I just wanted to let those who were following my story, and some who were upset for the break, what was going on. i didn't want to say anything before hand, maybe I was afraid to jinx anything or maybe I was just afraid to mention it who knows. They psyche is pretty twisted on the best of days.
I'm currently in Mississippi where I just had a custody hearing yesterday in an effort to retain custody of my oldest daughter(17y.o.) and get custody of my middle girl(16y.o.). Both want to live with me, even though I've openly been in transition for almost 4 years (next month is 4yeah anniversary). Due to situations and peoples perceptions I have been unable to retain an attorney who would be willing to take my case here, so its been a solo battle for me since May of this year. Due to their mothers anger issues (directed at me) and the distance between us (she lives in MS and I reside in FL) her anger had been directed at my oldest two, primarily because they are my two biggest supporters.
I received custody of my oldest in July, and yesterdays hearing was so that I could "defend" myself for having custody of her. Thankfully her GPA this last semester was a 3.76 compared to last years 2.8. While I didn't get my middle, we have been rescheduled after the current school year to rehear my arguments.
Again, sorry for the break. Once I drive my semi frozen behind back to FL, I hope to start back to writing here in a few days.
Wishing you all the best.
Rebecca Jane C.
That is a positive! My prayers are with you that you can get custody of your other daughter!
Glad for mostly good news
and praying that the rest of the custody issues go your way as well
Love, Andrea Lena
for your partial win. That the girls are in your corner, and prefer you as custodial parent, speaks positive volumes about you. I think over age 14 the childs preference should be prime consideration in placement (presuming its not driven purely by who is most permissive.) Part of my divource agreement was that our then 15 yr old daughter could choose custodial parent.
Here is a hint
NEVER apologize for putting your family first hun. you take all the time you need, they need their PARENT, not just someone involved in their birth, and that is obviously YOU. just because someone has a child does NOT make them a parent, just that they were "victims" of biology.
Teresa L.
Hoping things go well for you
In the ongoing battle to have your middle daughter be able to live with you full time.
The fact that your eldest daughter is doing MUCH better with you than she had been before that should be in your favour.
I also hope that you can find someone willing to help you with your legal problems, going it alone is darn rough on a person.
The question is why
Why do the children get put in a position where they can't choose at an age of being young adults an knowing what they want. Does your ex know that she is creating a future problem for herself by doing this to the girls who want to be with you, this will come back at her in less than 2 years when the 16 year old will be 18 and no longer in the court system
Family First
Family First Rebecca
They have to be as they are your strength and anchor also a burden at times
Your Girls give you the support and understand to help you be you
The story can wait as their are other more pressing and important things to focus on
Take care Rebecca