In the latest episode of MASKS a male becomes female but gains super powers as a result. It's a common theme in our genre, that of becoming female, but would it be better to become female and gain "super powers" or remain/become male(for those who are truly male) and not become super?
I'm sure that the majority of US would prefer the former, but I'm also sure that there are a lot of men, or trans-men who might prefer the latter, or become the latter.
It's an interesting thought/question, is it not?
Catherine Linda Michel
There are a lot of stories
Super Hero or not, where a main character is a normal boy/man ends up female for whatever reason. Their level of upset varies, and then they adjust and its no longer a bad thing.
Then again most 'normal' boys seem to start out as smaller than normal, not interested in playing with other boys, TOO CUTE to be a boy..etc
In real life it would always be better to stay how you are comfortable, than to become a whole other gender. Its not like the vast majority of readers/writers on this site who are striving to become comfortable by getting the body and mind in harmony.
I have been living in constant disabling pain since 2000. I would happily choose whichever would relive my pain. :)
It is a package deal...
... and the balance counts. Not only different people may have different preferences, but also the details matter.
For me personally, changing genders in the reality looks like the worst nightmare. However, if I am dying from cancer and someone offers me to stay alive at this cost, it will probably look an attractive deal. :-)
Same with the super powers. Some might be attractive enough to overcome the gender affinity of most people. And some might appear not that big deal, but prove addictive. In The Miracle Legacy, Morpheus describes such a character. The super powers initially do not appear that big deal, but prove very convenient and comfortable, and eventually the character starts preferring having them, even at the cost of being female... Finally, there is the matter of the usefulness. What if you get them by changing gender and you absolutely hate your new gender, but your new powers save lives every day? I guess that a decent person will man up and keep them, despite the personal cost.
I can completely understand
I can completely understand why a transgender male would not want the powers, he has endured so much trying to become the man he needs to become that becoming female would undo all of that. Unless the powers also made you change who you were inside it would be the exact opposite for those men.
For those genetic men, I strongly suspect they are the kind who view women as inferior, weaker, and thus don't want to lose their power. Never mind that the power is all in their heads and they are just regular people whereas the new women would be super powered, as long as they are losing their "power" they won't accept it.
But enough philosophizing, I would accept the powers as it would go against my nature not to accept them. It doesn't matter what's between your legs, I have known plenty of terrible women and I have know some amazing men, actions speak louder than any words so having power to do something, to make a difference in peoples lives- well to me it is a no-brainer. I'd do it for others. The heck with losing my masculinity, it doesn't matter when just saving one life more than makes up for what it would mean giving up.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
But the other way...
Look at it on the other way too. You got super power (choose your favourite hero) and have acute gender problem.!
Would you give up your power to be the right gender ?
Peace and Love tmf
Interesting question
To give such a question an honest answer would be difficult for most, although I am not most :)
First to break it down to the two parts that it contains, the first part...super powers. Who wouldn't want them? At first I would have to answer an astounding, Hell Yea! But then what super power are we speaking about? What and how could it be used? Depending on what power it was it could be viewed more as a curse than a blessing. Could it be hidden, i.e. could I continue to live a somewhat normal life with such power. And the most interesting question... Would I be seduced by that power and use it for my own gain. I would think that my moral compass would be strong enough to guide me with it, but as that saying goes, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." So that would be my biggest concern.
Gender change? Anyone that says they haven't had thoughts about what life as the opposite gender would be like is not only lying to you, they are lying to themselves. Curiosity is human nature. Some would find it impossible to live with while others would welcome it. Personally I am content with my "inner self" to the point I do not feel that I have to prove my manliness to anyone or prove anything else for that matter. I think as long as I was changed into a healthy younger body I would welcome the change although I would be apprehensive on how the change would effect my life.
Would I have to pretend the old me is dead or something of that nature or would everyone know it was still me inside the new female body? This question would be a huge concern. If everyone knows it's still the same me on the inside how would it be explained, and how would many accept the change?
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Yes, it's an interesting thought question. Sometimes, someone gaining superpowers might turn out Blessed with Suck. For example, they might find themselves under the firm control, discipline, and even indoctrination of some entity able to control them. They might make powerful enemies. They might have a short life expectancy. They might have no time for rest and relaxation.
-- Daphne Xu