TopShelf Blogs

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ups and downs

Because I seem to be on some kind of event teeter-totter, where I cant have an up without a down, here is how my day went today.

First, the up. My car is less damaged than I thought, and my brother helped me put the spare tire on so I can drive to work until such time as i can afford to fix the car.

Now, the down: I went to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, and discovered that somehow my coverage from work has been discontinued. I am going to have to phone tomorrow and find out what's going on.

See what I mean? Up and down, up and down ...

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I am back online - so here is an update!

Well, my lovelies, I am back online in the new place, so here is my update:

1) the move: It went fine, we're unpacking and slowly making the place our own.

2) my job: I have been transferred to another store, working 11 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday

3) My car: I had a little accident today, so I am going to have to get my car repaired and probably use up most of the cushion I had built up in the process.

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Karin Bishop's New Story

Just want to put in a plug for Karin's new Kindle published story "Port of Arrival", the sequel/continuation of her "Port of Departture"

What a grrrrreat story! I won't go on and on about the characterization, plot, themes and all that other Graduate Level Creative Writing stuff. It is a Karin Bishop story! Its GRRRRREAT!

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Move Over

I have accomplished two amazing feats with the same stone? I've written a tale of less than 50 pages. This must be the influence of Drea. And...!!! I've also posted a tale with more than three days to go in a contest!!! This is definitely NOT the influence of Drea!!! :)

May We All Know Peace...

Kelly the Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrat


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Advance warning!

For all those impatient Gabfen out there, the first part of Gaby - Seasons, the 17th Gaby tome, will be available through the usual sources tomorrow!

If you can stand to wait, it might be October before the complete book is done due to a three week trip to Austria coming up shortly.

I'll post another chapter of book 12+1 tomorrow - at the current rate there are over 3 years of weekly postings just to catch up to the present which would then be the past and likely the same again etc. With that in mind you may well get 2 chapters a week at least this side of my trip.

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Penny's World will be a little late this week

Sorry, Penny's World will be a little late on account I have not written it this week.
This is entirely Karin Bishop's fault for writing Port of Arrival and then setting it free from her pc. I am completely blameless.
Real life got in the way as well, but it is mainly Karin Bishop's fault.
I will start writing and stop reading now!



Deception of Choice

This is likely the third time I have blogged about this story since it came out around 2005. I began to read it in a time when my leaving this world was as likely as staying, and oddly the struggles of the protagonist had a steadying effect on me. Years later, it is clear that my own transition was no more voluntary than David's. To the wise, stay clear of psych drugs, and Counselors.

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Family's not what it's cracked up to be...

I'm posting this because I know how many of you out there have issues with their families.

Earlier this week, my Mum died. It was only last year that she had to lose a leg because of the complications her ulcerated leg was causing the rest of her body and well being.

We lost contact several months ago when her computer died (or something went wrong with it) and then we had to change cell-phone providers because Virgin stopped doing pay and go. After that, we couldn't even text.


A Modest Dilemma

There comes some point in teaching, where I have to introduce Coulomb's law in electricity. Here's where I always hit a dilemma: I give a series of sentences describing the properties of the Coulomb force. One sentence goes:

The force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The issue: should I underline (or otherwise emphasize) "inversely" and "square"? Or should I underline "to" and "the"? In other words,

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Text-to-speech Rendering Sample

Angharad asked about the ability of text-to-speech to render British Slang. Lacking any knowledge whatsoever of said British Slang, I offer the attached rendering of the current issue of Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2995. The software is an old version of Text Aloud by (very old as software goes), and the current versions are (hopefully) better.

Will repeat for a few issues or texts of your choice.

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from he to she

just an idle question. I'm writing a story and i've hit a segment where my protagonist has turned into a female...more or less. I'm still using male pronouns and i intend to keep using them until he acknowledges that he is now female and may not be going back, though this may confuse the audience.

I'm curious though, when do you start having your protag reffer to themselves by their new gender?

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Crunch time for the move

Well, we're officially in crunch time for our move. Tonight I will be packing the last of my stuff, and tomorrow morning we move.

Since I'll be offline for a couple of days, let me take this opportunity to thank everybody who takes the time to read this little blog, especially those who have left comments.

I am so blessed, and I thank you all.

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Thanks readers!

Thanks readers! I guess you really like that last chapter of Shadowsblade and Rohanna!

you readers have blown my read numbers higher and faster then any of my stories so far and the kudos rate is COOL!

