It appears we are a soft target ...

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So let's use 'transgender' as a way of redirecting awkward questions huh?? Or deflecting attention from something else??



Since when have we been not?

At least in the Western culture. Politicians for the most part take the political calculus of deliberately alienating the minority and sucking up to the majority. It has been done from time immemorial. Trans folks are not the only ones. Look at the Japanese-American internment, the rhetoric towards Muslims by the current GOP presidential candidates, how native Americans are treated etc. Politicians seldom live to do what is fair and right, they do it to get re-elected.

Looks ??

Have you seen what that guy looks like , is Cruz kidding that he is TRANS . This guy was a hate monger that was riled up but the right wing hate machine against anything they do hold dear . They are not good Christians , we in the USA had the right to freedom of religion what ever you believe in or not.

Dig deep into the truth instead of sharing the lies

BarbieLee's picture

The problem I see with Cruz is he bought the story the MSM is pumping out, decided to put his spin doctor bandaid on it and regurgitate it.
The guy never shot at Planed Parenthood nor anyone connected with PP. The only connection is PP happened to be in the mall the guy started from. Naturally everyone jumps to their own spin on the story before waiting for the truth. Has anyone looked at a pic of the fruit cake who was doing the shooting? I've seen ugly women knowing they were trying to be a lady and I loved them for their courage and strength. But if he's she then...,
Truthfully people, PP had nothing to do with the shooter. Guns had nothing to do with the guy being a total fruit. What I do believe is we are in the prophecies and totally wacked out cases are going to become the norm if there is such a thing for people going insane. If that wasn't bad enough everyone is going to jump to their own conclusions however their mind is bent and proclaim, "see, that's the reason we need to...?" Frame your own desires, demons, so they fit the narrative. Find the truth and stop sharing the spin. You want fairy tales, read the stories on BC and share those.
Lie to the government and go to prison.
Gov passed a law with the NDAA it is okay to lie to the public now. Don't believe? Google it.
Seek the truth. It's getting harder to find every day. We joined Mulder and the X Files.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Andrea Lena's picture

Dear also apparently attempted to fix his voter registration form, which required submitting a “Change in Voter Registration Information” form to the Park County Clerk and Recorder’s Office. His registration was not adjusted, however, because the dot in the “male” box — “a small dark spot” — was so faint that a deputy clerk concluded it was not an intentional mark...

Cruz’s campaign suggested Monday that his comment was simply a reference to how little information was available about Dear at the time. That doesn’t change the fact that many conservatives used the rumor to further demonize transgender people as threats to public safety.



To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena