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might be a while before there is more from me

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Just wanted to let my readers (all three of you) know that it might be a while before you get anything new from me.

Depression is kicking my butt at the moment, and between that and the pain/panic dance I am running low on spoons to the point where just making it to work is gonna be a challenge this week.

Sorry, I hope to be back to bubbly soon ...

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SEE Commentaries #11 to #14

Author's Commentary on Somewhere Else Entirely: Chapters 11 to 14

These chapters have the usual typographical tweaks but there are a number of questions which arose here and others which had later implications.

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Did the site just have a hiccup of some sort?


I've been working on a piece here since Saturday evening. I put in about ten hours before I started having trouble staying awake, so I copied what I had over to Open Office just in case, then wandered off to bed, catching twelve hours or so before I woke up just after midnight EST. I've spent most of the time since then back at the grind here after checking nothing had been lost.

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I have seen this a half dozen times.

Simple keyboard maintenace..

turn off computer and unplug keyboard from computer.

On the back of most keyboards is a couple of phillips head screws. Remove all of them.

This exposes the inside of keyboard. usually it's a film of some type clean this with windex. Many of these are plastic with a silver film on them if it's tarnished black anywhere clean with a pencil eraser. (note windex is an ammonia based product. Rubbing alcohol will do if windex is not available)

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Further update on Karen Lockhart


Karen is still in hospital and doesn't have internet access so asked me to let everyone know that she is much better and hopes to go home this Tuesday. She's looking forward to seeing her cat; also catching up on various BC stories and starting to write again. I know we are all looking forward to reading more about the adventures of Ellen and Ginny in the sequel to "Gene's Story".

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not very seasonal

well I'm not feeling very seasonal today at least.

I have sent two new Gaby chapters for editing, my Chrimbo shopping is pretty much complete and you might just get the next arc of Book 18 before the weekend.

Today you get Cheeky Chiba Chappie to read - the continuation of the Wunderkinds Japanese adventure.

For today that's it I'm afraid


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Stories That Are Prophetic

I have two stories (books ?) that I have been working on for years, one of them I started in the early 80's on an Electric Typewriter. Lately, I have begun to see parts of both of them begin to come true in real life, and that frightens me because I think that my health will not hold out long enough to finish either. Sadly, the only people I would trust to finish them are not likely to outlive me by much if at all.

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Noel, - No, I MEAN it - NO "L" !!! :-)

Haha - I sat at my PC intending advancing my 3 narrative items but hit -- typing issues

After 'crunching the issue' I noticed a strip 'a keys - the #9 key, the "o", "l" and period key were suddenly dead!

I thought of trying to write avoiding the consonant, vowel, digit and punctuation, but the challenge proved too daunting the last sentence proves.

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Another Pirated Story on Amazon?

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I just read an sample on Amazon of a story that I read here. I don't remember the name here or the author here but this Amazon 'author' has placed 5 books in the last month; two in this series. The story is about two secret agents with the sidekick swapping consciousness with a woman and goes undercover as her. It was a story I never finished but he/she is sold to a drug lord on a ship.

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Writing Charitably



I know of several older writers here that are among the best authors that I have ever read, yet they do not publish their work on Amazon or other retail outlets because they are in the closet and have a spouse or family or IRS issues and cannot afford the risk of publishing.

I am not an attorney, but I would think that if they are unable to profit from their work, why wouldn't it be possible (and legal) to assign the rights to a suitable NPO or transgender support organization, like Mermaids?

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Trans on cover of National Geographic


Okay, I was only going to post the article but my blood is boiling. The ill informed, self righteous bigots are already out with their lies, and regurgitated false medical science. I'm sure everyone here can find the filth without my help. BUT just in case you're lost grab your air sick bag and give this one a go. How many minds are going to believe this tripe thinking it is factual science????????

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I'm In shock I just graduated Summa Cum Laude

I just got back from Graduation where I graduated Summa Cum Laude the only one in my major. I now have an associate's degree in applied sciences software developement. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact I finally have a degree and I graduated Summa Cum Laude.

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Interesting Harry Potter fanfic

30 Chapters long over on is 'A life changing journey' posted there by deathy-cool
Harry gets kidnapped to a different school, yet appears as a female when arriving at the school. This school is in a different dimension with accelerated time flow. 1 year with no Harry at Hogwarts is long enough at the school that Harry is adult. This one takes place during the Prisoner of Azkeban year. Definitely an interesting read.