I am off to write more!

but remember? you can ask questions and maybe make suggestions!
I do listen to them! That is how Violet the pixie was added in more, she was to just be a sidekick and shown sometimes....but now she is a main line character!

have a great day!

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I've Had A Lovely Time.

Since 2004, life has been unimaginably hard at times but over the last 5 or so years it has gotten much easier. Being the odd sort that I am, I never really engaged with the LGBT folk's political agenda, choosing to simply be a woman. I've learned a lot about writing, but lack the talent to ever be a star. I'll likely be increasingly absent because, for now at least, I have lost interest in the whole male to female thing, and never had any interest in the female to male one.

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That's the way the ...

... cookie crumbles / dice roll / penny drops / knife falls.

So after a week of doing nothing other than forgetting all the threads and sub-threads in Julina, a week in which I learnt much from my esteemed and most delightful visitor, I decided it was time to finally polish my next Julina episode and get it up.

But first, I would peel and chop the 2 kilos (4.5 pounds) of carrots I just purchased over the border in France for about one third of what they would cost here in Switz.

And the kilo of celery.

Peel, peel, peel, peel, peel.


Please Sir, I Want Some More

As usual Rasufelle has made a wonderful point. I would like to add to it without high-jacking her thread.

Although most of the writers on BC are on the distaff side, there is a right way to ask for more, as Dickens has shown us.

When an audience rises as one and asks for more at a concert, they're taking part in a dance in which they know the singer/band have held a favorite in their pocket for an encore.

Writers normally don't hold back. When they add "The End", it usually is.

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Not Every Story Needs a Sequel

We authors here at BC are blessed by our readership.

Really! BC has a large, mostly active community of readers and writers, and comments on stories are quite common, which is a wonderful change from the majority of other fiction sites I've seen, even mainstream ones. The community here is supportive of new writers, positive in their outlook on most tales, and generally a great place to be a part of.

Now, having gotten THAT out of the way, on to the point of this blog.

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Busy week

Today's my last day off for a while as I'm involved with a 24hr 'pirate' radio station for the next 2 weeks, co-ordinating the media and social media.

I've sat down to do some writing and the next Anchored (#32) will be out later, after another proof-read, whilst #33 is almost done. That one will be out mid-week but #34 might have to wait for another spare day, whenever that is.


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Elvira's last Comic Con?

Playing with a story line where the person dressed up as Elvira in a television costume contest. Research, research, right? And this came up along with all the research.
This may be Elvira’s last time meeting fans at Comic-Con because ‘it’s sort of scary’

Personally I think Cassandra has two personalities, one as herself and the other when she shifts to Elvira. Wickedly successful as the Mistress of Dark.


No night to Bike - too tired.

Sorry folks keep falling asleep over Bike so I think I need to et an early night. We had two dormice this morning, so numbers are down. One of these was in a box I checked an and I managed to handle it. The mouse was very active and thus fiddly to grab, especially as I couldn't always see through the bag to ascertain where he was and what he was doing.

Hopefully, I'll be less tired tomorrow.


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I am an inspiration?

I got a super compliment today.

I was on Facebook and talking about feeling frustrated with my transition progress, and this is what I was told by Brianna:

" I have to tell you that on BCTS you are an inspiration to a lot of us who transitioned after you did."

That's ... amazing.

Me, an inspiration?

Wow ...

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Added 2 new TG stories to my little blog

Its been a while, but I got two authors that submitted two new TG stories to my blog. Karen Jensen's I Was a Boy Bridesmaid and Brenda's Sissy Steve and Me series.

Great stuff about boys that discover a new side about themselves.

Great stuff, hope you enjoy!


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Just like one of our stories!

I saw this on the BBC News and thought you should see it:

Teenage boys in Rottingdean school skirt protest over hot weather

Four teenage boys who were disciplined for wearing PE shorts to school on the hottest day of the year so far, stage a protest by wearing skirts instead.

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Home from Switzerland

I had a splendid week with my two outstanding hosts, who fed and spoiled me. I saw some of the Alps, the historic city of Berne, two stages of the TdF, countless wild flowers and insects (some of which bit), some mammals - admittedly - in captivity, some new species of birds and a nightmare journey home from Basel airport. P dropped me off about 3.00pm for a flight at 5.30. We eventually took off after 7.15pm nearly two hours late and made good time flying back only to have to wait over an hour in the plane because they were short of ground crews at Gatwick. I finally got home at 12.10am.

