The shopping season
Christmas and Valentine’s Day are two times a year to easily shop for your alter ego with no questions and minimal apprehension. Take advantage of it.
Christmas is when you can shop for your personal indulgences with minimal apprehension because you’re buying a “gift” for a “friend” or spouse. Buy a “gift” for your femme self. The upside is that after the holidays you can easily return the items. Get a gift receipt if needed. Splurge a bit and enjoy yourself. Get answers to those nagging internal questions. See if that skirt or dress looks good on you, see if a certain type of earring is flattering or a lipstick color compliments you.
We all like a reminder of our special “hobby” as we go thru the year. This reminder may be nail color on your toes, a light tinted lip gloss, longer than normal finger nail length, etc. I’m inclined to delicate anklets, panty hose and knee highs, pierced ear rings and of pretty lingerie worn under my shirts and pants. Camisoles, tap pants and nylon stockings can’t be easily detected. Yet possible detection is part of the thrill. Shaving your legs is also an adventure. It feels nice for a long time; a reminder of the special side of yourself.
Check your clothing sizes on line and convert waist size to dress size. Male shoe size to ladies shoe size. Do check with a couple of websites in order to get a more accurate idea of what size is best for you.
Bras: Although on paper I’m a 40-42 C I prefer the smallness (less material) of a 38 B and then use a bra extender for a better fit. I find larger bras are too much material with oversized cups. They don’t lay right (for me).
Nylons: Research your size and buy them a Target, Walmart, etc. During the holidays you’ll blend right into the crowd. No one will pay you any mind. If you don’t (or can’t shave your legs) wear two pair! It hides leg hair very well.
Cosmetics: I truly love the smell and taste of certain lipsticks. Revlon Moon Drops is my favorite. Check their web site and find a color that matches your complexion. Buy some ‘stocking stuffer’ lipsticks, nail polishes, eye makeup, etc for the New Year. They don’t cost too much and can be enjoyed for a long time. Be sure to get some removers and cleaners! I stay clear of any long lasting, hard to remove products as it make life easier.
Perfume: I have a tough time finding a subtle aroma that doesn’t scream ‘girly’ I want a semi neutral smell that doesn’t bust me or my hobby. I’ve settled on patchouli oil that can be perceived as either a male of female scent.
Clothing: This is your golden opportunity. Take advantage. Online shopping makes it easier for us but getting a correct size can be tough until you learn what fits and works for you. Google “garter belt” and check your options. Mail order makes returns less awkward. I have ordered a bra online and then returned it to a local store with no problems. Returns are expected this time of the year.
Make the most of the opportunity that the holidays afford you in being able to express your inner self.
Masculine cut women's clothes
I've found that I can wear women's clothes 24/7 including to work and church simply by buying masculine cut clothes. Many women's fashions these days have a definite masculine cut to them. For example, the outfit I'm wearing right now. I've just come from a children's play at church. I'm wearing a big shirt from Woman Within and a pair of slacks I bought at Sears. The shirt has the buttons on the left side and the pants have an elastic waist, no fly or hip pockets. I wear the shirt untucked and it covers the fact there's no fly or hip pockets. Of course I'm fully under-dressed with bra, panties, camisole and a padded panty-girdle. I'm wearing "Jet Black" knee hi nylon hose for socks and my shoe are women's size 12W brown penny loafers I got from zappos online. I'm totally wearing women's clothes, but everyone at church sees them as men's clothes.
For work, I wear women's work pants I got from GK Services on line and women's tennis shoes from Payless Shoes. The only men's clothes I wear is a polo shirt that the company issues. However they issue the same shirt for women as men. Again, I'm under-dressed as well, sans the panty girdle.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
The Spirit of Christmas
"... and yet, none of the Christmas carols that you hear on the radio or in the street even attempts to capture the true spirit of Christmas as we celebrate it in the United States, that is to say, the commercial spirit." -- Tom Lehrer, An Evening Wasted With Tom Lehrer (1959).
Commentary from way back in the 1950s.
-- Daphne Xu
Fa La La
Don we now our gay apparel?????
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Not just seasonal shopping
There's always birthday presents to use as an excuse if you feel you need one, especially if you mention something about the sizes ("She thinks she can squeeze into an eight but to be honest that was a few years ago"). The few things I get locally I've got over my caring and drop them in the shopping trolley. The first time I collected my missus' sanitary products got me past that.
Had to laugh a bit when the online seller asked something like was I proposing to my girlfriend with the ear studs. Not tellin' says I.
The lady in the posh city jewel shop was unfazed by my choice of a little pair of sparkly indulgence, guess she sees all sorts and gave her opinion that they'd look great dressed up to go out. I think so too.
Have a sniff at Tabac Original - it's very old fashioned and quite sweet for an aftershave.
Mum showed me her gift spray of "Heat" and I got some on me, nice but maybe a bit OTT for my character and masculine presentation... Smelled of it all day!
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
The holidays are winding down
The holidays are winding down and things went pretty well. On the material side of things I got (or bought) everything I needed or wanted. In particular some cute hoop earrings made me smile. Awaiting an in-store delivery on Wednesday - a blue Elbow Sleeve Sweater Dress. I hope it's a keeper! Happy New Years everyone!
I feel for you!
Having transitioned 20 years ago I do not have any problems buying what I want. It is funny but I hardly wear skirts or dresses these days. But usually some feminine tops lots of jewelry also. I have friend who is a crossdresser and he/she sometimes dresses as a male and sometimes as a female even at work. This is at IBM who has a strong support for transgender people. They paid for my GRS. I wish you all well and a Great New Year!!
BTW I am now going to a Lutheran Seminary studing for my Masters in Theology.