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I think I messed up somewhere


Not sure what I did wrong, but my last story is not showing up for reading. The first part was visible yesterday, but when I added a new chapter somehow I threw something off because now it doesn't show up anywhere aside from my author page. Anyone know what I should edit to rectify things?

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An encouragement for phobia sufferers

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I wanted to share a story that might encourage anybody who is dealing with a phobia.

For most of my life, I had a serious phobia about bees. I had been stung as a kid, and after that I couldn't stand to be anywhere near a bee.

Then, one day, I found this video put out by (I think) National Geographic called "Why Bumblebees couldn't run an airport".

Someone had slipped a tiny camera inside a hive, and the result was ... life changing for me.

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I blame YOU Frank O'Connor!

Whenever I get stalled on one story ...or my A.D.D. muse gets distracted... I'm more inclined to 'change channels' than to just 'turn off the set' and walk away....

Why is it easier to start things than to see older existing things through?

I fully intend to finish the two tales I've already stretched out so far.... Secondhand Life and Summer of Love both have conclusions I still love and am just meandering my way to... even if the here-to-there is still a bit fuzzy.

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Transgender sister can't make this up


The singer at Trumps inauguration is a 16 year old who has a transgender sister , I wonder if they knew this before the offer was make singer's name is Jackie Evancho and her sister is Juliet

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a question of morality

So, I'm writing several little one-shot stories at once here, and my naga one (finally)

But I have a question related to what is probably my most controversial story, and I'd like some feedback. If anyone wants to discuss this question further with me, please PM me as I'd be more than eager to hear your personal thoughts or whatnot.

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Back home from our travels

Hi everyone

Got back home last e'en from an exhausting trip around the NRW (Nord Rhein Westfalia) region of Germany. Gab's dragged me from Muenster in the north to Aachen in the west and south as far as Bonn to enjoy the pleasures of the Weihnachtsmarkts. It was a gruelling week, 28 market sites in 11 different towns and cities which added 27 beverage containers to my burgeoning Gluehwein mug collection! Hopefully next week, when we've recovered a bit, i'll post an A to er S of the trip complete with pictures.

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On being "Broken"

Sometimes, being Bipolar can be a real bitch.

And sometimes, the demons in my closet come calling a little too loudly.

Today appears to be one of those days. My muse has fled, and, once again, the Beast takes over. It was an enjoyable ride, as it was. I don't know when Haylee will return, but hopefully it will be soon. I really like her, and sometimes wish she could stay just a little longer.

C'est la vie!

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Tobi Hill-Meyer's announced an anthology...

She's focusing on erotic fiction.

I tend to prefer longer romantic stories, but I sometimes enjoy erotic stories, ... and I think we need more erotic fiction by trans people, for trans people, so we can reclaim our bodies and our sexualities.

If you're interested, here's the Kickstarter:

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NOT answering Messages


Was busy with messages lately. Bumped back to the beginning of messages and found dozens of messages I never knew was there and never responded to. To any and all who feel I may have ignored them. I'm terribly sorry if I hurt anyone's emotions. The Blonde excuse no longer works as my hair has become snow white. A few years ago I came to BCTS with no more than a passing interest as people were asking me permission to post my stories here. I would drop in, skim the story to make sure it wasn't altered and bounce out. It would be months before I would pass by again.

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Masculine/feminine balance

I believe gender shouldn't be an either or choice. In my just completed story "Old friend,New love" I tried to present two people trying to find a new balance in their gender expression. In the process they find someone that loves both sides.

Not many percieved it that way. But I would like some feedback. How would describe the characters Kevin/Kate and Chris/Chrissie on a masculine/feminine scale. For example Kevin/Kate 10%M/80%F (yes it doesn't need to add up to 100% if you feel some uncertanty).

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Are You "Good For Nothing"? Here's Why!

In 1849, it was written in the Polite Manual for Young Ladies:

Novel-reading strengthens the passions, weakens the virtue, and diminishes the power of self-control. Multitudes may date their ruin from the commencement of this kind of reading; and many more, who have been rescued from the snare, will regret, to the end of their days, its influence on the early formation of their character. It is, too, a great waste of time. . .If you wish to become weak-headed, nervous, and good for nothing, read novels."

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Love this time of the year

I get some of the best looks and comments from kids this time of the year.