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is it enough?

so for arguments sake, let's say we somehow have discovered a way to reset someone's age, back to childhood and maybe even play with gender a little.

Now, let's say that someone has personally and deeply harmed you, use your imagination. I'm not sure what each individual would constitute a great injury but let's say it's something deeply personal and wounding.

Would you be satisfied with this person's life being started over and them being re-raised as a child? So they don't make the same mistakes or decisions in the future? Or would you want more punishment added?

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Question re. the COGIATI test.


Tried to find this question in the forums but failed. I am thinking of making use of the COGIATI test in my newest story, which takes place in the 1980s. The character begins to question himself at the home of a friend whose father is a therapist. As an easy first step, the father digs a copy of the test out of his... desk or book from his shelves or whatever. But I would like to know if the COGIATI test existed that early. I don't mind "bending the rules" to make a story work, but this would be a bit of a strain on credibility. Thank you!


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Mental health update

So as everyone probably remembers the last blog post I did was a real hard one for me to write and I've gone to a few doctors over the last few days and had tests done and had a psychological examination done. The test results came back today and let's just say I thank whoever told me to have tests done in my last blog post I would never have found out that I am Anemic and that my vitamin levels were dangerously high. When the doctor called me I was shocked to hear what I did.

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Breaking News: The N.B.A. has pulled its 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte in response to North Carolina's transgender bathroom law

NBA pulls All-Star Game in North Carolina over LGBT law controversy

By Nick Gass

The National Basketball Association is pulling the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte, North Carolina, after the state passed a law banning anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people and did not move to moderate or repeal it, the league announced Thursday.

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Cavendish quits Tour de France to focus on Rio

AFP•Jul 19, 2016 2:09 PM

British cyclist Mark Cavendish, pictured on July 16, 2016, will not be starting stage 17 of the Tour de France on Wednesday, finishing his run at the race this year with four stages won

View photos

British cyclist Mark Cavendish, pictured on July 16, 2016, will not be starting stage 17 of the Tour de France on Wednesday, finishing his run at the race this year with four stages won (AFP Photo/Lionel Bonaventure)

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NEW shadowsblade is up!

Well its done and its a LONG! one!

in this one Rohanna get hurt even more? but forgiveness is the last word!

Hey this one took time...I had lots of work to do and typing at the end of a long day of doing wiring was near out! As my hands hurt bad from a long day of that!

but have at it!

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You've Gotta Have Heart!

According to a study I once read, about 60% of U.S. citizens donate money once a month -- about 75% in UK.

"Bike" enjoys about 600 hits a day. If 10% of BC's consistent readers are "Bike" enthusiasts that would indicate about 6,000 consistent users.

If 65% of those donated to BC that would be almost 4,000 donors per month.

Erin struggles to generate $2,500 in monthly donations.

If those 4,000 donors were to contribute just seventy cents each, the monthly nut would be met.

So why isn't that happening?

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back to working on Mercy

Well for those who haven't yet lost patience with me in regards to my story "Mercy", I have good news - I've started working a bit on the next chapter.

Will still probably be a while in coming, I cant spend a lot of time writing, as I have packing to do yet for this move, but at least I am not totally blocked on the story any more.

I also wanted to thank everybody who took the time to send some huggles to Drea, it sounds like they helped a bit.

Huggles to all !

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Thankful for this site.

I'll just be straightforward about this. I am alive because those at this site gave me a friendly place to come to pour out my heart, to cry and to become sufficiently distracted to stop actively thinking of killing myself. I was invited to come sometime in 2007, but had been lurking on this and other sites for year. My transition was so painful, like it is with most of us due to those here, I am alive.

No fooling here folks, the site has grown so much that I would not even want to think about it.

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Ending a story

So, I have a lot of ideas that pop into my head. The majority are silly or have no future, but for the handful of ideas that have some potential, I never seem to be able to bring them to an end or find an ending that satisfies me. Feedback? ideas? I recognize i'm far from skilled and bow to the superiority of those who surround me.

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The Highlife and the TdF

Friday was spent in transit to Switzerland, the transit bit not helped by road works on the M3 and poor sign posting, however I managed to find the car park and get myself to Gatwick where the usual two hours of boredom became three as my plane was delayed, according to QueasyJet, by the atrocity in Nice, the night before. Anyway, my broomstick finally landed at Basel and eventually I found the right exit where mine host was patiently waiting. The traffic to Bern was not helpful but we got there in time for lasagne - a favourite of mine.

