TopShelf Blogs

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yea vs yeah

I have been reading a number of stories lately where yea was used instead of yeah. yeah is a word of agreement whereas yea or yay is a word of excitement. I googled this before I wrote this blog. I hope this helps future stories.


Are there More Than Two Sexes?

This is the title of a program on The Science Channel I have been sitting here watching with great interest. The date is 09-13-2016
It is part of the Series "through The Wormhole" hosted and narrated by the great actor Morgan Freeman.
It is covering ALL aspects of Gender and Sex; and should be REQUIRED watching for all our politicians, religious leaders, and anyone else who has questions or believes TG/TS is just a fiction or figment of a persons mind.
The program has taken on theories and believe me some are truly amazing and have been found now to be FACT.

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story contests?????

I missed the notice for the August and September story contests. I can not find any notices. Even clicking on the heading 'September Story Contest' in the story heading only takes you to a listing of the stories submitted, not what the story contest is about.

Is it possible to put the contest description under the heading or is there some other way to keep the info up so those of us who miss the initial posting have a chance to get in on the competitions?

Thank you


Well, here's another challenge.

Erin and crew need bucks to keep the doors open! It can't be any more clear than that. So c'mon everyone. Break into the piggy banks and help keep Top Shelf where it belongs. On top of the 'net and the best TG fiction site out there anywhere!

It's SO easy to send even a one time gift to help out. Use this URL and your bank credit/debit card:

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for those who might be interested

As you might recall, two weeks ago I pushed to the edge when I rode the Otztaler Radmarathon. Well today things were a little less stressed when I rode the Eddy Merckx Classic near Salzburg. (I won't bore you with the bit in between). Cycling bore that I am, I completed the 169km through the Salzkammergut in 6.5 hours almost exactly half the time I was in the saddle a fortnight ago.

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The call goes out for a beta/proof reader

Okay, the call goes out again from me for a beta/proof reader for another Bobby/Mel story line. Be aware that there is one section that I'm still working on but I would like both:

a. The persons thoughts, opinion on where the story went and how it read.
b. Obvious errors, but be aware there are some places that I'm sure I need to place the dreaded comma's and so forth.
c. What went right and what went wrong.

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Yesterday I read Melanie's recent great story, which is a worthy addition to her wonderful library of work. After reading it I read the comments and became incensed by remarks that seemed to condone the character's suicide decision because of the bullying she'd experienced. I've read these kinds of comments too many times on BC. Being trans is NOT a reason for suicide. What happens to you because your trans also is NOT a reason for suicide.



Do women overshare ?

If you have read any TG fiction at all, there's a good chance you read something like this: a new girl discovers that girls can be very ... earthy and share intimate details with other girls
Well, I don't know how common that is in real life, but I had something like that happen to me yesterday. I had a conversation with a co-worker, in which she ... overshared details about her period.

I hope I didn't come across as clueless in my response ...

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To Boldly Go...

To everyone here, I would like to say Happy Star Trek Day!

Today, on September 8, 1966, Star Trek premiered on NBC with the episode, "The Man Trap." 50 years later, Star Trek still thrives and endures. Boldly going and continuing to break barriers along the way, and all over the heads of the network censors (seriously, they actually did that back in the '60s).

So, may you all Live Long and Prosper!


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Forced-Femme character in The Blacklist



So I love The Blacklist; it's smart, dangerous and exciting. But the last episode left a sour taste in my mouth. Season 3 episode 4 featured a young arabic woman who is revealed to have been a man, a young boy forcibly feminized into a girl for being gay by her father. The ending however, didn't give her justice or closure. Instead she probably went to jail.

Has anyone else seen this and what do you all think?


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Girly glasses, girly shoes and an expanding ponytail holder.

In a comment to my blog, "Acceptable shoes" someone accused me of pushing the envelope and I freely admitted doing so. The "push the envelope" bug has bitten me again.

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Living as a woman with a woman

A huge surprise this last week or so. A Saudi Arabian friend of mine asked me if I could put up a female college grad until she finds an apartment, and now she will be moving out on the 15th, and that will have been three weeks. My Saudi Friend does not know about me and neither does she, and I'm not telling. It's given me a rare opportunity to glimpse into the female world.

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Quick Update

Just a quick update on my writing :)

I'm currently working on the spin off to It's Just a Skirt, I think I might have mentioned that more than once. I'm making excellent progress on it, I'll post it as soon as I'm finished. It is turning out to be a much longer tale than I anticipated too. It will more than likely be longer than Skirt. After I finish I'm hoping to get back to Just Keep Rolling.

I also have a few other stories too.

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Thanks to All

Thank you to all those who have read Change of Heart~Passion of the Soul. I pray you don't feel like you wasted your time. A hug and special thanks to Catherine Linda Michel (Cathy) a beautiful talented lady managed to do the impossible and assemble that story back into something readable. It was akin to taking scrambled eggs and changing it back into a chicken egg.

Of course my sincere thanks to Eric, ManicRacer, and so many others who took some of their precious time to give me advice, pointers, and ideas on correcting the misinformation in the story line.


tanya allan's amazon page

Tanya Allan's amazon page does not list her latest book "last". you can find the book on amazon by typing in her name and then type last. amazon has been slow to add new books to an authors page, but this is ridiculous. there is no telling how many sales she is not getting due to people not knowing the title of her new book. I hope this blog helps bring in some more sales for her.


New Story - Marti and the Doppelganger

I have just posted a new story that will appear in 12 installments. Foolishly, I left a number of things unresolved. So I might have to write about them in the future. One of my reasons for writing this new addition to The Cynthia Chronicles was to try to get more readers interested in what I felt was an overlooked story, Simoné and the Second Time Around. The new story answers several unanswered questions from several stories in the series. I hope you enjoy it.

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Update on me

If you haven't been following my last few blog posts you won't know about my mental crisis I went through. Well I'm proud to say that I'm much happier now and I'm feeling much better now!

Also I've finally got back to writing my stories again. On a side note I'm writing a Halloween themed story for another site that I intend on posting here after the contest it is being written for concludes.

I should have another BP chapter up soon.

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Hobbled, literally and figuratively

For once, I have a legitimate excuse for my long absence.

During the first week of August, I broke my leg in what has to be the freakiest of freak accidents. Numerous people have asked me in the last few weeks what happened, and to this day I find it impossible to adequately describe.

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A change in attitude about a part of my body

Okay I have a bit of a weird one for you, so forgive me if this makes no sense.

A while back I made a little poem called "I hate my toes", which was mostly just a little bit of nonsense about how having someone who loves you turns even your least favorite parts of yourself into something special.

And while my toes arent my least favorite body part (that is and always will be my male bits), I havent exactly ever been particularly fond of them either - they always looked too ... masculine to me.

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Well I have been a little quiet lately.

Got some bad and good news.

The bad. Last June I knew I would be losing the house with all things connected to it .

The good. Well although everything happed pretty fast, I got married the 21st and 99% sure I'll end up moving to the American Midwest ( OKC ). Depends on the wife's job and whatever happens with USCIS.

Going to be a hard year getting everything straightened out and us being apart but I'm positive will make it.


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A Cold, Deep, Bedrock of...

..I don't know what.

About 3 1/2 months ago, I posted about why I hate Angharad.

My reasoning was sound. I am fairly busy. I have tons of stories left unread. Several left unwritten and/or unfinished. I was looking at Bike, and wondering two things.

How can I ever catch up when she has 3000+ chapters completed and is cranking them out daily?

How can anyone maintain this level of writing for such a long span of time?

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August Contest: Alternate August - Deadline TONIGHT!

As a writer I am constantly asking myself, “What if?” So what if we lived in a society that had completely different values and taboos?

How about an alternate society where homosexuality was the norm and someone that found themselves attracted to the opposite sex was considered to have a very bad mental problem? What if that person was forced to be treated for being mentally deviant? What if they are forced to go through a sex change so their body now reflects their sexual preference?


Anti-Trans Interpretations of Dysphoria

As you may know, some anti-trans writers discuss their own experiences of dysphoria, and their own solutions. I've read a few from feminist writers, bloggers, etc. because some of their other perspectives can be relevant. I haven't read any by traditionalist/patriarchal writers, bloggers, etc.

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Ipswich Hedgehog Officer .....

As an enthusiastic reader of "Easy As Falling Off A Bike" aka "Daily Dormouse" I can't help but find this article as charming as the title suggests.

