Well folks the time has come. Frills is now ON SALE! For all of you that have been wondering, yes there is more than the free version! However, the free version has come down except for the title page. For those that purchase; please do enjoy and leave a review. Erin has posted the link. YAY!!!!!
Well, I guess that it's time for one last read through of Frills before it goes down to commemorate. I'll probably buy it, but it may be a while before I get to reading it.
2) Will it be Kindle Unlimited-eligible (some of the DopplerPress books are, some are not) ?
3) When you say that there is more, does that mean that there are more chapters to the story after where the free version ended, or does it mean that there is some extra content in the beginning or middle?
*sings happily*
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall