I know that comments about the Daily Mail newspaper tend to be somewhat non-supportive, however I feel that the article featuring India Willoughby (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3997244/We-changin...) is helpful.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I know that comments about the Daily Mail newspaper tend to be somewhat non-supportive, however I feel that the article featuring India Willoughby (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3997244/We-changin...) is helpful.
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Well written
Personally, I agree with most of what Ms. Willoughby had to say. It was thoughtful, coming from an older person who has looked at the trans problems for a lifetime. I can answer one of her questions. 'Why are we lumped in with the LBG+T ?' Because T is the smallest minority. Alone they were gaining nothing in understanding and help despite the abnormal suicide rate. Thus they (meaning a few) agreed to join the LBG community for the larger financial and political clout that group had.
It didn't work out well. So many stories of the LBG agreeing to political pressure to leave T out of any laws of inclusion as politicians claimed the LBG could get a law for equality passed if the Ts were left off. Everyone readily agreed to the exclusion of the smallest minority in many laws of equality. God those early years were heart rending. I mean who the hell cares about a few freaks complaining about how they are treated, medically, personally, socially, medically, politically. Let them complain all they want. They were labeled mental by the doctors who studied them. The smallest minority is mental and damn few in numbers, had no political clout. The news people hated them and made fun of them. Any mention of a person being trans usually ran with the most misfit picture the media could find to include with the story. One of the early ones, Christine Jorgenson a very beautiful lady, was G.I. Joe, Bubba in a dress. One would never see the real her unless you met her.
Ladies, you still have a long road ahead being accepted. As the article said, it takes tons of money, year or years of jumping through the hoops, and giving the right answers before one can receive any kind of help. Some nations are beginning to accept if one wants an operation and ponies up the financial means then, "Please lay down on the table Sir. I promise you will be a New Woman when you wake up, Ma'am."
I like what one Norwegian doctor said. "The world is hung up on sex is the problem."
May God give His blessing to those who received the wrong mind in the wrong body on His life assembly line.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Two words. Barney Frank. The man didn't . . . and seemingly still doesn't understand a moral imperative when he sees it. His "compromise" in 2007 set back the T movement nearly a decade.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Femail or Mail
I find the Mail and it's Femail section meets my requirements. I don't buy the Mail everyday but find as a newspaper it's a good balance to the views and bias of BBC television that seems to have worsened this last 12 months. This article was interesting and should have educated a lot of its readers. I like quite a few newspapers but this is always the one that sells out first in my area. I'm not a lover of Loose Women but fair play to them. I may watch the programme in i-player or Catch Up TV to see if their guest was treated as they treat other guests. I think people are a lot more educated these days about transgender and cross-dressing and the Mail reaches out to a lot more people than the programme that has it's fan base and I doubt that it is watched by a high % of men. I missed this edition of the Mail so thanks for the posting.
Back in the day...
The Mail was regarded as almost left of centre and the Express just right of centre.
Nowadays? As I see it, both publications have moved a long way to the right. The almost daily rants about BREXIT and Europe has even peed off my 94year old mother who was a long term reader. She actually worked for the Mail between 1948-51!
The one thing that seems NOT to have changed is the Femail section. AFAIK, it is that part that gets around 50% of their on-line visitors. However the ever increasing devotion to the 'Cult of Celeb' has turned me away from even that part of the paper. I guess they cater for the apparent majority of women just can't get through a day without knowing in minute detail what the likes of the Kardashians are doing almost every minute of the day????
If I do buy a 'dead tree' edition paper these days, it is the 'I'.