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Yup, the Manx Missile has claimed his 30th tdf stage - by an emphatic mile too! He might be letting Sagan wear the green jersey but it will be Cav they talk about in years to come when sprints are discussed.

There are two more sprint stages - I certainly wouldn't bet against him!

At this point I must apologise - due to impending weather conditions i've moved my training camp up a day so I go tomorrow. The knock on effect is that the next Gaby chapter won't now be posted until Wednesday.

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I hate to admit this

I hate to admit this but I think I truely am depressed at this point. I feel hopeless and have nobody to turn to. I haven't written anything in at least 3 weeks because I've lost all sense of myself(if that makes any sense). My fiancé has even took notice and has taken a step at helping me try to feel right again. EVEN MY FUCKING BOSS HAS TAKEN NOTICE! (Cries) I really don't know what to do right now. I'm scared and don't know where to turn to. I refuse to go inpatient at a hospital unless it's a last resort. (Sobbing)


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A Thank You and an Advisory

First of all, someone from Canada bought all nine novels in "A California Saga" series. If it was someone who frequents this site, thank you very much. If it wasn't, thanks to those of you who have purchased them.

Secondly, I did some minor editing on The Heart of the Beholder. It wasn't anything serious. I had some problems with word order, and in several places I wrote 'compliment' when I meant 'complement'. I'm not sure, but it seems to me that you should be able to get an updated copy from Amazon. Anyone know for sure?


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really must knuckle down

okay after a long dry spell where my muse has been sulking in the corner time to start treating my writing as at least semi pro, time to tune on the radio first thing in the morning to sit with a coffee and start.

Have had too many things going on over the time i have not been writing now it is time to take some level of control back. Monday is a new start for me on my Gender journey but this time I am going to listen to the docs and work at it. Along with that time to re earn that princess of prose title so with me luck I'm going in

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bad news and good news from my gender doc

Well, I saw my gender doc yesterday, and it was a mixed thing, with some good news and some bad news.

First, the bad news - if I want to even get an orchy, much less SRS, I need to start taking dieting seriously, and even then its gonna be iffy.

The good news is my doc has prescribed a new drug to help me with the PTSD, which I hope to get filled out Sunday. The drug's active ingredient is also one of the active ingredients in pot, so I guess you could say I'm gonna be (sort of) a pot head ...

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Two days ago, I wrote a long, and I thought perceptive post entitled "Vulnerability". I hit "preview", and then after checking it, hit "upload". The site told me it had been posted.

Later, I checked for responses. I could find no evidence that the blog had been posted, neither on the front page, nor on my blog.

I have no idea what happened. Thus this post.



Back on schedule - for now!


well posting is back on schedule so there is a new chapter here.

However, as part of my build up to the big ride in Austria I'm going on a micro training camp next week, (3 days in the Peak District getting some hard climbing in!) so it may well be later in the week for the update.



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Does Fiction Influence Life?

For the last nearly twenty years I've been writing TG fiction. Most of my work contains one basic theme. "People know more about us than we think they do, and accept more that what we imagine."

I continue to regurgitate this theme because I hate the guilt feelings that I, and others like me have about our desires.

Sometimes I feel like I'm shouting into the wind. Other times, worse.

I wonder of what we read does shape how we think?

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So sorry that it has taken sooooo! long to get the next chapter of Mother's Child out.

I know I promised many of you who have written that a new chapter Mother's Child was due out imminently. I'm sorry to say it's still not up!!!!! But it is nearly finished, and with veiled threat of tar and feathers being casually tossed around I am determined that it will be up, on or before next Monday.

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The Family Girl #083: Hey, Look! The Shepherd Moon story’s out already!


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #83: Hey, Look! The Shepherd Moon’s out already!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hey, guys, look! The Shepherd Moon story is out already! Yayyy!!!

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Anyone else floating in the same boat?

Since childhood i am fascinated with long hair. A thick curtain of long, loose, flowing, silky waist length hair. My heart aches with those little things that can be done in open and in public(as taken for granted by some beautiful creation of God). The cute tuck of hair behind the ear, the slight head movement to get the hair out of face or the full head toss over the back. The casual beautiful head and wrist combo movement to toss the silky mass back over the shoulder. The gathering of hair in one hand to put on a necklace or lean down to blow a candle.