"A British woman now holds the world’s most charming job title: Hedgehog officer"

Wonder if there is a dormouse officer?

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Another 'auto-correct' smile

Saw this one the other day, which made me smile.

The author (one of those that strikes me as being one who seems to try to use big words a bit too often in order to be impressive, without necessarily understanding the required word) wanted to write 'commensurate'.

As in something like: "The starting salary will be commensurate with age and experience."

Unfortunately, (s)he chose to write, using the above example: "The starting salary will be commiserate with age and experience."

I suppose you could say I feel sorry for him/her - *grins*.

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Embracing Justice rides again!

Hi everyone! Well I have good news for those of you out there that are fans of my Marshal’s series. The first of the books is now for sale at Embracing Justice went on sale at midnight last night. And no that is not presale but sale. So run don’t walk and order your copy. Your humble wordsmith needs your help. So spread the word about about the Marshals Book 1 Embracing Justice.

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Emma Finn

Many here will have read some of Emma Finn's quirky stories. She had her own web site which I visited regularly, mainly to follow the expansion to her transformation story 'Cleaner'. Sadly, there was a message when I visited it a few minutes ago that she died on the 19th of this month.

She was a unique writer with a her own angle on all types of transformation and she will be sorely missed by her fans of which I include myself.

The last message can be read here :

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Mainroom chat

It seems the BCTS mainroom chat is somehow broken again. So, I believe many readers here might like another way to get to chat with their friends and help has arrived.
I reactivated the Narda java chat again. It's available here:

Please note, you will need a java capable webbrowser with the java plugin installed.


Error 503

Is anybody else getting a "Error 503 Service Unavailable" message? I haven't really tracked it but it seems to happen around this time (1 AM CDT) when it does happen. As far as I can tell it goes away fairly quickly


Classic Gowns

IF you are a writer or a reader of stories where the heroine and hero become involved in an evening of opera, or the governor's ball. Maybe you might want to fertilize the pictures in your memory of exactly what those words "evening gown or ball gown" represents. The stories come alive when one can visualize in their own mind the events described in the book whether they are the author or the reader. Most of us have seen movies of the ladies in their beautiful gowns but most of those are of southern belles and plantations. For a modern look at elegance try this.


a question to all

Where do people get "cannot treat transgendered people on religious grounds" from?

I have read a fair amount of scripture of various religions. Mormon, catholic, christain, budism, muslim, luthren(althoug i have to say i cant understand most of that one)

So far i Have yet to find something that definitively says that transgendered"or gender confused" people are well anything.

Closest is "man shall not wear womens garments" and vice versa..

Yet doesnt define a man or woman.


No Bike tonight

Sorry folks I have a visitor and we were out walking this evening, so it's too late to write this evening. I'll try and do one tomorrow.

I'm giving a bit of advance notice that my course begins on October 1st (I'm going away for a week the next day, my timing is always impeccable) and it looks as if I have to supply a written assignment about every three weeks, so I may not be able to write Bike as frequently as you've been used to seeing it.

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I'm the most selfish person here

My stories aren't for others. I write for my own pleasure. Writing what I love with characters I enjoy the company of is why I write. "Almost A Girl" caught a lot of derogatory remarks. Readers didn't like the way Buddy-Barbara was treated. They didn't like my sentence structure. They didn't like a lot of the misspelled and non definition right words. I loved their candid posts. Some a little too personal but most were aimed at the story, characters, and plot.

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I'm Kind of Ticked

About a month ago, I posted the second Jessie Hanks story to this site. It didn't get near as many reads as the Eerie stories usually get, and the second part got a lot less than the first part did. The two parts only got a couple comments.

I'd like to know why.

It isn't that people don't like my work. As a test, I posted "Vengeance" a week ago. It got a lot more reads and a heck of a lot more comments. Even if two of those comments were about my lousy spelling of an unfamiliar word.

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New lawsuit against trans rights in US

As if the hate sprouting from Trump and his Trumpettes aren't enough now some ludicrous doctors are attacking transsexuals rights on base of religious 'freedom' and believes again:

Yes it is buzzfeed, but it is the best article I could find on that at the moment.

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Had a visit from a supervisor at the cleaning company today

I had a visit from someone from my cleaning company today, and a couple of good things are hopefully gonna come from it.