Part of it is because I am slightly overweight and my beard went completely white some years ago. It probably helps that my favorite jacket to wear around happens to be Red.

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Just out of random curiousity


Just wondering if I am the only one who obsessively checks their stories and blog posts for comments and such?

Every time I post a story or comment, I seem to take on a compulsive need to keep checking how many people have read it, what comments have been made and if people are giving any indication of liking it. Am I the only person who is weird like that, or is it a common phenomena that I have weirdly adapted anyways?

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Stay On Target!

my brain is always exploding with an endless supply of ideas (I have 2 kicking around in my head right now. One drawn from those horrible tough love camps, except tg focused and another where a sorceress turns a rapist into a succubus with nothing short of disastrous results)

But my biggest struggle is that i can't seem to get down to writing. Argh i need someone to keep pushing me.

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Is there something in the internet ether


...or is it Seasonal Affective Disorder?

There seems to have been an awful lot of anger in these blogs over the last month or two.

To take your mind of it, how about

Christmas is a coming
and the goose is getting fat
If you start getting angry,
kick the cat

Oops, I never was a poet and that will incur the wrath of the cat lovers! They'll bomb me.

Can anyone else do better?

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What am I


This blog started as a result of a comment added to a story I read earlier

What am I or what are you is something we often consider, and a lot of what follows has appeared in one form of expression or another in various stories and blogs over the years

I am male, and have female mannerisms outwardly male and female inwardly, I love to cross dress, be a transvestite and dont consider myself to be transgender - Female in male body or even male in a female body or what ever the label "transgender" means.

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Looking for a story

I read a truly nsfw tale a few years ago. I like it because of the concept, not the explicitness of it -- not that I have a problem with that kind of literature.

I looked all over FM for it, trying the various filters. I couldn't find it. Oh well.

Anyhow, it's about a kind of loner type IT person who gets befriended by a group of you standard beer-guzzling sport-watching types.

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MFacebook post

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Funny,I keep wondering when I 'll get through this recovery..One of the things that keep me going is being a woman.and that can not change When I figured out transitioning was something I had to do I took the fast track(meaning I did not hold back),no regrets, only joy.
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New chapter of Bian posted

This is the end of the first "book" which I think I will call "Castle and Road". Next chapter will begin book 2 which will concern the city of Lundenna.

I've had some more fun with the language in this chapter though I left one word untranslated. People can probably guess what it is from the context.

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Asking for help on a story

This is a first for me in two ways, first time I've written a blog here on BC/TS, and first time EVER that I've asked for help on a story anywhere.

I was sleeping well enough about an hour ago when I had a dream, it showed images that made me cringe, but for all of that, I just couldn't get them out of my head. I woke up a few minutes later and those images were still centre stage in my mind. It's been an hour now, but I'm still thinking about those few brief images, and how I could use them as the basis of a chilling, yet realistic modern forced femme story.

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Prostate Removal During SRS

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In a conversation I just had with an ER Doctor, he asked me if during my SRS surgery, had the surgeon removed my Prostate Gland? Back in 2007, when mine was done, I do not think they were doing that because it was felt that the proceedure was too dangerous to the nerves and blood vessels.

Apparently some or all surgeons are now doing it orthoscopically as a part of SRS. Are any of you aware if this change in surgical procedure has been implemented or is the ER Doctor wrong?


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And with that


Now that Efindumb has finished her story, and judging by the final outcome, not the finish that I think she envisioned, I, too, find the time has come to say goodbye.

The pettiness that has been going on amongst people who are supposed to be adults but who are acting like children has gotten out of hand. The "I don't like this game anymore! I'm taking my toys and going home" attitude is too much.

I wish everyone the best of luck in all of their endeavors, and may check in from time to time, but always anomalously.

Red Dog

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Paranormal org debuts daft theory

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A paranormal organisation who have managed to pick up thousands of online followers (Spiritual Research Foundation) have debuted their own daft theory on the predominant cause of homosexuality - posession by ghosts and "subtle-sorcerers" from hell. They apparently believe most gay men are possessed by female ghosts, and lesbian women possessed by male ghosts (!).

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BigCloset TopShelf's December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest


December 2016
Spirit of Giving

Story Contest
Entry Submission Dates are from now through December 23, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time!
Prizes currently are 1 x $250, 1 x $150, and 12 x $100 USD paypalled or gift vouchered. Prizes subject to go up!
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very bad day

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I damaged my car this morning, I was in serious pain all day and feeling sick to my stomach so I couldnt take anything, the pain set off my PTSD, so I spent most of the day fighting panic attacks ..

