2016-06 Exams and stuff

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The good news first. I passed at least one exam (19/25 so Yeuh ;) ) and I'm losing weight (double Yeuh :D )

Now the bad part. Everything, except school, I touch does a 'crash and burn'. and it's getting to me. . My Mom spending another 2 weeks in the hospital due to a little 'crise' didn't help. The general situation in the world isn't helping either ( thinking about a Heinlein quote right now).

So here I am just like during the first semester exams almost hitting the bottom and I got the feeling I'll keep on falling.

If I thought I could manage, I'd do a runner getting away from everything. Sadly enough, I don't think that I would manage with being too much of a city girl and the pets ...

*sigh* lamenting things won't help but I needed to vent a little. And I still have it pretty good compared to a lot of people.

Can't remember where I heard it but start hating the 'big test' (it's a religious thing not a reference to exams) ...


Aaron Lewis Outisde

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