You remember all that fighting I went through to get my drugs covered by my work even though that had been promised from the day I was hired, and they finally told me they got it fixed?
Well, I tried it out today, and my wonderful drug plan saved me a grand total of under 2 dollars on a 45 dollar refill of my estrogen gel.
Can I pull my hair out now?
I can not like, nor love this news!
Sending Dots lot's of Huggles! Talia
I imagine you can
The question is do you want to?
Before you start pulling hair out ...
(1) Check the insurance company's "formulary" ... list of drugs covered and their "tiers". Tier: category of coverage; varies from very low copay to very high copay to not covered. Very likely, this specific drug & vendor combination is not in a favorable tier.
(2) Discuss with your physician alternative medicines, either similar medicines or generics. There are often more than one medicine which addresses the condition and their difference in effectiveness can be very small. Generics tend to fall in a much more favorable tier for coverage, even though they contain the same active ingredients.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.