One is he promised me that he will see about getting my coverage for my meds going, and he's also promised me that they will get me an actual uniform.

So I am going to give this news a tentative yay ...

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Podcastle Artemis Rising Event 3

We have so many great authors here, That I thought everyone might be interested in this.

Podcastle is an online fantasy short story magazine. Each week, they produce an audio podcast featuring a fantasy short story.

They are opening submissions next month for an event called Artemis Rising, featuring female and transgender authors (although their term is non-binary). It's apparently the third year they have done this.

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Where next?

I have now 56 books self-published on Amazon. I have published some early paperbacks through I have also used KOBO and Smashwords for eBooks, but their formatting and price requirements made life too difficult, so I think I've withdrawn all of them - I may have one or two left with them. To be honest, it wasn't worth my while, for every thousand books I sold on Amazon, I might sell one on Kobo or Smashwords - I stress - might..

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Pittsburgh researchers may have found 'cure' for some untreatable depression
Pittsburgh researchers may have found 'cure' for some untreatable depression
August 22, 2016 12:00 AM
By Sean D. Hamill / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Ben Finder remembers when the depression first hit him.

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Need Some Help :)

Well I'm venturing forth into my new story and I need some research help. I want to make the main character a guitar player but I don't really know much about the subject. The kind of guitars he might own, the type of training he might need. I want to write it as accurate as I can so it looks good on the page.

If anyone knows anything about this, can you please PM me :)


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new health worries

I have been trying my best to make this blog super positive lately, and it helps that some good stuff is going on, but as the point of this little exercise is to be honest, I do have to share some not-so-positive stuff.

Right now, my biggest worry is my health. Now my pain levels have been slowly increasing again after a period of leveling off, but that's not really what's new.

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Karin Bishop's Port of Departure/Port of Arrival

I have been engrossed on my Kindle with Karin Bishop's EPIC two-novel tale and wish to highly recommend the story to others. Karin's books are not expensive but I do hope purchasers will use the BC link to Amazon to help with the costs of keeping BigCloset running.

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"The Life and Murder of Stella Walsh, Intersex Olympic Champion"

A long read (pun intended, since it's on but well worth the time. It addition to the story of Stella Walsh it provides introductions to some other early female track & field athletes and some of the interesting history of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

The Life and Murder of Stella Walsh, Intersex Olympic Champion

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Mother's Child

I know I've disappointed my readers with this extended delay in my story (Mother's Child), but this has been a difficult year for me. I was sick for so long, then as I was recovering, my wife became very ill. She recovered then my father was diagnosed with stage 3 small cell leukemia about three months ago. He died two weeks ago. I haven't had much heart for anything since then, but I am recovering mentally and hope to finish the current chapter this week.

I appreciate everyone's patience.



laughter, the best medicine ?

Had an interesting moment at work today.

I was waiting for the public washrooms to clear so I could clean them, and while I waited, I noticed a little girl in a shopping cart with her mom. When she saw me, she squealed with delight and began "talking" to me in baby chatter, waving her arms around and generally having a great time.

I couldn't help myself - I started laughing.

(There may have been some giggles involved, but I refuse to confirm or deny)

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back to sanity

Team GB cycling - just wow!

In case you missed it - the entire track team come home with at least one gong each! That means our cycling team would place 11th in the current medal table!

We can now get back to some sort of normalcy as the rest of our team try to hang onto our second place in the medal table - yep second, not bad for a little rock on the edge of knowhere!

More Gaby later.


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The life we are given and the life that we make.

Joan, who are you?
Well I have gone by "Joan de Arc" for acting like a martyr. I have gone by "Joan of Harp" as an amateur musician. I have given my middle name of Joan for a food pickup because no one can spell my first name right. Then there are some of my friends that just call me Joan.

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Authors that inspired you to get into writing.

If there's anything that makes me happy it's when people say to other authors that a certain story made them want to get into writing. Now that hasn't happened to me specifically yet but I will say a few people that made me want to start writing TG material(I had dabbled in other genre's before joining BC)

Torey: Her Emerging from the Cocoon, and Forever Claire stories really got me wanting to write in this area.

TGsine: Summer Girl was one of the first stories I ever read on BC and it actually played a part in me writing my story Broken Phoenix.

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