In talking with my Doctor, he finally sussed out that I am not a genetic female, much to my surprise that it took him this long. I've been very ill the last two months with Pneumonia, a UTI and intestinal flare ups.
In talking to me about ways to prevent more Urinary Tract Infections, he said to avoid pants, pantyhose, leggings and to use only cotton panties; none of the pretty stuff. He further recommended a full shower after riding my bike, even casually, and no baths; showers only. He also said to use baby wipes after every trip to the loo.
So, for me, on Doctor's orders, it must be skirts and dresses and stockings using a belt. Oh the sacrifice of it all! :)
shades of
those antiquated, abusive and rude Dr. Harry Benjamin Standards of Care there you know.
the ones that denied us the possibility of pants before surgery.
the ones that called us MALE TRANSSEXUALS even after surgery.
while skirts and dresses are nice to wear, being told I can't wear pants would rub me the wrong way.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Forced to be male
I was always forced to be male, but didn't carry it off very well. This news from the Doctor is no sacrifice to me at all.