PersnicketyBitch's blog

Mixed Tape Update: All good things...

I've decided that the upcoming TG Mixed Tape will be that last that I curate. It's been a good run. If you contributed a story to any one of the collections, thank you. If you enjoyed reading our short sorties, thank you too. A readers time, willingly given, is all that we authors can ask for.

As this is an ending of sorts, I would like the content of my final collection as curator to skew more reflective and sentimental. As such, I am looking for stories that address the theme of "Hope".

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Mixed Tape Update

Hey all, Persnickety here, curator of the Mixed Tape collections.

The latest Mixed Tape is still coming along at a snails pace. At this point, an early February release doesn't look likely. As for the new release date, it'll happen when it happens, and it'll happen when we get at least 10 stories. I want to kick of the year with something substantial.

If you would like to be part of the collection, read on. This time around I'd also like to shine a spotlight on some of the longer stories you folks write, if you'd like on that, you'll find more information after the jump.

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