Sighs ... just another day ...

huggles appreciated, folks.

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Working on the next chapter of shadowsblade

Working on the next chapter of shadowsblade Right now and editing up part of it for posting maybe tomorrow?
Was shooting for today but got caught in writing more!

So till then we wait?

Que radio guy voice or old movie voice

What will happen to our heroine?
will she live?
will she change!?

What ....what?

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Possible Downtime but Upgrades . . .

Hey Everyone!

This is just a note to let you know that we are getting ready to release some new features and upgrades to BigCloset. Some of these upgrades have been attempted in the past and broke a lot of our custom changes to the front page.

So it is entirely possible they will break again, but I promise you I will be working just as fast as possible to get everything working again.

Unfortunately while I've tried to put off these upgrades because of the havoc they may cause, they have recently become urgent.

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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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For those that are wondering what's going on with Jess. Here's the update. Currently she is having problems with the power going out due to the weather, so it may be a while before she posts anything. She's been able to update me via email(probably using her phone) so I offered to post this entry. She'll post as soon as she can.

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FTM Writing Difficulty

I have found that the writing of FTM stories are greatly more challenging than their MTF counterparts. By this, I exclude body/mind swaps and stories that include both MTF and FTM at the same time. I mean exclusively a story that features two straight female friends and one of them ends up a straight male by the end of the story. I will try to sum up the difficulty in writing this kind of story and why they are so rare.

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Universe reading suggestions

I have recently gotten bored re-reading the same things over and over. I have seen a few people over the past couple years suggest other authors universes i have fully enjoyed. Some being the Chakat universe by Bernard Doove, FreeRIDErs on shifti, and MORF's.

Any and all suggestions would be wonderfully appreciated.

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When I was 16 ...

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I wanna share a story that I have told very few people.

When I was 16, I was a mess on the inside. Rape and physical abuse had broken me into pieces, and it was only because I was so good at running on autopilot that nobody really knew how bad it was for me.

In my head, I felt like I had a hundred voices - it was so bad I tried to create a mental "parliament" just so there was some kind of order.

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Character called, Mortimer/Mort

Unable to narrow to a specific Universe, mutation story, but parents part of hate group, Character called, Mortimer/Mort until after manifestation, sister adopts.
Highschool, takes job in kitchen at café/restaurant, saves some staff from fire in same.

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NO Pants !!!

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In talking with my Doctor, he finally sussed out that I am not a genetic female, much to my surprise that it took him this long. I've been very ill the last two months with Pneumonia, a UTI and intestinal flare ups.

In talking to me about ways to prevent more Urinary Tract Infections, he said to avoid pants, pantyhose, leggings and to use only cotton panties; none of the pretty stuff. He further recommended a full shower after riding my bike, even casually, and no baths; showers only. He also said to use baby wipes after every trip to the loo.

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Real life Bloddish?

Two things for those who have been following my story Bian in which I play with a language I madeup called Bloddish:

1. Yes, I am working on the next episode (along with work on the next episodes of Vector and Hired Girl and other outside work, besides the other stuff I do around here and on DopplerPress. :)

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An Embarrassing Experience

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I know it's only a couple of days since my last post/blog. But my daughter (Eldest) should avoid me if she wants to see Christmas. We had a parent-teacher meeting at school. Generally she's really doing pretty well in school. She reads well and considering she was held back a year I'm proud of her. Due to the time of her birthday and the UK education system. While in her first school she had to repeat her last year. Her teacher at that school was amazing and he kept her busy. Helping any class members who were struggling.

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Toys for Tots


When you are out shopping please remember the children you don't have anything and buy something extra for the TOYS FOR TOTS program most Mc D's have a collection bin , you don't need to spend a lot does buys a plushie will help as kids you don't have will be happy just finding something on Christmas morning . Put a smile on a kids face PLEASE

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Unexpected Chance

Well I've had an unexpected chance to get online this afternoon before I leave for my trip so you lucky people can read the second installation of the 14th Gaby book right here

I will bid you Auf Wiedersehn and return thoroughly sizzled and no doubt the wuerst for wear next week


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I'm back again

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I feel I been for long time, last Sept on the 14th MS downloaded what they called an emergency security update to WIN10; then on Sunday the 15th Dell did download to work with MS download when that finish it lockup the computer forcing a reboot of computer, after about 15 minutes the screen went blank then a note appeared say's 'cannot find HDD, try reseating HDD', I removed back an removed HDD and reinstalled, rebooted system tried this four times same results.

