So, I'm writing several little one-shot stories at once here, and my naga one (finally)
But I have a question related to what is probably my most controversial story, and I'd like some feedback. If anyone wants to discuss this question further with me, please PM me as I'd be more than eager to hear your personal thoughts or whatnot.
So the idea for this was drawn from those REALLY offensive 'tough love' or 'christian intervention' camps. The kind that kidnap a kid with parental consent and drag them off to god knows where, sometimes different countries to 'set them straight'. I've read a lot of horror stories about these places and to this day I still don't understand why parents are okay with sending their kid out with a bunch of strangers.
The storyline would be based around this...but with some tg and moral differences. First off, our protagonist was sent there after raping a girl at a party, they were drunk but he still did it, more than that he has been humiliating and embarrassing his family for years now with this kind of out-of-control behavior.
The girl's family promised not to press charges if he was sent to this mystery TG camp for rapists, it was also run by the boy's aunt. All of this is important.
Now for some notes:
The parents are ENTIRELY aware of what is going on at this camp, nothing that happened to the protagonist was a shock or surprise in any way.
Both the Mother and the Aunt were raped by their grandfather when they were young, their grandmother knew about it and said and did nothing. The grandfather died before any justice could be delivered.
The boy was sent to this camp for 2 years, he was 17 when he left and 19 when she returned. Her first year was spent being feminized and transformed as well as being psychologically and emotionally broken down, in a manner not dissimilar to what marines do to new recruits.
The second year, when she was 18, was spent working at a topless bar where she was sexually harassed, though never raped, by the customers. All the money earned was then sent to her victim after the year.
Though feminized, she was never forced to undergo SRS, and she was psychologically monitored to watch for suicidal tendencies.
Since returning she has changed, dramatically and not entirely for the better. Quiet, withdrawn, distrustful and distanced from her family, and not making any strides to reconnect, in fact she's making every attempt to further distance herself from them.
Both the Aunt and Mother admit they may have gone overboard with this, as they were motivated in part by their own experiences and now are uncertain what the future of their relationship with their daughter/niece will be, if anything.
My question to you is, if you were in the place of the mother/aunt would you have gone through with this plan as opposed to sending your offspring to jail, or would you have done something else?
If you were the protagonist, returned from 2 years of this, how would you feel, what would you think and how would you act? What would you want to do?
tough questions
As a parent I think it would be best to give the son a with all it entails or jail and the same. Given that jail would probably be in most ways the worst option or at least would seem so on the surface I would guess most guys would choose the camp. Also if you make the protagonist choose the camp then he will feel at least partly responsible for whatever happens to him there.
It would be hard to say what the protagonist would would depend on how thorough the camp training was and what methods were used. Would the protagonist see being a woman as a way to have some power and control over their lives or as a punishment and daily humiliation they have to live with. Would the see the time in the bar as liberating and adventurous or humiliating and demeaning?
Would he/she learn empathy towards others who she deems weaker than herself or would she just become more angry and bitter.
The way you describe it, this camp sounds more like a revenge camp than a rehabilitation environment, so I doubt the lessons would be truly beneficial in nature.
My personal guess is that it would backfire horrendously and ultimately whether immediately or somewhere down the road the protagonist would have a meltdown and do something even worse than the initial crime. My bet would be this would be a good way to make a serial killer.
Tough question indeed
I say, as the author, take it in the direction that resonates with you. No one knows the characters better.
History is filled with heinous acts being committed for allegedly moral purposes. Drowning witches, burning heritics alive, the spanish inquisition, all allegedly to 'purify' the victim (by torturing them to death) so that they might achieve 'salvation in the afterlife'.
Even less draconian examples... Christian Scientists who deny their children medical care, considering illness a 'test of faith', or Jehovah's Witnesses who might deny their child a life saving transfusion on religious grounds.
Human history is not just filled with acts of evil, it is also filled with acts of profoundly misguided 'tough love'.
All actions have consequences. Many unexpected. Many surprisingly conflicted or outright contrary to the original intent.
Find the truth in your story, however difficult that truth may be. Then sell us on it. :-)
No, Betrayed
No, I would never do what the mother and aunt did. Two wrongs don't make a right. He deserves punishment for raping the girl, no doubt about that. But this is child abuse and kidnapping. The child abuse comes about because he was a minor when taken. The mother may have given legal permission for this, as she could do because he is a minor. But at 18 he is considered an adult. At that point he is being restrained against his will. Various assault charges are possible also. Granting that prison isn't much at rehabilitation, this "camp" is no rehabiliation at all. They are not rehabilitating him, they are attempting to destroy his mind and rebuild it in what they consider a more acceptable mindset. There has to be a violation of at least several rules of the Geneva Convention.
