I seem to be almost over the Shingles attack now. I finished the anti-virals (Aciclovir) yesterday but I still have to put some ointment in my right eye, which remains slightly inflamed.
I have scabs all over my right forehead and reaching way into the hairline almost to the top of my skull on the right side. I can feel them but I can't see them, of course. I have managed to wash my hair twice since this all started, it is doable if I just use a light touch with the pads of my fingertips. That's how I know the scabs are there. I don't know how long it will take for them all to fall off but they don't itch too much yet.
My eyesight is still a little on the long side and I'm still juggling glasses. Having the ointment in five times a day doesn't help either. I suspect that once all this settles down, I'm going to have to fork out for all new spectacles. Fun.
On Wednesday I have a regular Renal Clinic appointment during which the latest incident will no doubt be chewed over. What this whole business will have done to my kidneys I don't know but it probably won't be good. I'll let you all know. I will also have to have the eye checked over but since that is a walk-in-and-wait session I might just leave that to another day.
In writing terms I have done very little since this all began two weeks ago. I haven't really been able to sit at the computer (or watch TV) since then without some discomfort. Poor Julia is awaiting pronouncements from on high and Milsy has been sadly neglected. Unfortunately responding to both requires a certain amount of reading (=research) which is why the delay.
I hope to be back in harness by the end of the coming week but a lot can happen in a week.
Thank you all for your forebearance.
Keep a look out for complications later.
The inflammation in your eye sounds a lot like what I had going on when I had shingles in the same area. I had to put ointment in my eye for sometime to clear up the infection. That infection resulted in my iris flaking off the color and those flakes jamming the iris so it didn't work properly.
I didn't notice the problem until I went in for my DOT physical and the doctor noticed it and sent me back to my optometrist. The treatment for that consisted of a week's worth of twice daily industrial strength dilation drop in the effort get my iris to open fully and allow the flaked color to drop out. While somewhat successful, it didn't return full function of the iris. It is still sluggish in adjusting to bright light.
My prescription on my glasses didn't change.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I have had some experience with long term IV and oral acyclovir
treatment. My doctor told me to increase fluid intake so that the acyclovir wouldn't precipitate out in the kidneys and create a sludge. I hope your checkup goes well.
Also, my aunt had a shingles outbreak near her eye and later had some retinal damage in that eye, so you might want to look out for that. The retinal damage could have been coincidence due to genetics, as my dad and his sisters had the same retinal problems as they got older (recently became treatable with medication).
Just saying. I don't want to worry you or influence you to do something you don't need. I believe you are an intelligent person that will do their own research to determine what is right for you.
Glad to hear..
O am glad to hear that you might have the worst period behind you by now and can start looking ahead again. Just two months left till the equinox and then summer is just around the corner. Wish you a continued quick healing and very much welcome back to all your readers around the globe.