Feeling somewhat worn out

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It's been a rather busy two weeks or so for me. Seventeen days, seven stories or chapters posted here in that time span.

I can't recall ever expending as much energy in writing as I have over that period.

The four pieces of Home Is Where The Heart Is that I've posted took about 34 hours total to write, proof and post. I spent LONGER than that just on the prologue to No Place To Call Home, which I finally managed to post earlier today. Then another idea smacks me upside the head this evening, and a new story is born; this one was quick, 90 minutes to write, proof and post the initial piece.

The odd part for me has been the fact that it has been a LONG time since I had ideas pop up like this, one after another. The last time something like this happened was when I had a poetry writing streak in 2004 and 2005, I wrote something like twenty or thirty poems in about fourteen months. If I could remember where I put them in my apartment, I'd happily to post them here, but I'd have to find them first.

I'm not used to my mind being so productive again. It looks like this time will be even crazier than the poems.

It's not that I don't enjoy the writing. When the thoughts start flowing, I get very caught up in it, and it's damn hard to stop.



A muse, is like the curse "may you live in interesting times". It can be interesting fun, but it can also be trying at times.

Re: Muse

I'll agree with that. I had about five hours of sleep today before my muse woke up and started jabbering at me. LOL

I'm currently putting down the first scribblings in a glossary and dictionary for Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow. Behind that I have the bare bones of some parts of the prophecy that is briefly mentioned in Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 is itching to get out as well!

I should also say here that I will need to figure out a basic map for the world she finds herself in. All that I know for sure at this point is that the world has Four Great Lands (full continents) and Five Isles (of varying sizes, but none as large as the smallest continent). These lands and isles are mentioned in the prophecy, so having a map to be able to show the places involved is a must.

It's a wee bit amusing that I'm swinging from twelve or more hours of sleep a day to suddenly being lucky to get five or six. I guess I should be happy that I'm managing to get some sleep when my muse lets me have a break. LOL


Daphne Xu's picture

... and my sympathies. They say that creativity has to be exercised. (Okay, I say it.) You certainly have been exercising yours. Also, when one starts having ideas and writing them down, more and more ideas come to her.

Let's see... If the prologue is half a novel length, then the main story is probably...

I hope you can find your old poetry.

-- Daphne Xu


I have to agree with the idea that having ideas and using them can often spawn new ideas, round and round, ad nauseam.

The muse woke me up about four hours ago, I tried hard to get back to sleep, but she would have none of it.

So I finally crawled out of my bed a couple of hours back, added a few small bits and pieces to the Glossary & Dictionary for Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow, then got down to more serious work. I posted Chapter 2 of that story about fifteen minutes ago.

I'd like to find my poetry, too, but I have to remember where I put it first, and so far, no luck on that!