Stories without endings. I live in a city with a major state university. Listening to my scanner today there was a call for a welfare check. People were reporting a girl on the parking garage at the union that seemed out of it. She wouldn't respond to people and she had 'an odd look in her eyes'.
The university police responded to the garage and the first one on the scene reported she was standing on the top rail of the top deck of the garage. A fall from there would be three stories down to concrete.
Fortunately, she responded to the officer and climbed down. By that time a counselor from university counseling was there. A short time later she was taken to the local hospital. Happy ending, right?
But I have to wonder. What brought her to that point? Was it the steady drip, drip, drip of problems or was she hit with something that overwhelmed her totally? I'll never know the end to this story. Does she get the help she needs? Will she come out of this a better, more grounded person? I hope so, nobody should be taken to the point of no return. It happens, a lot. There are many stories out there and not all have happy endings.