Stop press!
I was watching a Television program on a guy walking around Scotland following old original tourist guides - I was so excited to see he was going to call at Thurso, the setting of a great deal of the Tamara series. Disapointed that he didnt go into the town and harbour and give a glimpse of this distant place. However, it would appear that Thurso is one of the top surfing spots in the UK, for masochists or rubber fetishists! boy does the north sea look cold. Will any of our characters be taking to a board?
Lucky to see that.
Did you get the program name? It may of course not be available everywhere, but you never know. It's great when we get to see, or visit or know story settings. I believe it was about 1980 when my own short visit took place, Northern Venturer motorcycle rally. I was a bit skint so didn't get up to much, or stay long enough to sightsee properly.
Quite a few still photos of Thurso on the 'web.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Tuesday evening about 7:30pm Highand walk or something similar, I think it was BBC 2 probaly available on iplayer. Not a lot about Thurso itself, but nice scenery. Ah motorcycles, despite my interest in all things girly I had about 14 of them at the last count, Ducati bevel twin was the best!
Grand Tour
The programme was Grand Tour of Scotland Series 2 Ep 2 and was indeed on BBC2.
If you're in the UK then the programme can be watched via
Shiraz (off to watch it)