I feel like I owe my readers an apology. Its been more than a month since I published the last chapter of Mercy, and i cant even say I'm close to having the next one ready.
But pain, PTSD, gender dysphoria, and life stress have sapped my creativity totally, and so my progress has slowed to a crawl.
I'm so sorry.
....feel sorry that real life has stifled your creative juices. Real life has a way of doing that to ALL writers from time to time. My advice and a twoonie can get you a coffee at your local Timmie's, relax and let your muse relax with you. When your muse whispers in your ear about your next story, then it'll be time for you to write it out for your readers.
Not need for apology
"pain, PTSD, gender dysphoria, and life stress" That is enough, you do not need to add anything to that.
We are grateful for all that you have given us; stories, comments, fun moments, Huggles and so many more.
Take care of you and all the Huggles that I'm sending you.
Big Hugs tmf
I understand
It has taken me months to get the next chapter of "Mother's Child", and it's still not completely ready. It is close now. I just need to get the editing comments incorporated.
Take your time and get to feeling better. I really do wish you well, and will keep you in my thoughts.
hey take it easy
I know this pain of feeling a 'mental' deadline
but it has a tendency to actually scare that muse to death! So take a few weeks out and just settle for some note taking instead of full writing?
An I know the pain of writing sometimes, as after I am working hard and I work all day with my hands. I can not physically write...the notes I take helps the muse later on thou!
Just so you know? sometimes i have had months pass between chapters of my stories, as you can see I love to write giant ones! LOL
have fun, take time out ...play a silly video game? GTA I suggest! it lets you blow stuff up?
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Take it easy
Take it easy dear Dorothy. I bet everyone are waiting for your next chapter but don't let that pressure you in your writting. Your health and wellbeing is much much more important. God bless.
You aren't apologizing :P and what all everyone above said. Priorities. Well love you anyway *huggs*.
Dorothy, you contribute a lot
Dorothy, you contribute a lot here outside of your own writing. You are a frequent and positive commenter who always manages to find the perfect line to summarize the story. We know you are dealing with a lot of issues and many of us fully understand exactly what you are going through. You don't need to apologize, we know your story is good and you can take as long as you need to write it. Your health and wellbeing is first, foremost, and without question the most important thing, writing is a distant second. Just keep at it and stay positive.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime