heidi's blog

picture straightener/ obsessive compulsive¬

Jolies thighs advertising feature and picture - I know I am sad but the butt crack doesn't line up with gusset of those sheer panties and the hook and eye join is all askew compared with the butt crease and panties!!!!!!! all in all its still a cute pic. got to go now, pictures to straighten and trains to spot!!!!



Tamara series/Shiraz followers

Stop press!

I was watching a Television program on a guy walking around Scotland following old original tourist guides - I was so excited to see he was going to call at Thurso, the setting of a great deal of the Tamara series. Disapointed that he didnt go into the town and harbour and give a glimpse of this distant place. However, it would appear that Thurso is one of the top surfing spots in the UK, for masochists or rubber fetishists! boy does the north sea look cold. Will any of our characters be taking to a board?

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