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Can I pull my hair out now?

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You remember all that fighting I went through to get my drugs covered by my work even though that had been promised from the day I was hired, and they finally told me they got it fixed?

Well, I tried it out today, and my wonderful drug plan saved me a grand total of under 2 dollars on a 45 dollar refill of my estrogen gel.

Can I pull my hair out now?

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Update on Karen Lockhart

An update on Karen's condition from her cousin says that she is making good progress but may have to spend some time in rehabilitation. She was really quite sick and is still not well enough to receive and respond to messages. I will pass on any messages via her cousin, and I'm sure we're all keeping our fingers crossed for her to make a full recovery.

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Halle fu€&ing loo yah


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As some of you might know, I vented here a little while ago.

My brother has now fully redeemed the money he 'borrowed without actual permission' and the situation has been normalised.

Already I feel Ms. Muse working her way back to me.

I leave tomorrow morning at stupid o'clock to drive to England, some 650 miles through a total of 6 different countries and intend to spend 7 of the 14 days with my granddaughter.

I hope to meet some of my contacts here during the non-granddaughter days.

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Strange error message

Getting a strange error message when posting a comment just now.

Missing Feeds plugin FeedsNodeExportParser. Please contact your site administrator.
Missing Feeds plugin FeedsNodeExportProcessor. Please contact your site administrator.

My comment seems to have posted just fine.


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made some progress on my writing, but not done yet

Just a quick update for anybody wondering when more stuff is coming from me - I managed to make some progress on a couple of stories this weekend, but nothing is ready just yet. maybe soon, I hope ...

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Schedule change

Originally I had planned on releasing "Old friend, New love" in weekly chapters. To enter it in Christmas contest, I started with daily releases. Reader feedback say's this is too frequent. I tend to agree, though one reason I love Bike is knowing there is a new chapter each day (not so much anymore). So I am changing to Mon, Wed, Fri, releases. (pending RL issues of course).

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Ideas come from Everywhere!

I have just posted a new Alexa B-Side story today. I had stated when I posted the Dick at the Bar B-Side last night that I had a second story related to chapter 11 of Alexa in the works. This is not that story, I am still working on that story. This story comes directly from a recommendation from a comment posted on Dick at the Bar. I thought it was an excellent idea and ran with it this morning.

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Gaby - The Girl

Well the first part of the 14th Gaby Book - The Girl can now be found, here on BC just click here!

As I've previously mentioned, I shall be going to Germany on Wednesday so the next posting will be a couple of weeks away. Enjoy this chapter and prepare yourselves for more Wunderkind adventures in the run up to the festive season.

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Change of Name

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This really isn't news to anyone as I hardly ever post on the site and my story I was planning on posting is bogged down thanks to writing myself into a corner that can't get out of without use of an extremely blatant deus ex machina, but I've changed my user name from Natasha Sanotova to Hotaru Lind.

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The Black Ring: Commentary


The Black Ring is mental fantasy. Dissociative Disorder or "multi-personality" disorder is not clearly understood. Some in psychiatry doubt whether it even exists. I decided to use multi-personality disorder in this story after being inspired by a number of TG works that featured a "spirit" or "ghost" of the female gender in a male body and vice versa. I was also inspired by the movie Me, Myself, and Irene starring Jim Carrey and A Beautiful Mind starring Russel Crowe.

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My neighbor is an idiot

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My neighbor is an idiot.

Sign on my door about my respiratory health problems and he drops a smoke bomb on the floor right beside my door.
damn near lit the building on fire with it.

I just hope the landlord takes the action that is legally available for endangering the safety of the other tenants and gives him an eviction notice.

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Because Sephrena is an important part of the community here, people should know that there is a situation involving her that may turn more serious or may be soon resolved. We're not comfortable sharing details at the moment but will try to keep everyone appropriately informed.

Hugs to all,
And especially Sephrena,
Erin and the crew

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NEW shadowsblade is here!

NEW shadowsblade is here!

And this is the part that some readers have been waiting for!

What happened?
How did it happen?
And maybe even the why-----a little bit?