How do they expect him to feel? He was kidnapped with his mother's assent and subjected to brutal torture. The only thing he knows for certainty is there is nobody he can trust. Is he being monitored for suicide attempts after his release? Because he is a prime candidate. It takes a strong person to exist without a person he can trust, and knowing the people he should be able to trust, his family, put him into this situation. Like I said, it takes a strong person to survive, but the one thing we know is that he is no longer a strong person. They destroyed his mind, is the one they put in place going to be any stronger? I think not.
Look, I feel very strongly about rapists, child molesters, and the like. I don't know the solution to it, that punishes the perpetrator while turning out a rehabilitated individual at the end. Quite obviously our society hasn't either. But this is not it. This is a monstrosity of gigantic proportions. I submit that the people doing this have surrendered any claim to humanity.
PS: Where is Stark when we need her?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Definitely tough questions
If I were the mother or aunt, I would not send a child to a camp like that, and I know what jail is like, no thanks, sending him to jail or prison would make things worse, not better. If I did anything, I'd have the court system sentence him to community service, say 500 hours or so, and the service would have to be helping people who have been abused, could be taking call-ins on an abuse hotline, could be serving meals in a home for abused/likely to be abused teenage mothers, there are lots of possibilities out there.
If I were the protagonist, and had just gone through something like that, I'd be avoiding the mother and aunt like they had the plague. With family members like that, why would she need enemies? Trusting other members of the family would likely be rather difficult.
What I find interesting is that I will very soon be starting a new story, to be called No Place To Call Home. In this story, young males are kidnapped from villages, towns and cities in southern England and taken to the house where most of the action/story takes place. There, things go from maybe bad to "holy fuck, what's going on?" pretty fast, and the indoctrination begins.
I intend the story to take place over a roughly three year period, from the beginning of 2014 to the present. This will allow the bad guys to pick off new victims periodically to add to the ones already there, each new boy going through the process of indoctrination.
I don't intend it to be pretty, in fact at times it will be quite the opposite, but then, it will be a forced femme story, forced being the key word.
What makes it really weird for me is that I often find forced femme stories hard to read, yet I'm about to start writing one. *shakes head*
ooh that sounds dark and
ooh that sounds dark and depressing.
WEll if it matters, I intend to have my protag sort of one up her family in this.
I think this would drive he
I think this would drive he/she to be a shopping mall shooter or a Miss Whiteman at the top of the clock tower .
what would really be funny
would be if he was originally intended to go to a disciplinary camp like that camp in the movie Holes and got sent to a how to accept your TG identity camp instead...and he decided to pretend to be TG for the less strict camp...I know, completely different from your original story, but it just hit that it would be hilarious if he found himself stuck in TG camp because if he tried to escape or whatever he would wind up in jail.
Moral Questions... Possible answers.
I think you need to evaluate from the Mother's perspective. Has the camp worked? Did the aunt have to convince the mother, was it the mother's idea, or did she approve willingly. The aunt is obviously on board, its her camp. If the mother is hardened/hurt then she may act out of spite or pain and probably would go with sending her to be feminized son to camp. If she had resolved her issues she'd see it more logically, the camp's practices have to have had a track record of "success" for her to be in favor of the idea. Absent a track record, I think the mother would not if she has resolved her issues of being molested and would have to be convinced or coerced.
As for the feminized son. How she sees herself (reluctant female or accepting female) after camp and how she feels about her treatment (repentant or recalcitrant) at the bar would determine how she would feel towards her relatives:
Accepting-Repentant, she'd be less hostile but still many not want anything to do with them, she may have the 'I just want to move on with my life perspective.' She goes on with her life... Scarred, but more or less happy...
Accepting-Recalcitrant, perhaps she begins to see herself as a woman then becomes traumatized at the injustice of having to be objectified. She'd probably feel violated and betrayed and probably learns feminization as a method of manipulation. She'd probably be looking to use her sexuality as a means of manipulation...
Reluctant-Repentant, She would be hurt that she was violated and made to be a woman but sees her time at the bar as her penance. most likely to go back to a 'normal' male persona.
Reluctant-Recalcitrant... Katy bar the doors, she's out for revenge...
Hope this helps!
Rape is rape however
You state it fook place when both were drunk so it was not premeditated, yes in our society the onus is on the male to make sure that there is full consent, but unless he was a true monster and not just awkward and rebelious (in a girl it would be called spirited) then it would not happen again, take him to court maybe serve the time and unless he were tried as an adult instead of a minor come out of it still reasonably intact, the feminisation alternative why? Unless he had ever shown sighns of being transgender then it would be a true horror story, the rape was not planed and was over with, his ordeal was premeditated and vicious, no way could he come out better, is the fdminisation permanent or reversible if the drugs are stopped if so maybe an interesting story for his way back to manhood either way mom and aunt have lost him, all the tear and begging for forgiveness on their part won't work, unlike a previous commentator I don't think their would be a previous history of this working rather a number of failed attempts with the aunt going all out with her nephew this time just to try to prove a disregarded theory something like the doctor who convinced parents whose son who had severe damage to his penis to raise him as a girl with disastrous consequences, anyway i see there have been no posts for a while so I don't think this will go further