube Playing with my boyfriend's hair. It will be fun to have such partner and society. Thanks for sharing
I wish It could have been possible....
Long hair!
I love long hair. I love it on women; I love it on myself. Unfortunately, as I get older, the hair isn't as healthy as it had been. At one point, My hair easily reached my bra strap. Now, it only a few inches down my back. To add insult to injury, it's thinning and my hair line is receding.
I've always had baby fine hair and now in my old age, it's dry and brittle as well.
I share your love hair and when I see a woman with long thick hair, I do feel a bit green with envy.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Long hair is subjective to many conditions
Shall we start with the problems of long hair?
It takes time to manage more than the short brush and go style
It is a cape and as such it holds in heat on the head, neck, back
It is a dust magnet and odor collector as everyday it collects the surrounding smells and dirt
It is always in one's face when there is wind unless it is tied back, down, braids, etc
For the upside
It is a woman's or man's crowning glory if it looks kept
It defines the person if they have a style they usually wear
It accents the person and adds a touch of definition to the face, and body
For some as one person commented it may be self length limiting and only gets so long no matter what they do. For others (Crystal Gayle) it is not limited
For naturally curly people it is a constant battle trying to tame it. One day it may be long and wavy, the next day tight little coils (Shirley Temple). There is no styling it as it obeys no master. One of the upsides is I can wash it every night and an hour later it is back to its own style, whatever that might be for that moment. Either down to my shoulder blades if it is behaving or only to the nape of my neck if it isn't.
In this day and age of no color co-ordination, no style, no class, just let it all hang out like Walmart shoppers, it isn't only the women who have lost good taste in clothes and makeup (hair) but the men are just a guilty. We live in an age where class and manners are not taught or never learned. And getting back to the hair care or lack there of, it is almost a shock to see anyone who knows what a brush and comb is, much less what hair style accents the face under that mop they are wearing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Don't forget that long hair...
Is not just dust magnet. In the typical house hair is one of the main dust generators.
Also it is a pain to clear vacuum (hoover) brushes of the long hairs...
Longer the hair - more trouble to clean your bath drain... And with long hair you need to do it dayly instead of biweekly...
Everything stated above was tested by me on me :-)
Oh yes!
.I absolutely adore long hair but because I am seventy, it takes ages and ages to grow to shoulder-blade length which is just about where it self - limits for me. The ends become split and the long silky look becomes frizzy and hard to comb no matter how much pure white cocoanut oil I pour onto it.
Fortunately at this length it continues to shine brilliant white and that alone (strangely) attracts envious comments from girls who are trying to dye their hair pure silver white. It attracts a lot of attention when I'm out clubbing.
It is counter intuitive...
... But many hair stylists noticed it - more often you cut your hair faster it grows.
Actually you need to find balance: as soon as your hair ends split, mechanical damage from split ends continuing to split your hairs starts to overtake your hair growth. So to get long hair you need to cut split ends often, but only split ends...