BUT it's in three parts right now? Maybe four?

as the rest is being written right now!

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Real Stories without endings


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Stories without endings. I live in a city with a major state university. Listening to my scanner today there was a call for a welfare check. People were reporting a girl on the parking garage at the union that seemed out of it. She wouldn't respond to people and she had 'an odd look in her eyes'.

The university police responded to the garage and the first one on the scene reported she was standing on the top rail of the top deck of the garage. A fall from there would be three stories down to concrete.

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Tree Hugger

To begin with Tree Hugger is a story I began more than a few years ago and had been forgotten. Lost in an archive until...

A few weeks ago I had a catastrophic computer failure. My motherboard died. That computer had some <cough> exotic parts in it that let it our preform everything built for its first 5-6 years of life and even after 13 years of perfect service allowed it to keep up with all but the high end gaming PCs built today.

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New Series

I have started to post a new series, "Old Friend, New Love". I thought I had posted as a novel chapter, but it didn't appear that way. From comments, some have interpreted this to be a (very incomplete) solo. It is my intention to post a chapter (or more, as in the 1st installment, when the chapters are short) each day until done. The part of the story I am releasing for the contest, is done (though open to further editing). I hope you enjoy it. Comments and PM's are welcome (and may be used to determine if I write more or crawl back into my closet).

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Depression can be chemical as well as mental


What we don't know about the human body and mind would fill all the world's library's several times over. We guess, we experiment, we do trial and error. Sometimes we get it right but usually we make a thousand errors. Usually making things worse than they were before we started trying to fix something.

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Tour de Yorkshire - 2017

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The route for next years event has been announced.

Maddy will be happy as the finish is in her back yard.

One of the names of the climbs got me laughing... Côte de Shibden Wall
Would not want to ride (up or down) in the wet though.


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Help finding the story...

I came across a story long ago in which due to some kind of punishment two friends have to attend a prom as a punishment.
The one who has to o as a girl whines a lot about being him as the girl of the two and the other of course as a boy. The mother of the "girl" assures "her" that this is also a punishment for "her" friend as he has to endure the embarrassment if it was found out that he has attended the prom with a boy and not a girl. Thanks in advance.

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Been busy rereading Snafu over on Sapphire's Place and didn't realise the time. Not sleeping too well with pains in my shoulders and arms, so I fell asleep in the chair. I have a visitor over le weekend, it's my birthday on Saturday so I may or may not have time to do any writing - I also have a committee meeting - wonderful way to spend it.

For those who haven't read SNAFU here's a link.It's a full length novel.

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Authors Best of My Stories

A few things happened this week that caused me to look at unfinished stories on my list and then I heard a radio announcer advertise a BBC Radio programme called 'Jamie and the Piano Man - A Billy Joel Special'.
I read several stories again checking for work I needed to do to tidy up and fulfil a promise.

My favourite posting from my own list is 'Sing me a Song Mr Piano Man' and I wondered if authors might consider the same and pick their favourite stories from their own lists that gave them the most satisfaction (and did not necessarily receive the most kudos.)

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News on Karen Lockhart

Karen Lockhart has asked me to let readers of her stories know that she is not well at present. She's in hospital ICU with respiratory issues but is stable. However there may be a delay in starting her next story - 'Ginny's Story' which is the sequel to 'Gene's Story'.

I'm keeping in regular touch with her cousin and will report any developments.


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Xmas Tune Acronym Quiz

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If you've been here a while, you'll know what this is all about.

For several years, I've run a "Christmas Tunes Acronym Quiz" through December, whereby I post up a spreadsheet containing acronyms of Christmas tunes, and The Internet attempts to solve them.

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Humanities 101, Writing Course

I have been accepted to the course. :)

Good morning,

We are pleased to let you know that you have been accepted onto the Writing 101 course at UBC, which begins on January 10, 2017. Congratulations! If you accept your place on the course PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL BY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7th. If you are no longer able to participate, please let us know and we can offer your place to someone on the waitlist.

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Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 8

So today the final part of Four Star is up! I hope you enjoy it.

Writing Gaby Book 18 continues apace and a heads up, Book 14 will start being posted this coming Sunday! So if you've been waiting patiently or just enjoy revisiting the books, The Girl will hopefully keep your attention!

Also, with a following wind, you should be able to find the second Gaby book, Summer Girl, available as an Amazon printed book within the next day.



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