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Rise in transgender children has effect upon schools.

Article from The Guardian (where else) about the struggle some parents face and the triumph of others with transgender children.

From same edition a video by trans actors about being 'themselves'.

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How do I respond without losing my temper with family

These are the comments one of my cousins sent me on facebook. I am having trouble deciding whether she doesn't understand or is letting religion color her thoughts too much she is very religious. Here it is

I don't know how to respond to this without getting angry


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an up and down day

I had kinda an up and down night last night.

First, mom and I managed to get another load of stuff over to the new place, so that was a yay.

Unfortunately, last night I also had to fight against a nasty voice telling me how ugly I am, how nobody would ever wanna go out with me, on and on and on.

And as it is raining cats, dogs, and possibly gerbils outside, I don't think its safe for me to go to church and get the huggles I need ...

Ah, well.

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The next part of super soldier is finally posted!

As I have stated a few times, I do apologize for the long intermission between posts. Real life has become quite intense and left me little time to devote to my passion of writing. I can see light at the end of the tunnel, but that light is at least another two months away.

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Story Idea Suggestion of the Afterlife.

Story Idea Suggestion of the Afterlife.

First, Erin. I do not mean this idea as a downer, or in anyway negative. This is meant more of a constructive exercise.

Now, the last month in my personal life has been pretty bad. Crippling health issues and other problems. I am likely not going to die tomorrow. But, I am not going to see the average life expectancy.

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Ever have one of those weeks?

Let me tell you, I wish I could borrow Doc Brown's DeLorean for about five minutes. I'd go back to last Friday and persuade myself not to go out for coffee. Or anywhere else for the next seven days.

As I left, I failed to notice that my chair was drifting off the sidewalk--with motorized chairs, there are unfortunately some blind spots. Consequently, it's hard to see in front of me in those areas. Anyway, when my chair went over the edge of the sidewalk, it landed sideways and dumped me out on the asphalt.

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should’ve done this before

Well just to prove i'm not just a Cav Fangirl - congratulations Steve Cummings and Simon Yates - Simon for taking the white jersey despite the altercation with Tour signage and Steve for winning stage 7.
Yes, more Brit success, that's 4/7 and he rides for Cav's team too!
So come on Sky you slackers, time to take up the reigns!

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Paging Raff01 and sherryann44...

... your adoring public misses you.

OK. To be more accurate, I miss you.

Raff, you created a fictional universe of dazzling complexity, peopled with characters so real that we hung on every word. When last we saw Tracy, in your Halloween story, she seemed weighed down by all that happened to her, with no respite in sight. I'd hate to think she was doomed to languish in an abandoned storyline.

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Um (what's the excuse this time?) No Bike tonight

Um - sorry, I was out at an AGM for a mammal group I belong to and apart from getting elected on to another committee, I sort of got talking with our mammal records officer and got back a bit late to write Bike.

I was out dormousing this morning and we had six, I got to handle two and it was somebody else' turn to drop one of them instead of me. So here's a photo of one of the ones we had today (dormouse, I mean).


I'll try and do one tomorrow.

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Why Don't Authors Support Hatbox

It's a simple question.

Why don't more BC writers support Hatbox by contributing stories to it?

I can't think of one valid reason.

It would seem logical that more people would subscribe to Hatbox if their was more quality content. Content seemingly is king. If Hatbox added a new story every week, from authors with followings, there's no doubt the number of subscriptions would skyrocket. More revenue, less doubt about the sustainability of BC. BC is NOT a given.

Hatbox subscriptions are one of the vital supportive measures for BC.

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A Palace of One's Own

I quite like Sherlock. Not only is Benedict Cumberbatch a great choice for the role, but the individual cases are usually interesting, if not quite as complicated as I'd like at times. Then again, I've only made it through the first and second seasons, so I may be missing some of the best.

Back on point, the series has a lot of great elements, but one of the ones I've found most attractive is the concept of the Mind Palace. I loved the concept from the show, and after doing some (very superficial) research into the ins and outs of its purpose and the method of using such, I decided I should have one of my own.

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The Family Girl #082: The Best Birthday Gift In the World


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #82: The Best Birthday Gift In the World

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

I just wanted to announce the birth of baby Aiko Gianina.

10:59PM EST, July 3 2016
********** Hospital, Silver Spring
5.1 pounds, 16 inches tall
ten fingers, ten toes, and the most beautiful brown eyes in the world.

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