The good news first. I passed at least one exam (19/25 so Yeuh ;) ) and I'm losing weight (double Yeuh :D )
Now the bad part. Everything, except school, I touch does a 'crash and burn'. and it's getting to me. . My Mom spending another 2 weeks in the hospital due to a little 'crise' didn't help. The general situation in the world isn't helping either ( thinking about a Heinlein quote right now).
So here I am just like during the first semester exams almost hitting the bottom and I got the feeling I'll keep on falling.
If I thought I could manage, I'd do a runner getting away from everything. Sadly enough, I don't think that I would manage with being too much of a city girl and the pets ...
*sigh* lamenting things won't help but I needed to vent a little. And I still have it pretty good compared to a lot of people.
Can't remember where I heard it but start hating the 'big test' (it's a religious thing not a reference to exams) ...
hang in there
exams are super stressful. Once you're through, you'll probably feel a lot better.
And the whole "crash and burn" thing is probably a bit of depression. If you havent, you might want to get that checked out.
Regardless, remember you're loved.
Thanks Dot. And the medical
Thanks Dot. And the medical thing is why my Psy wanted me on medication during this exam ... which I take on the days of the exams as prescribed.
Exam 2
Think I passed Basic Network theory. Conservative estimate gets me around 70%
Passed 'maintenance and repair'. easily according to the teacher.
On other good knews seems nobody flunked to other tech course exams ... At least not from my class.
1 to go > OS2: intro to Linux
last exam
Finished my last exam (OS2: intro to Linux) 20min ago. Done for 2 months and I think I passed every exam. *little happy dance*