Halle fu€&ing loo yah

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Blog About: 

As some of you might know, I vented here a little while ago.

My brother has now fully redeemed the money he 'borrowed without actual permission' and the situation has been normalised.

Already I feel Ms. Muse working her way back to me.

I leave tomorrow morning at stupid o'clock to drive to England, some 650 miles through a total of 6 different countries and intend to spend 7 of the 14 days with my granddaughter.

I hope to meet some of my contacts here during the non-granddaughter days.

The next Julina will be before Christmas - expecting that the beta readers can 'do their thing' in the busy days before that unique blip in the calendar.

I wish you all a very pleasant night (it being close to midnight here now)



congradulations and

dawnfyre's picture

enjoy your trip.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


Maddy Bell's picture

Certainly a long drive, guess you are taking the scenic route if you are going 6 countries, just remember, we drive on the right side here, the left, right?

Have fun with the GD, be blessed, No1 daughter has vowed not to have any offspring so that joy is denied me and the Great GP's.

Once again
Take care
Mads in GOC


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Yes - but method in my madness

Drive up to Basel, then shoot up the German autobahns (no speed restrictions, unless there are speed restrictions, and no tolls), cross into France at Strasbourg, zoom up the French Motorway to Metz, then into Luxembourg (cheapest, just about, fuel in Europe, some 67% of 'normal' prices, through Belgium (no motorway tolls) and back into France for the last mad dash to the Channel Ports (using the tunnel this time around). This not only saves some 50 Euro in fuel costs, but also some 50 Euro in motorway tolls. And only 70 kilometers more distance to drive ...

650 miles

If I drive 650 miles, I haven't left the state yet - 6 countries wow


650 Miles

If you drove 650 miles in my state you'd poke about 75 miles into either Canada or Iowa. I'd recommend Canada unless you're partial to Buddy Holly or wind farms.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)